. "Direct"@en . . . "Charles III was the King-Emperor of the British Empire at the end of the 20th century. His titles included King of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, the North American Union, Australia, and New Zealand, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India and the African Possessions, Lord of Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus, and Protector of the Ottomans, the Chinese and the Hawaiians. He was targeted for assassination by the Sons of Liberty separatist group during his visit to the NAU which began on 16 August 1995. The first attack attempt came shortly after Charles arrived in Victoria when Lt. General Sir Horace Bragg of the Royal American Mounted Police attempted to shoot the king-emperor. Bragg was stopped by his fellow RAMs Thomas Bushell and Samuel Stanley, with an assist from Charles himself. A second plan involved the Sons planting a bomb in the famous painting The Two Georges, and setting it off while Charles gave a speech with the painting as a backdrop. Bushell deduced the painting had been booby-trapped, and thwarted this plan as well. For their actions, Charles knighted both Bushell and Stanley."@en . . . . . . . . "Charles III of Britain"@en . . . "Late 20th century"@en . "King-Emperor of Britain and her Empire"@en . . . . "Charles III of Britain (The Two Georges)"@en . . . . "Charles III was the King-Emperor of the British Empire at the end of the 20th century. His titles included King of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, the North American Union, Australia, and New Zealand, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India and the African Possessions, Lord of Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus, and Protector of the Ottomans, the Chinese and the Hawaiians. For their actions, Charles knighted both Bushell and Stanley."@en . . . . . . "Anglican"@en . . "Incumbent at novel's end, 1995"@en . . . . . . . . .