"The Northern Border of Gondor"@en . "2012"^^ . "2013"^^ . . . "2001"^^ . "The Pillars of the Kings"@en . . . . . . . "Gates of Argonath"@en . "Argonath"@de . "The Argonath, also known as The Gates of Argonath or The Pillars of Kings, is a monument comprising two enormous statues carved in the likenesses of Isildur and An\u00E1rion, standing upon either side of the River Anduin at the northern entrance to Nen Hithoel. It marked the northern border of Gondor, as nearby down south were previous outposts, the Amon Hen and the Amon Lhaw."@en . "The Argonath, also known as The Gates of Argonath is a colossal monument that doubles as the gate sentry system of Arcadia in Random Kingdom VXR."@en . "Argonath.jpg"@en . . . "Gli Argonath, dette \"Le Colonne dei Re\" sono due statue colossali raffiguranti rispettivamente Isildur e An\u00E1rion poste su entrambe le rive del fiume Anduin all'entrata settentrionale del lago di Nen Hithoel. Esse marcavano i confini settetrionali di Gondor e ne costituivano l'ingresso fluviale; poco pi\u00F9 a sud vi erano altri due avamposti: quello di Amon Hen e quello di Amon Lhaw."@it . . . "[[Datei:LOTRO_-_Argonath.jpg|thumb|Die Argonath in Herr der Ringe Online]] Die Argonath, S\u00E4ulen der K\u00F6nige, wurden vom sp\u00E4teren gondorianischen K\u00F6nig R\u00F3mendacil II. erbaut. Wahrscheinlich begann der Bau zwischen den Jahren 1248 und 1250 D.Z.. In den B\u00FCchern handelt es sich um die Statuen der K\u00F6nige Isildur und An\u00E1rion, welche rechts und links des Anduin stehen. Sie wurden in einer Felsschlucht aufgestellt oder sind aus dem Stein gehauen worden. Diese Schlucht und die Statuen bilden den Eingang zum See Nen Hithoel. Die Statuen der beiden Br\u00FCder haben jeweils die linke Hand abwehrend erhoben und halten in der rechten Hand eine Axt."@de . "The Argonath in Fellowship of the Ring."@en . "Buch"@de . . . "Argonath"@it . . "[[Datei:LOTRO_-_Argonath.jpg|thumb|Die Argonath in Herr der Ringe Online]] Die Argonath, S\u00E4ulen der K\u00F6nige, wurden vom sp\u00E4teren gondorianischen K\u00F6nig R\u00F3mendacil II. erbaut. Wahrscheinlich begann der Bau zwischen den Jahren 1248 und 1250 D.Z.. In den B\u00FCchern handelt es sich um die Statuen der K\u00F6nige Isildur und An\u00E1rion, welche rechts und links des Anduin stehen. Sie wurden in einer Felsschlucht aufgestellt oder sind aus dem Stein gehauen worden. Diese Schlucht und die Statuen bilden den Eingang zum See Nen Hithoel. Die Statuen der beiden Br\u00FCder haben jeweils die linke Hand abwehrend erhoben und halten in der rechten Hand eine Axt."@de . "Argonath"@en . . . . "Caned rocks flanking the chasm at the northern entrance to Nen Hithoel, thes figures represented Isildur and An\u00E1rion.Since the time of Romendacil II, Gondor's northern border had moved even farther north ,making the pillars obsolete.Nonetheless,they were a magnificent spectacle."@en . . "Argonath"@en . "Later disputed"@en . . . "The Argonath, also known as The Gates of Argonath is a colossal monument that doubles as the gate sentry system of Arcadia in Random Kingdom VXR."@en . . . . . "1340"^^ . . "Statues"@en . . . "Caned rocks flanking the chasm at the northern entrance to Nen Hithoel, thes figures represented Isildur and An\u00E1rion.Since the time of Romendacil II, Gondor's northern border had moved even farther north ,making the pillars obsolete.Nonetheless,they were a magnificent spectacle."@en . "The Argonath, also known as The Gates of Argonath or The Pillars of Kings, is a monument comprising two enormous statues carved in the likenesses of Isildur and An\u00E1rion, standing upon either side of the River Anduin at the northern entrance to Nen Hithoel. It marked the northern border of Gondor, as nearby down south were previous outposts, the Amon Hen and the Amon Lhaw."@en . . "Gli Argonath, dette \"Le Colonne dei Re\" sono due statue colossali raffiguranti rispettivamente Isildur e An\u00E1rion poste su entrambe le rive del fiume Anduin all'entrata settentrionale del lago di Nen Hithoel. Esse marcavano i confini settetrionali di Gondor e ne costituivano l'ingresso fluviale; poco pi\u00F9 a sud vi erano altri due avamposti: quello di Amon Hen e quello di Amon Lhaw."@it .