. . . "Giant Horn"@en . . . . "Jurassic World: The Game"@en . "Herbivore"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Megaloceros appear in the movie Turok: Son of Stone."@en . . "540"^^ . . . . "Megaloceros is both a chariot and a scout animal unit. It can only carry one infantry unit if it is chariot unit. As a scout animal unit, it is ridden by an infantry unit to spy on the player's enemies or to boost his army's strength in combat."@en . . . . "Middle Pleistocene to early Holocene epoch"@en . . . . "Walking with Cavemen"@en . . . . . . "Megaloceros appear in the movie Turok: Son of Stone."@en . . . . "thumb|400px El Megaloceros era un ciervo gigante que vivi\u00F3 por toda Eurasia durante el Pleistoceno. Ten\u00EDa unas patas finas y fuertes, capaces de correr a gran velocidad. Pero lo m\u00E1s destacable del animal eran sus enormes cuernos, similares a las astas de los ciervos, y como ellos, eran utilizadas por los machos y las perd\u00EDan una vez al a\u00F1o. Se cree que se extinguieron hace 7.700 a\u00F1os. Categor\u00EDa:Mam\u00EDferos Categor\u00EDa:Placentarios Categor\u00EDa:Ungulados Categor\u00EDa:Artiod\u00E1ctilos Categor\u00EDa:Ciervos Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Plioceno Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Pleistoceno Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Holoceno"@es . "Patagonia"@en . . "Megaloceros is both a chariot and a scout animal unit. It can only carry one infantry unit if it is chariot unit. As a scout animal unit, it is ridden by an infantry unit to spy on the player's enemies or to boost his army's strength in combat."@en . . . "Most members of the genus were extremely large animals that favoured meadows or open woodlands, with most species averaging slightly below 2 metres at the withers. Many of the Mediterranean species, on the other hand, were textbook examples of insular dwarfism, such as the Sardinian (and Corsican; the two were joined for much of the Pleistocene) M. cazioti, which was barely 1 metre tall. The various species of the Cretan genus Candiacervus \u2013 the smallest of which, C. rhopalophorus was just 65 cm high at the shoulder \u2013 are sometimes included in Megaloceros as a subgenus."@en . . "Megaloceros giganteus (also commonly known as the \"Irish elk\") is a species of giant deer (not an elk) which lived during the Pleistocene epoch. It is most closely related to the fallow deer."@en . . "thumb|400px El Megaloceros era un ciervo gigante que vivi\u00F3 por toda Eurasia durante el Pleistoceno. Ten\u00EDa unas patas finas y fuertes, capaces de correr a gran velocidad. Pero lo m\u00E1s destacable del animal eran sus enormes cuernos, similares a las astas de los ciervos, y como ellos, eran utilizadas por los machos y las perd\u00EDan una vez al a\u00F1o. Se cree que se extinguieron hace 7.700 a\u00F1os. Categor\u00EDa:Mam\u00EDferos Categor\u00EDa:Placentarios Categor\u00EDa:Ungulados Categor\u00EDa:Artiod\u00E1ctilos Categor\u00EDa:Ciervos Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Plioceno Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Pleistoceno Categor\u00EDa:Fauna del Holoceno"@es . "One Homo heidelbergensis"@en . "Megaloceros is a large genus of deer living in the Forbidden Mountains."@en . . . . "Megaloceros"@en . "Megaloceros"@en . "Megaloceros giganteus"@en . . "Megaloceros giganteus (also commonly known as the \"Irish elk\") is a species of giant deer (not an elk) which lived during the Pleistocene epoch. It is most closely related to the fallow deer."@en . . . . . . . "Most members of the genus were extremely large animals that favoured meadows or open woodlands, with most species averaging slightly below 2 metres at the withers. Many of the Mediterranean species, on the other hand, were textbook examples of insular dwarfism, such as the Sardinian (and Corsican; the two were joined for much of the Pleistocene) M. cazioti, which was barely 1 metre tall. The various species of the Cretan genus Candiacervus \u2013 the smallest of which, C. rhopalophorus was just 65 cm high at the shoulder \u2013 are sometimes included in Megaloceros as a subgenus."@en . . . "Megaloceros is a large genus of deer living in the Forbidden Mountains."@en . . . . . . "Herbivore"@en . . . "Walking with Beasts"@en . "Jurassic Park: Builder"@en . "Irish Elk"@en . . . . . . . "Megaloceros"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "2.1"^^ .