"*Tau'ri\n**Alternate Atlantis expedition\n**First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team"@en . . "In Atlantis' control room, the Daedalus' IFF was detected, indicating that the ship was in close proximity to the planet. However, the Daedalus was supposed to be on Earth at the time. Because of this, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's team was sent up to the ship to, via Puddle Jumper, to investigate. Upon their arrival, they discovered the ship was actually from an alternate reality and used an Alternate reality drive to get to its current location. The ship had been continuously jumping between realities and then did so again shortly after their arrival. The second reality that the team jumped into was where this battle was taking place. (SGA: \"The Daedalus Variations\")"@en . . "*1 Unknown Alien flagship\n*Unknown Alien Fighters"@en . . "2008"^^ . "*Tau'ri\n**Alternate Atlantis Expedition\n**AT-1"@en . . . "When they jumped to their second reality they saw an Unknown Alien ship firing down upon Atlantis. Sheppard then ordered McKay to get the Asgard Weapons online for they could help the alternate Atlantis. Once McKay got the Asgard weaponry working they fired upon the Unknown alien ship twice, knocking out it's main weaponry. The ship, however, then sent out fighters towards the Daedalus. Sheppard quickly tries to give Ronon a quick lesson in using the Railguns. While Ronon is attempting to shoot down the fighters, Sheppard attempted to pilot the Daedalus away. While Ronon is firing against the incoming fighters they continue to fire upon the Daedalus, easily penetrating it's weakened shields, causing damage all throughout the ship and inside the drive room where McKay cowers down to avoid t"@en . "In Atlantis' control room, the Daedalus' IFF was detected, indicating that the ship was in close proximity to the planet. However, the Daedalus was supposed to be on Earth at the time. Because of this, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's team was sent up to the ship to, via Puddle Jumper, to investigate. Upon their arrival, they discovered the ship was actually from an alternate reality and used an Alternate reality drive to get to its current location. The ship had been continuously jumping between realities and then did so again shortly after their arrival. The second reality that the team jumped into was where this battle was taking place. (SGA: \"The Daedalus Variations\")"@en . . . . "Unknown conflict with Unknown Aliens"@en . "*Unknown"@en . "*Unknown Aliens"@en . "*An Alternate Daedalus with Alternate reality drive\n*An Alternate Atlantis with F-302 fighter-interceptors"@en . "-302.0"^^ . . . . . . "When they jumped to their second reality they saw an Unknown Alien ship firing down upon Atlantis. Sheppard then ordered McKay to get the Asgard Weapons online for they could help the alternate Atlantis. Once McKay got the Asgard weaponry working they fired upon the Unknown alien ship twice, knocking out it's main weaponry. The ship, however, then sent out fighters towards the Daedalus. Sheppard quickly tries to give Ronon a quick lesson in using the Railguns. While Ronon is attempting to shoot down the fighters, Sheppard attempted to pilot the Daedalus away. While Ronon is firing against the incoming fighters they continue to fire upon the Daedalus, easily penetrating it's weakened shields, causing damage all throughout the ship and inside the drive room where McKay cowers down to avoid the explosions. Ronon continues to shot into the fighters and finally hits own of their engines, causing the fighter to spiral out of control and crash into the Daedalus. The impact from the fighter combined with the shots from the other fighter knock out the Daedalus' sublight engines along with causing a hull breach. In an attempt to flee the losing battle, McKay puts into affect several protocols to increase the efficiency of the alternate reality drive. This causes them to jump to the next alternate reality much sooner. His plan succeeds and the Daedalus quickly jumps out of the battle. In the next reality, though, they discover that the pilot of the fighter that had crashed into them had boarded the ship. After a quick skirmish with Sheppard and Ronon they eventually kill it. With McKay's next plan to reverse the path they have traveled so far, the team learns that they will be plunged back into the reality with the Unknown Aliens. When they jump back into the hostile reality they find the alien ship right behind them. It quickly launches fighters towards them once they arrive. McKay gets the sub-light engines back online right before the fighters get in weapons range. They attempt to run from the alien ship but it gains on them. The fighters open fire on the Daedalus and quickly knock out it's sub-light engines for good. Ronon attempts to return fire but eventually loses his temper and begins to bang on the console. Suddenly a new side appears and begins to fire upon the alien fighers. F-302s from the alternate Atlantis arrive and begin to pick off the unknown aliens. The alternate Colonel Sheppard thanks them for taking out the flagship's main weapons telling of how that saved them. As the unknown alien fighters are being destroyed, one of them begins a crash course towards the Daedalus's bridge. Ronon attempts to fire at it but cannot hit it. Right before it hits the front window the alternate Sheppard takes it out causing some debris to hit the window but it holds. After the alien fighters are defeated, Sheppard has a short conversation with his alternate self and they finally jump away into the first alternate reality. They decide to make their way down to the hanger to get ready to leave the ship with the final jump. As McKay opens a door, they meet with more unknown aliens. One of them fires and hits McKay in the shoulder. Sheppard and Ronon quickly move in take out the remaining aliens. As the last one fall they hear a beeping noise coming from a thermal grenade that was dropped. They then quickly run back out from where they came and dive out of the explosion."@en . "Battle of M35-117"@en . "*Several Unknown Aliens and Unknown Alien Fighters"@en . "*Lt. Colonel John Sheppard\n*Alternate Lt. Colonel John Sheppard"@en . "Tau'ri victory"@en . . "In orbit of M35-117"@en . "*Colonel Sheppard\n*Alternate Colonel Sheppard"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Battle of M35-117"@en .