"q3053_brothel"@es . "Ella acepto ser vampiresa porque de lo contrario iba a casarse por obligaci\u00F3n con un viejo y pasandose toda la vida lavando platos, cosa que quer\u00EDa el retr\u00F3gado de su hermano. 1. \n* REDIRECCI\u00D3N"@es . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Ella acepto ser vampiresa porque de lo contrario iba a casarse por obligaci\u00F3n con un viejo y pasandose toda la vida lavando platos, cosa que quer\u00EDa el retr\u00F3gado de su hermano. 1. \n* REDIRECCI\u00D3N"@es . "Ojos azules"@es . "Ojos Azules"@en . . . . "Ojos azules"@es . . "La frialdad de la tarde gris hac\u00EDa sentir su presencia, rechinando en los dientes de los caminantes del parque. -Te amo y no sabes cu\u00E1nto-susurr\u00F3 ella, perdi\u00E9ndose en el brillo de los ojos azules de su acompa\u00F1ante. -No. Eres t\u00FA quien no sabe cu\u00E1nto te amo\u2014 le respondi\u00F3 con una sonrisa, mientras tocaba con sus manos su p\u00E1lida piel. \u2014Quiero que me regales unos ojos as\u00ED como los tuyos \u2014 susurr\u00F3 ella t\u00EDmidamente. \u2014 Y qu\u00E9 opinas de ese ni\u00F1o. Tiene los ojos azules. \u2014No, pensaba m\u00E1s en aquellos, los de aquel abuelo. Y, \u00BFt\u00FA que desear\u00EDas? \u2014\u00BFYo? Bueno, yo solo te deseo a ti\u2014dijo y la bes\u00F3 en ese instante."@es . . . . . "Ojos Azules are a relatively new breed of domestic cat. Cats with dark blue eyes were discovered in New Mexico among feral cat populations. The first cat, discovered in 1984, was a tortoiseshell named Cornflower. She was bred to males without the trait, which proved to be dominant, as all her kittens showed it. The breed was founded and named Ojos Azules, Spanish meaning 'Blue Eyes'. Ojos Azules are remarkable for their deep blue eyes. Unlike the blue eyes seen linked to the genes in bicolor cats and cats with point coloration, both of which suppress pigmentation, this gene is not linked to any certain fur color or pattern, giving the opportunity to have cats with dark coats and blue eyes. The depth of color in the eyes is greater even than that seen in a Siamese, and does not cause squinting, deafness or cross-eye. Ojos Azules are a very rare breed. In 1992, only ten were known. The breed, in both short and long hair variety, was accepted for registration by TICA in 1991. The TICA Ojos Azules Breed Group Standard is dated 5 January 2004. Only cats expressing the deep blue eye gene have been called Ojos Azules. It was recently discovered that cranial defects may be linked to the gene, and breeding was temporarily suspended. Following genetic investigation by Solveig Pflueger, breeding resumed in a small way with attempts to breed Ojos Azules without the lethal genetic defects. It was discovered that when the gene is homozygous it causes cranial deformities, white fur, a small curled tail, and stillbirth. However, when the gene is heterozygous, those lethal genetic mutations do not manifest. The result is that breeders must cross the blue-eyed cats with non-blue-eyed cats, assuring a litter of about 50/50 blue/non-blue-eyed kittens. Though only half of the kittens are then part of the Ojos Azules breed, this avoids having much of the litter comprise deformed dead kittens. One indicator of the Ojos gene is a flattened tail-tip. Although the eye color is described as having depth \"even greater even than that seen in a Siamese\" it, in fact, does not. The blue color seen in cats is due to the same physical phenomenon, the absence of melanin in the iris. The cause of the absence of pigment differs between Siamese, white cats, and Ojos but the end result is pigment loss and blue eyes. The depth of color of the blue eyes is due to currently unknown polygenetic variations. The depth of eye color can be selected for in breeding programs and current show Siamese have extremely deep eye color."@en . "Ojos Azules"@es . . . "hasta 200 + 5000 XP"@es . . "La frialdad de la tarde gris hac\u00EDa sentir su presencia, rechinando en los dientes de los caminantes del parque. -Te amo y no sabes cu\u00E1nto-susurr\u00F3 ella, perdi\u00E9ndose en el brillo de los ojos azules de su acompa\u00F1ante. -No. Eres t\u00FA quien no sabe cu\u00E1nto te amo\u2014 le respondi\u00F3 con una sonrisa, mientras tocaba con sus manos su p\u00E1lida piel. \u2014Quiero que me regales unos ojos as\u00ED como los tuyos \u2014 susurr\u00F3 ella t\u00EDmidamente. \u2014 Y qu\u00E9 opinas de ese ni\u00F1o. Tiene los ojos azules. \u2014No, pensaba m\u00E1s en aquellos, los de aquel abuelo. Y, \u00BFt\u00FA que desear\u00EDas? \u2014\u00BFYo? Bueno, yo solo te deseo a ti\u2014dijo y la bes\u00F3 en ese instante. La luz de un nuevo d\u00EDa ilumina la p\u00E1lida piel de la durmiente, despert\u00E1ndose con sus c\u00E1lidas caricias. Mayor fue la sorpresa al descubrir en su velador una peque\u00F1a caja cerrada. Conteniendo la emoci\u00F3n, la tom\u00F3 consigo y sali\u00F3 corriendo hasta la cocina donde estaba su amado. \u2014Gracias \u2014sonri\u00F3 ella. \u2014 Vamos, amor, sabes que har\u00EDa lo que fuera por ver esa sonrisa en tus labios. \u2014\u00BFSufri\u00F3 mucho? \u2014Eso qu\u00E9 importa. Sin poder reprimir m\u00E1s su emoci\u00F3n, ella abri\u00F3 la peque\u00F1a caja. \u2014 Te amo...\u2014 dijo, contemplando los dos globos oculares dentro del recipiente. \u2014 Ahora deja eso a un costado y desayunemos\u2014 pidi\u00F3 \u00E9l, mientras serv\u00EDa la mesa.."@es . . . "Ojos Azules are a relatively new breed of domestic cat. Cats with dark blue eyes were discovered in New Mexico among feral cat populations. The first cat, discovered in 1984, was a tortoiseshell named Cornflower. She was bred to males without the trait, which proved to be dominant, as all her kittens showed it. The breed was founded and named Ojos Azules, Spanish meaning 'Blue Eyes'. One indicator of the Ojos gene is a flattened tail-tip."@en . .