. . . . "Hira is a native of the planet Juna and the wife of Darian. She was taken hostage by the robotic Jack O'Neill until Darian returned. Later Darian told her he believed that Cronus was a false god after he was unaware the robotic Daniel Jackson was not real. (SG1: \"Double Jeopardy\")"@en . "\"Double Jeopardy\""@en . . . "1166"^^ . . . . "Asahina Hira, an Ishiken blind Crane Clan Void Asahina, became the Keeper of Void in 1166 after he passed the challenge laid down by Rosoku. Hira was also uncle to the Keeper of Fire Kakita Tsuken. He retired as the monk Hira."@en . . . "None"@en . . . "Hira \u00E4r en kvinnlig m\u00E4nniska fr\u00E5n planeten Juna. Hon \u00E4r hustru till Darian. Hon togs som gisslan av robotic Jack O'Neill tills Darian \u00E5terv\u00E4nde. Senare Darian ber\u00E4ttade f\u00F6r henne att han trodde att Cronus var en falsk gud efter att han var omedveten av robotic Daniel Jackson inte var verklig. (SG1: \"Double Jeopardy\") Kategori:Folket av Juna Kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . . . "Jedi"@en . . . . "Hira"@en . "Hira was first settled by an alliance of extreme technophiles during the early diaspora, who attempted to keep the world a secret. Others did not discover the world until the end of the First Republic, so Zaibatsu control was never firmly established. In order to aggrevate those Zaibatsu settlements that did exist, the technopiles opened the world to general colonization by independent groups from Urth. Many people responded and occupied the best land before the Zaibatsu could assert themselves. However, a comet slammed into the jumpgated before the technophiles could create a completely self-sufficient world free of the Zaibatsu. The jumpgate shut down as a result of the comet collision and the world descended into barbarism without vital imports. War broke out between the technophiles and the other colonists, as the colonists blamed technophiles for the comet and of hiding things from them. The Technophiles were quickly vanquished by the overwhelming numbers of the colonists, who then turned to attack each other. The jumpgate reopened early in the Second Republic, but the world was uninteresting to all but scientists. The piece of jumpgate broken off by the comet was found, on the comet itself which had become trapped in orbit around the sun. House Chauki quickly claimed the world for its own sphere of influence, but limited Hazat forces from access to the world. Starting in the 38th century, trade with the Kurgans became heavy on Hira. With the aid of the local police and the Church, the Hazat were eventually able to seize control of the world, though the Kurgans opposed this. Kurgans seized the jumpgate fragment and used it to seal the gate, trapping the Hazat and preventing reinforcements. Eventually the Hazat had to surrender and the world again descended into barbarism in its isolation. The jumpgate opened again in 4327, at which time the Justus invaded, but the gate closed only a year later. The Justus did manage to establish the Andalus fief, which has survived to the present day. Assaults upon Andalus were mitigated due to the fact that the Kurgans were instead going after Vera Cruz. When Vladimir united the Empire, he wanted to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the Hira problem, but was assassinated before this could happen. After Vladimir's death, the Hazat were about the invade Hira full force but the jumpgate closed yet again. The Anadalus fief came under full assault, but by building up a strong navy and air force, and allying with House Shelit, the Hazat managed to hold out. The jumpgate opened again during the Emperor Wars and the Kurgans gave up on Andalus in favor of attacking Vera Cruz. The Hazat managed to land reinforcements on Hira despite the Kurgan pressure on Vera Cruz, thus opening up an offensive on Hira. The siege of Omala was a pivotal battle in which the Hazat claimed and held a vital spaceport with Shelit aid. With end of the Emperor Wars, the Hazat devoted their full resources to liberating Hira. By 4999, few Kurgan ships dared enter the system and Juruta came under Hazat Control. In 5000, the Girata offensive brought most of the world under Hazat rule, except for Daanyu, the Kurgan power center, and a few isolated, outlying areas. The Kurgans have resorted to using asymmetric warfare and are using it to very good effect, though they seldom have any success in set piece battles between regulars."@en . . "Female"@en . . . "Hira was a female Jedi Master during the Second Imperial Civil War. She wielded a yellow-bladed lightsaber."@en . "137"^^ . . "Asahina Hira, an Ishiken blind Crane Clan Void Asahina, became the Keeper of Void in 1166 after he passed the challenge laid down by Rosoku. Hira was also uncle to the Keeper of Fire Kakita Tsuken. He retired as the monk Hira."@en . "Hira is a young man who was a kenjutsu student at the Kamiya dojo under the tutelage of Kamiya Kaoru until the murder spree perpetrated by the false Hitokiri Batt\u014Dsai Hiruma Gohei drove him and all his peers to leave. Even after the incident had been rectified, Hira still did not return to the dojo and, roughly two weeks later, went drinking with a fellow former student Sat\u014D and began drunkenly harassing townspeople. Picking a fight with a member of the Hishimanji Guren Gang, Hira and Sat\u014D drew their practice swords and broke their opponent's arm. With Hira's shoulder also injured, the duo were ill-matched when the remaining gang members appeared for revenge and fled to the protection of the Kamiya dojo, claiming to have been the victims. However, Hira and Sat\u014D's true actions were discovered and, after the Hishimanji Guren gang was driven off, they were told to never again hold a sword in their hands and forget that they were ever students of the Kamiya dojo. Sat\u014D and Hira appeared in Act 4 of the manga, but their adventure with the Hishimanji Guren gang was left out of the anime."@en . "Un-named Asahina"@en . "*New Jedi Order\n*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances\n*Galactic Alliance Remnant"@en . "Kvinna"@sv . "Black"@en . . . . . . . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiCesarz Hira, Ostatni Cesarz Yokudy, znany g\u0142\u00F3wnie z uczestnictwa w Wojnie Pie\u015Bniarzy w kt\u00F3rej walczy\u0142 z Ansei, Pie\u015Bniarzami Miecza."@pl . . . "None, formerly Heru'ur and Cronus"@en . . "Sitt folk, Darian"@sv . . "Hira"@sv . "-"@en . "Hira was the capital city of the Plains tribe, and was considered one of the greatest cities in Deltora. In order to force the Shadow Army to fight, Adin ordered the North Bridge, a bridge that crossed the Broad River and connected Hira to the southern part of Opal territory, to be destroyed. This forced the Shadow Army to take control of Hira and its boats if they wished to continue their southern march without delay. The Battle for Deltora was subsequently fought outside the walls of Hira. After the unification of Deltora, the Shadow Lord sent its servants to infect the city with a plague of rats to drive the population away. The rat population became so massive within the city that the king at the time ordered the Broad River widened to contain them. During this time, a serpent named Reeah was discovered living in the city. The Shadow Lord gave it control over the city once the people fled, and it grew to a massive size, well-fed by rats. The Shadow Lord also placed the grey tide inside the city, should its plan concerning the Four Sisters fail."@en . . . . . . "Hira was a female Jedi Master during the Second Imperial Civil War. She wielded a yellow-bladed lightsaber."@en . . . . . . . "Capital of Opal territory"@en . . "opal"@en . . "Hira"@pl . . . . "Hira"@sv . . . . . . "City of the Rats"@en . "Hira is a native of the planet Juna and the wife of Darian. She was taken hostage by the robotic Jack O'Neill until Darian returned. Later Darian told her he believed that Cronus was a false god after he was unaware the robotic Daniel Jackson was not real. (SG1: \"Double Jeopardy\")"@en . . . . . . . "Leaders"@en . "Center of Deltora"@en . "Hira was the capital city of the Plains tribe, and was considered one of the greatest cities in Deltora. In order to force the Shadow Army to fight, Adin ordered the North Bridge, a bridge that crossed the Broad River and connected Hira to the southern part of Opal territory, to be destroyed. This forced the Shadow Army to take control of Hira and its boats if they wished to continue their southern march without delay. The Battle for Deltora was subsequently fought outside the walls of Hira."@en . "Hira is a young man who was a kenjutsu student at the Kamiya dojo under the tutelage of Kamiya Kaoru until the murder spree perpetrated by the false Hitokiri Batt\u014Dsai Hiruma Gohei drove him and all his peers to leave. Even after the incident had been rectified, Hira still did not return to the dojo and, roughly two weeks later, went drinking with a fellow former student Sat\u014D and began drunkenly harassing townspeople. Picking a fight with a member of the Hishimanji Guren Gang, Hira and Sat\u014D drew their practice swords and broke their opponent's arm. With Hira's shoulder also injured, the duo were ill-matched when the remaining gang members appeared for revenge and fled to the protection of the Kamiya dojo, claiming to have been the victims. However, Hira and Sat\u014D's true actions were discover"@en . . . . . "Several un-named"@en . . . "opal"@en . "Hira \u00E4r en kvinnlig m\u00E4nniska fr\u00E5n planeten Juna. Hon \u00E4r hustru till Darian. Hon togs som gisslan av robotic Jack O'Neill tills Darian \u00E5terv\u00E4nde. Senare Darian ber\u00E4ttade f\u00F6r henne att han trodde att Cronus var en falsk gud efter att han var omedveten av robotic Daniel Jackson inte var verklig. (SG1: \"Double Jeopardy\") Kategori:Folket av Juna Kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . . "Plains tribe"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hira (Arabic: \u062D\u0631\u0627\u0621\u200E \u1E24ir\u0101\u02BE) or the Cave of Hira (\u063A\u0627\u0631 \u062D\u0631\u0627\u0621 \u0120\u0101r \u1E24ir\u0101\u02BE) is a cave near Mecca, on the mountain named Jabal Al-N\u016Br in the Hejaz region of present day Saudi Arabia. The cave itself is about m ( ft) in length and m ( ft) in width. It is notable for being the location where Muslims believe Muhammad received his first revelations from God (Allah) through the angel Gabriel, also known as Jibreel to Muslims. Many Muslims will climb up to the cave Hira to see the place where Prophet Muhammed received the first revelation of the Qu'ran on the Night of Power."@en . . . . . . "Hira was first settled by an alliance of extreme technophiles during the early diaspora, who attempted to keep the world a secret. Others did not discover the world until the end of the First Republic, so Zaibatsu control was never firmly established. In order to aggrevate those Zaibatsu settlements that did exist, the technopiles opened the world to general colonization by independent groups from Urth. Many people responded and occupied the best land before the Zaibatsu could assert themselves. However, a comet slammed into the jumpgated before the technophiles could create a completely self-sufficient world free of the Zaibatsu."@en . "Hira (Arabic: \u062D\u0631\u0627\u0621\u200E \u1E24ir\u0101\u02BE) or the Cave of Hira (\u063A\u0627\u0631 \u062D\u0631\u0627\u0621 \u0120\u0101r \u1E24ir\u0101\u02BE) is a cave near Mecca, on the mountain named Jabal Al-N\u016Br in the Hejaz region of present day Saudi Arabia. The cave itself is about m ( ft) in length and m ( ft) in width. It is notable for being the location where Muslims believe Muhammad received his first revelations from God (Allah) through the angel Gabriel, also known as Jibreel to Muslims. Many Muslims will climb up to the cave Hira to see the place where Prophet Muhammed received the first revelation of the Qu'ran on the Night of Power."@en . . . "Hira"@en . . . . . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiCesarz Hira, Ostatni Cesarz Yokudy, znany g\u0142\u00F3wnie z uczestnictwa w Wojnie Pie\u015Bniarzy w kt\u00F3rej walczy\u0142 z Ansei, Pie\u015Bniarzami Miecza."@pl .