. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "To build either type of fusion cube the Borg had first to have built a fusion hub within the local area of space they were operating. Once the hub was developed the Collective could then select eight cubes which would place themselves in a careful formation and fuse. Tactical fusion cubes had a crew of thousands, were heavily armed and had powerful shields, making them one of the most powerful vessels in the Borg fleet. A tactical fusion cube could effortlessly repel attacks from even the most formidable opponents - easily outgunning and overpowering even a starbase."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "To build either type of fusion cube the Borg had first to have built a fusion hub within the local area of space they were operating. Once the hub was developed the Collective could then select eight cubes which would place themselves in a careful formation and fuse. Tactical fusion cubes had a crew of thousands, were heavily armed and had powerful shields, making them one of the most powerful vessels in the Borg fleet. A tactical fusion cube could effortlessly repel attacks from even the most formidable opponents - easily outgunning and overpowering even a starbase. In addition to standard beam and torpedo weaponry, tactical fusion cubes could also be adapted to operate the Borg holding beam for easy assimilation of starships and facilities and the technology assimilation beam which could target unique technologies on opponent vessels and adapt them for use by the cube. If the Borg had a technology assimilator in the area tactical fusion cubes could also implement assimilated technologies analyzed by the Borg at that facility. (ST video game: Armada II)"@en . . . "Borg tactical fusion cube"@en . . . .