. "Jerome Hervik"@en . . . "Jerome Hervik is the Assistant State's Attorney for Coos County, NH. He and his wife were very active in Humanity First! while they were in college. They dropped out when he began running for office. His wife travels for speaking engagements for Humanity First!, paid for through shell corporations. He has accompanied her on every trip and spoken at some events also. His attempts to get Kayda off of the Whateley Academy campus leads to her magic being sealed and her being first confined to a cell, and later having to be escorted everywhere by Loophole and a member of the Wild Pack. During Kayda's hearing, Attorney Hervik tried to use many courtroom tricks. He was frustrated by rulings from Elizabeth Carson, and objections from Loophole, Mrs. Shugendo, Janice Talbert, and others. He also tried intimidating Kayda into agreeing to a lesser crime in an attempt to get her off campus."@en . "Jerome Hervik is the Assistant State's Attorney for Coos County, NH. He and his wife were very active in Humanity First! while they were in college. They dropped out when he began running for office. His wife travels for speaking engagements for Humanity First!, paid for through shell corporations. He has accompanied her on every trip and spoken at some events also. His attempts to get Kayda off of the Whateley Academy campus leads to her magic being sealed and her being first confined to a cell, and later having to be escorted everywhere by Loophole and a member of the Wild Pack."@en .