"southern Stormlands, Westeros"@en . . . . . "Marcher lord Stormlanders"@en . . . "Dornish Marches"@en . . . "the eastern Red Mountains,"@en . "Geographic region"@en . "Despite their name, they have been ruled from Storm's End ever since the Storm Kings of House Durrandon asserted their dominance over it against the Gardener Kings of the Reach and several Dornish houses. They are \"marches\" on the border that guards the Stormlands from Dornish attack. Endemic border conflicts between the three neighboring kingdoms played out in the Dornish Marches for centuries. The fighting for control over the Marches lasted until Dorne was brought under the rule of the Iron Throne through a marriage alliance one century before the War of the Five Kings. The Storm lords from the Dornish Marches still maintain strong martial traditions after centuries of constant warfare, and produce some of the best fighters in the Seven Kingdoms, such as Lord Beric Dondarrion and Ser Barristan Selmy. House Dondarrion, House Caron, House Swann, and House Selmy are all Marcher Houses."@en . . . . . . . . "The Faith of the Seven"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Dornish Marches"@en . . . "Despite their name, they have been ruled from Storm's End ever since the Storm Kings of House Durrandon asserted their dominance over it against the Gardener Kings of the Reach and several Dornish houses. They are \"marches\" on the border that guards the Stormlands from Dornish attack. Endemic border conflicts between the three neighboring kingdoms played out in the Dornish Marches for centuries. The fighting for control over the Marches lasted until Dorne was brought under the rule of the Iron Throne through a marriage alliance one century before the War of the Five Kings."@en . "Tall, cold mountain highlands"@en . .