"Spoiler/BatGirl"@es . . "Stephanie Brown"@pl . . "Stephanie Brown"@es . . . . . "Pirate; Sniper"@en . . . "Sutefan\u012B Buraun"@en . "6"^^ . . . . . "270"^^ . "Detective Comics #647"@en . . . "Stephanie Brown by\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 Cluemastera, jednego z trzeciorz\u0119dnych przest\u0119pc\u00F3w w Gotham City. Ojciec wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 jej dzieci\u0144stwa sp\u0119dza\u0142 w wi\u0119zieniu lub z dala od rodziny. Gdy wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do Gotham \"zrehabilitowany\" wydawa\u0107 by si\u0119 mog\u0142o, \u017Ce spok\u00F3j wreszcie zawita w rodzinie Brown\u00F3w. Tak si\u0119 jednak nie sta\u0142o - Artur wr\u00F3ci\u0142 szybko do przest\u0119pczych interes\u00F3w i zostawia\u0142 \u015Blad po ka\u017Cdej zbrodni. Stephanie wpad\u0142a w furi\u0119 z tego powodu i stwierdzi\u0142a, \u017Ce co\u015B trzeba zrobi\u0107 z przest\u0119pczymi nawykami ojca."@pl . . . "Stephanie Brown"@en . . "Stephanie Brown"@en . . . "\u30B9\u30C6\u30D5\u30A1\u30CB\u30FC\u30D6\u30E9\u30A6\u30F3"@en . . . . "Detective Comics #647"@es . . "Gran acr\u00F3bata."@es . . . "Stephanie Brown by\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 Cluemastera, jednego z trzeciorz\u0119dnych przest\u0119pc\u00F3w w Gotham City. Ojciec wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 jej dzieci\u0144stwa sp\u0119dza\u0142 w wi\u0119zieniu lub z dala od rodziny. Gdy wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do Gotham \"zrehabilitowany\" wydawa\u0107 by si\u0119 mog\u0142o, \u017Ce spok\u00F3j wreszcie zawita w rodzinie Brown\u00F3w. Tak si\u0119 jednak nie sta\u0142o - Artur wr\u00F3ci\u0142 szybko do przest\u0119pczych interes\u00F3w i zostawia\u0142 \u015Blad po ka\u017Cdej zbrodni. Stephanie wpad\u0142a w furi\u0119 z tego powodu i stwierdzi\u0142a, \u017Ce co\u015B trzeba zrobi\u0107 z przest\u0119pczymi nawykami ojca. Niestety Stephanie dowiedzia\u0142a si\u0119, \u017Ce jest w ci\u0105\u017Cy z ch\u0142opakiem, kt\u00F3ry uciek\u0142 z Gotham po kataklizmie trz\u0119sienia ziemi. Robin pod fa\u0142szywym imieniem zabra\u0142 j\u0105 do szko\u0142y rodzenia i podczas tych wydarze\u0144 dw\u00F3jka jeszcze bardziej si\u0119 do siebie zbli\u017Cy\u0142a. Ch\u0142opak wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do niej, gdy rodzi\u0142a, i mimo , \u017Ce si\u0119 przeprowadzi\u0142, to para sp\u0119dzi\u0142a kilka mi\u0142ych chwil razem. Z pomoc\u0105 Robina Spoiler pogodzi\u0142a si\u0119 z faktem, \u017Ce musi odda\u0107 swoje dziecko do adopcji. Wtedy ojciec Robina postanowi\u0142 wys\u0142a\u0107 go do szko\u0142y z internatem. Pogorszy\u0142o to zwi\u0105zek \u00F3w pary, gdy\u017C dziewczyna nadal nie zna\u0142a prawdziwej to\u017Csamo\u015Bci bohatera."@pl . "Stephanie Brown, a popular fictional character of DC comics, was originally intended to appear in Smallville: Season Eleven's storyline Detective, as Batman's sidekick, Nightwing."@en . . . . "Stephanie Brown"@es . . . "Moment\u00E1neamente Birds of Prey"@es . "Excelentes habilidades de sigilo."@es . "Gran peleadora."@es . . "Stealth Abilities"@en . . . "Batgirl"@en . . "--10-12"^^ . "Chuck Dixon"@es . . . . . . . . "Stephanie Brown, a popular fictional character of DC comics, was originally intended to appear in Smallville: Season Eleven's storyline Detective, as Batman's sidekick, Nightwing."@en . "N/A"@es . . . . "Formerly:"@en . "8"^^ . . "????"@en . . "Stephanie Brown es la hija de Cluemaster. Cuando Tim Drake se ve obligado a abandonar el manto de Robin, Steph toma su lugar, pero su desesperacion por ser aceptada termin\u00F3 llev\u00E1ndola al borde de la muerte. M\u00E1s tarde, Cassandra Ca\u00EDn decidi\u00F3 pasarle el manto de Batgirl a Stephanie."@es . "Tom Lyle"@es . "Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City's third-rate villains. Stephanie's father spent most of her childhood in prison or away from the family, and though he claimed to be \"rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham\", Stephanie was furious to discover that he was actually returning to crime without his need to leave clues behind. She decided something needed to be done. Stephanie tailored a costume for herself, and called herself the Spoiler. She knew where her father was hiding out, found out his plans, and left clues so that the police and Batman could stop him. Robin (Tim Drake) tracked her down, and she joined in on the capturing of Cluemaster. She also became attracted to Robin, and it annoyed her that he knew her identity but she did not know his."@en . . . "Stephanie Brown"@en . . . "Stephanie Brown es la hija de Cluemaster. Cuando Tim Drake se ve obligado a abandonar el manto de Robin, Steph toma su lugar, pero su desesperacion por ser aceptada termin\u00F3 llev\u00E1ndola al borde de la muerte. M\u00E1s tarde, Cassandra Ca\u00EDn decidi\u00F3 pasarle el manto de Batgirl a Stephanie."@es . "Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City's third-rate villains. Stephanie's father spent most of her childhood in prison or away from the family, and though he claimed to be \"rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham\", Stephanie was furious to discover that he was actually returning to crime without his need to leave clues behind. She decided something needed to be done. Stephanie tailored a costume for herself, and called herself the Spoiler. She knew where her father was hiding out, found out his plans, and left clues so that the police and Batman could stop him. Robin (Tim Drake) tracked her down, and she joined in on the capturing of Cluemaster. She also became attracted to Robin, and it annoyed her that he knew her identity but she did not know his."@en . . "Stephanie Brown"@en . . .