. "Total casualties"@en . "Number of nations in your alliance"@en . "File name of your flag"@en . "Optional, use if your image is being stretched to shrink to native resolution. Do not include the px suffix."@en . "Casualty ranking against other nations"@en . "Technology level"@en . "Christianity"@en . "If your nation no longer exists, month/day/year of the deletion date or \"Yes\" if you don't know the date."@en . "Width of the image"@en . "Number of civilians"@en . "Alliance affiliation, leave blank if none. Use the full name of your alliance, not its acronym."@en . . "The hidden number located next to your environment level"@en . "Constitutional Monarchy of Genovia"@en . "The date you entered war or peace mode"@en . "White"@en . . "Your rank among your alliance nations; both this and the following field are necessary to display this rank and must be numbers only, as explained above"@en . "Flag caption"@en . "Attacking casualties"@en . "Bonus resources gained through trade, e.g."@en . "Image to your nation's map"@en . "Your nation's war/peace preference, simply type the word \"War\" or \"Peace\" without quotes"@en . . "Lexington"@en . "Your nation's current population density"@en . "If smaller than 200px, type the width"@en . "Queen Madeline"@en . "Image of some other symbol of your nation"@en . "Your rank ONLY"@en . "Image of your nation's leader"@en . "What type is this"@en . . "CM of Genovia"@en . "Connected resources gained through trade, e.g."@en . "Constitutional Monarchy"@en . "Number of nukes you have, leave blank if none."@en . "English, French"@en . . "Date of the most recent update to this page"@en . "Your nation's national strength"@en . "Yes if you own nukes, No if your government supports nukes but you don't have any, or Prohibit if your government does not support nuclear weapons."@en . "\"Dans le Pays, Nous esp\u00E9rons\""@en . . "Your resources in braces and separated with spaces, e.g."@en . . "Date of joining the alliance"@en . "Name"@en . "Genovian)"@en . "Date you joined your current team"@en . "Genovian Fyldan"@en . "The number of environment stars your nation has. If you have two full stars, type 2; if you have two full stars and half of the next one, type 2.5"@en . . "month/day/year"@en . . "Your nation id"@en . "Number of soldiers"@en . "Defending casualties"@en . "Infrastructure level"@en . "\"War\" if your nation is currently at war, \"Peace\" if your nation has no active wars ."@en . "If smaller than 250px, type the width"@en . "Literacy Rate. Do not add the % symbol"@en . "Total number of efficient soldiers . Displays as hovertext"@en . "86400.0"^^ . "\"Moon\" or \"Mars\" if you own one of those wonders, requires ID and land specified to display."@en . "Number of trade slots currently filled"@en . "Alliance forum url, if one exists. Must have http:// prefix."@en . "Your nation's total land diameter"@en . "File name of your alliance's flag"@en . "Efficiency of your nation, based on NS over time, e.g. 43.35"@en . "Your nation's current DEFCON level"@en .