. . . "Collage is a Kindergarten Text Types segment from Foodman."@en . . "Originating Location: US/Europe Originating Era: 1950s"@en . . . . . . . . "A \"collage\" is a form of art (primarily in the visual arts) that is made from an assemblage of different pieces, thus creating a new whole. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight fan websites that include collage art, please see . Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Collage."@en . . . "Originating Location: US/Europe Originating Era: 1950s"@en . . . . "Collages are simple in concept, but are an expressive exercise. They can be done in small form on construction paper, as mobiles, or best of all (for youth) by tracing around the person onto large pieces of paper, then filling the inside space or around the perimeter. A large collection of old magazines is useful, but you could also have: \n* Fabrics of various colours, patterns, and textures. \n* Gems / stones \n* Seashells \n* Coloured sand \n* Sparkles \n* Cord, braid, wool, or rope ...or any other decorative content, including the person's own words and artwork. Ask participants to select content/pictures that say something about themselves, attracts them, or speaks to them: \n* How/who they are right now \n* What they would like to be \n* What's missing inside them, that they wish was there (or wish for more of)"@en . . . . "Collage is a Kindergarten Text Types segment from Foodman."@en . "il s'agit d'un emprunt 'brut' au fran\u00E7ais (sans adaptation orthographique) et qui ne suit donc pas les normes usuelles de prononciation de l'espagnol. Il est difficile de donner une prononciation prototypique, nombre d'hispanophones pouvant \u00E9prouver des difficult\u00E9s \u00E0 prononcer [ko\u02C8la\u0292], qu'on pourrait qualifier de prononciation recommandable (on entendra souvent plut\u00F4t [ko\u02C8la\u0283], par exemple). Le pluriel n'est quoi qu'il en soit pas discernable du singulier). 1. \n* Cat\u00E9gorie:Art collage (technique picturale)"@fr . "Collage"@en . "il s'agit d'un emprunt 'brut' au fran\u00E7ais (sans adaptation orthographique) et qui ne suit donc pas les normes usuelles de prononciation de l'espagnol. Il est difficile de donner une prononciation prototypique, nombre d'hispanophones pouvant \u00E9prouver des difficult\u00E9s \u00E0 prononcer [ko\u02C8la\u0292], qu'on pourrait qualifier de prononciation recommandable (on entendra souvent plut\u00F4t [ko\u02C8la\u0283], par exemple). Le pluriel n'est quoi qu'il en soit pas discernable du singulier). 1. \n* Cat\u00E9gorie:Art collage (technique picturale)"@fr . . . "Collage"@fr . "A \"collage\" is a form of art (primarily in the visual arts) that is made from an assemblage of different pieces, thus creating a new whole. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight fan websites that include collage art, please see . The origins of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but the technique made a dramatic reappearance in the early twentieth century as a novelty art form that became a distinctive part of modern art. The term \"collage\" therefore dates from that period, when it was separately coined by both Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. In general terms, collages of this type may include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or hand-made papers, portions of other artwork, photographs, or other found objects which are glued to a background piece of paper or canvas. Most collages made by Forever Knight fans are photomontages\u2014a particular type of collage that creates a composite photograph by cutting and joining a number of other photographs. In the case of Forever Knight collages, the photographs involved are screen captures and/or publicity photos from the television series. Image-editing software is used to do this in a technique that is referred to by professionals as \"compositing\". Collage techniques are often employed by fans in the creation of titles, banners, icons, and wallpaper. Subjects may be general; but typically the photos chosen focus on one particular character or relationship. By combining several pictures, the artist is able to show various and multiple aspects of their nature at the same time. The pictures are often displayed on a solid or textured background; but it is also common for a Forever Knight-related background image to be employed. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Collage."@en . "Collages are simple in concept, but are an expressive exercise. They can be done in small form on construction paper, as mobiles, or best of all (for youth) by tracing around the person onto large pieces of paper, then filling the inside space or around the perimeter. A large collection of old magazines is useful, but you could also have: \n* Fabrics of various colours, patterns, and textures. \n* Gems / stones \n* Seashells \n* Coloured sand \n* Sparkles \n* Cord, braid, wool, or rope ...or any other decorative content, including the person's own words and artwork."@en . . . . . .