. . "Prison-Break-The-Conspiracy-Trailer-2 6.jpg"@en . "Turk dies in an opposide way and is bold in this scene"@en . . "Michael's mistakenly birthdate"@en . "Prison-Break-The-Conspiracy-PS3-box.jpg"@en . "255"^^ . "DefaultCAER6ZYW.jpg"@en . "Prison Break - The Conspiracy"@en . . "143895562"^^ . "Avocado Mid-black inmate , the black inmate"@en . "The light is on on the tower"@en . . . "Prisonbreak-test-1-200x125.jpg"@en . "The whole fence instead of the thread"@en . . "63290"^^ . "Prison Break - The Conspiracy (Game)/Bloopers"@en . "right"@en . . "Prisonbreakthegame.jpg"@en . "143766515"^^ . "Avacado , another black inmate the black inmate"@en . "Henry Pope without mustache and he looks younger"@en . "Sara let the door open, which should cause a riot or either could cause a riot"@en . "Prison1.jpg"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "Prisonbreaktheconspiracy 10.jpg"@en . "A train is seen in the dark! What does a train at a prison?"@en . "143839421"^^ . "No remote control!"@en . "T df5aa9af.png"@en . "Richardson and Bates visiting a prison and know where to find Tom Paxton, while never been there before"@en . . "780"^^ . "200"^^ . . "The light is out on the tower"@en . . "Tom Paxton use a ditaphone is a High Security Facility"@en . . . "Charles Westmoreland wears glasses and is bold"@en . . . "Mt8ep3.jpg"@en . "Daylor is behind Paxton, while Daylor is on the other side too"@en . "97134420100303792"^^ . "DaylorMistake.jpg"@en . . . "This article contains all the bloopers from Prison Break - The Conspiracy (Game): \n* Tom Paxton fels in to Saint Patrick. [1] \n* Geary makes rarely moves. (Saw it somewhere) \n* Sucre and Paxton are in Cell 40. In the show, all 3 of them (Lincoln, Michael and Sucre) were somewhere else, so Sucre would never being there. [2] \n* Sucre going away (while this never happened) and Sucre sealing a hole merged together. Sucre was first making a hole and then was captured. After that Roy Geary was trying to get people buying Cell 40. The events are differently in order. [3] \n* Paxton shouldn't have never buyed Cell 40 since Geary was brought away from Fox River. [4] \n* Teets can being seen clearly Tom Paxton. When Tom goes back, he doesn't recognized him (this is done so that the character in not game over). Much later in the game, Teets discovered it. [5] \n* There can be seen no leak here. \n* John Abruzzi and all the other Fox River inmates don't wear any jackets. In the game it wasn't really cold, while in the show it was. \n* John Abruzzi's men don't wear head-things. \n* Marilyn doesn't appear in any scene with Charles Westmoreland. \n* Louis Patterson mysteriousley appears after Brad Bellick is done with talking with Teets. Chapter 1 Part 3. \n* Since Jack Mannix sold John Abruzzi out, it's rarely that Michael Scofield talks about Otto Fibonacci although this is not mentioned. \n* At this video, Sara Tancredi walks along with Katie Welch. In all the other versions Katie walks with prisoners. This blooper can be seen, because of Sara's white jacket and Katie can briefly be seen. the time is from 3:48-3:50. \n* It's impossible to do remove a screw or more screws without an item as can being seen here. \n* As can be seen here: This guard can't seen Tom Paxton, while he is right in front of his eyes. \n* Some people have not mustaches in the game like Henry Pope. \n* Some Corrections Officer are talking to someone, while nobody react. It's also then unknown who they are talking to, given their purpose because of no one mentioned a name or you can't see the character to who they are talking to. \n* Theodore Bagwell, and C-Note weren't seen with the PI crew during the game, only Lincoln, Abruzzi and Michael. \n* When Sara Tancredi runs with a Corrections Officer to Charles Westmoreland who has a \"heart attack\" she left the door open while there are no guards who are protecting the door from prisoners. \n* \n* This also could making a riot because of Sara's action in the game. 3 guards are in the work place with Charles Westmoreland, while the door is open with a lot of inmates without guards. \n* Also when you walk to a guard in the dark, you're not Game Over. \n* Before and after the time Sucre is captured, he doesn't weare clothes like in the show. \n* Katie Welch walks unprotected without a guard with 2 inmates to the infirmary. \n* There can be found no shaft behind John Abruzzi and Fernando Sucre in the game, so it's impossible for Tom Paxton actually to look at them. \n* Tom Paxton can being seen here fighting with a black inmate. When he win, the other 2 black inmates are walking the way where Scofield and C-Note are. However when they the conversation with Scofield and C-Note is over, the 2 black inmates walk again the way in where Scofield and C-Note were. \n* He can hear things from above, but then should the sound being very hard. \n* Michael Scofield looked to the front yard, but there are only a few people there. This is a different as in the show. \n* Henry Pope looks completely different then he was suppose to be. He has not a mustache and he looks younger. \n* A Correction Officer looks above where he can see Tom Paxton. However he sees here not Tom Paxton making him that not GAME OVER. This can be seen at 3:10. [6] \n* When Tom Paxton is going to the roof, a man talks to the General. [7] However one of the 2 men doesn't appear on the map. \n* Trumpets looks really black in the game, while he's not really black at all in the game. In other scenes, he isn't that black. \n* Brad Bellick and other guards looks at a closet, while they really can see that the closet is open. \n* Aldo Burrows had never met Charles Westmoreland in Prison Break. However in the game, they met really enough."@en . . "This article contains all the bloopers from Prison Break - The Conspiracy (Game): \n* Tom Paxton fels in to Saint Patrick. [1] \n* Geary makes rarely moves. (Saw it somewhere) \n* Sucre and Paxton are in Cell 40. In the show, all 3 of them (Lincoln, Michael and Sucre) were somewhere else, so Sucre would never being there. [2] \n* Sucre going away (while this never happened) and Sucre sealing a hole merged together. Sucre was first making a hole and then was captured. After that Roy Geary was trying to get people buying Cell 40. The events are differently in order. [3] \n* Paxton shouldn't have never buyed Cell 40 since Geary was brought away from Fox River. [4] \n* Teets can being seen clearly Tom Paxton. When Tom goes back, he doesn't recognized him (this is done so that the c"@en . .