"Shaman King"@es . . "Ucze\u0144"@pl . "Keiko Oyamada Mannoko Oyamada"@en . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A Oyamada Manta), known as Mortimer \"Morty\" in the English anime and English video games, is a fictional character in the anime and manga Shaman King. In the uncut English dub, he is named Morty Manta. Manta's family name means \"small mountain field\". Manta is an intelligent child who carries a book around with him every day. In the Japanese versions, the book is called the Manjien (\u4E07\u8F9E\u82D1), meaning \"Manta's Book on Everything\", while the English manga calls the book the \"Mantannian Dictionary\". \"Manjien\" comes from Manta's name and the Japanese dictionary \"K\u014Djien\" (\u5E83\u8F9E\u82D1). Manta is 13 years old and a 7th grader at Shinra Private Academy; Manta goes to school with Yoh and Anna. He is a Virgo and his blood type is \"O.\" In the English anime, Morty is a fan of ghost stories and the book he carries around is a ghost story book. Manta can see spirits, but cannot use their powers like his best friends Yoh Asakura and Anna Ky\u014Dyama can. He is very expressive and a bit panicky. He physically resembles a Koropokkur (known as \"minutians\" in the English anime), and has been mistaken for one of the shy nature spirits on several occasions In the anime, during the Shaman Tournament, Manta became a shaman, his spirit is Mosuke, Amidamaru's best friend who forged Harusame (Sword of Light in the English anime). He is however not capable of maintaining spirit form because he runs out of furyoku and ends up in trouble. In the battle with Hao, he used his oversoul to knockout Hao's Shikigami's. His ghost combines with his laptop, where he is usually at and cannot escape, and forms a hammer. This can also be seen as a parallel to the relationship of Amidamaru and Mosuke as neither Amidamaru and Mosuke nor Yoh and Manta were away from each other for very long and Mosuke and Amidamaru are spirit partners with Manta and Yoh respectively. In the manga and original Japanese anime, his family owns the Oyamada Electronics Company, and therefore is very rich. Manta's parents and little sister only appear in the manga. Manta's father, Mansumi Oyamada, is 55 years old. His mother, Keiko Oyamada, is 37 years old. His sister, Mannoko Oyamada, is 5 years old. Manta's family plays little role in the story, and, following their initial appearance, they are never seen again in the manga until a brief appearance by Mansumi toward the end of the series, where the Oyamada president leads several battle ships to destroy and capture Shamans. In the manga and Japanese anime, Manta has an assistant, Tamurazaki. In the English anime, Tamurazaki (who turns out to be Mansumi's lapdog and guns down at least one of Hao's followers) is \"Uncle Jerry\" and is Morty's uncle."@en . "Manta Oyamada"@en . . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A Oyamada Manta), known as Mortimer \"Morty\" in the English anime and English video games, is a fictional character in the anime and manga Shaman King. In the uncut English dub, he is named Morty Manta. Manta's family name means \"small mountain field\". In the English anime, Morty is a fan of ghost stories and the book he carries around is a ghost story book."@en . "Mortimer \"Morty\""@en . . . "Manta ist einer der besten Feunde Yos. Manta unterst\u00FCtzt das Team eher als Informator und recherchiert im Internet oder in B\u00FCchern \u00FCber Gegner etc. (z.B. vor Yos Kampf gegen Faust). Auch dient er immer mit Informationen, \u00FCber verschiedene Arten von Schamanen, damit die anderen einen Eindruck ihres Gegners erlangen."@de . . "Manta ist einer der besten Feunde Yos. Manta unterst\u00FCtzt das Team eher als Informator und recherchiert im Internet oder in B\u00FCchern \u00FCber Gegner etc. (z.B. vor Yos Kampf gegen Faust). Auch dient er immer mit Informationen, \u00FCber verschiedene Arten von Schamanen, damit die anderen einen Eindruck ihres Gegners erlangen."@de . "Rozdzia\u0142 1 \nEpizod 1"@en . . "Manta Oyamada"@pl . "Marek Racho\u0144"@pl . "Manta Oyamada.png"@pl . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Oyamada Manta, Mortimer \"Morty\" w angielskim anime i angielskich grach) jedna z najwa\u017Cniejszych postaci w Shaman King. Najlepszy przyjaciel Yoh Asakury."@pl . . . "Manta_Oyamada.png"@es . "Manta has short sandy-brown hair and large eyes. Throughout the manga he is usually shown wearing his school uniform - green pants, running shoes, white dress shirt and tie. His casual outfit consists of white shorts, and a blue hoodie with white angel wings on the back and a halo on the hood. And he usually has his laptop with him. He is by far the shortest of the group, measuring in at 80 cm (2 feet, 7 inches). Because of his small stature, he is often mistaken for a Koropokkuru (known as \"Minutians\" in the English Anime)."@en . . . "\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A"@en . . "Manta Oyamada"@de . "Male"@en . "Manta Oyamada.png"@en . . "Oyamada Manta"@en . . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Oyamada Manta, Mortimer \"Morty\" w angielskim anime i angielskich grach) jedna z najwa\u017Cniejszych postaci w Shaman King. Najlepszy przyjaciel Yoh Asakury."@en . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Manta Oyamada \u300C\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Manta Oyamada ?\u300D Manta es el primer amigo humano de Yoh, quiz\u00E1 porque Manta puede ver a los esp\u00EDritus e Yoh considera que todas las personas que pueden ver a los esp\u00EDritus son buenas y tienen gran coraz\u00F3n. Despu\u00E9s de conocer a Yoh y de algunos acontecimientos importantes, Manta es de los pocos personajes que llega a tener una relaci\u00F3n cercana con Yoh y con Anna pues pr\u00E1cticamente vive con ellos (Sin contar que paga todas las cuentas de Anna). Aunque Anna no lo acepte, siente un gran cari\u00F1o y respeto por este."@es . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Manta Oyamada \u300C\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Manta Oyamada ?\u300D Manta es el primer amigo humano de Yoh, quiz\u00E1 porque Manta puede ver a los esp\u00EDritus e Yoh considera que todas las personas que pueden ver a los esp\u00EDritus son buenas y tienen gran coraz\u00F3n. Despu\u00E9s de conocer a Yoh y de algunos acontecimientos importantes, Manta es de los pocos personajes que llega a tener una relaci\u00F3n cercana con Yoh y con Anna pues pr\u00E1cticamente vive con ellos (Sin contar que paga todas las cuentas de Anna). Aunque Anna no lo acepte, siente un gran cari\u00F1o y respeto por este. En el anime podemos ver que Manta fue capaz de realizar una posesi\u00F3n de objetos junto con Mosuke para ayudar a entender a sus amigos que enfad\u00E1ndose no lograr\u00EDan nada, sin embargo en el manga Manta no tiene ninguna habilidad especial y jam\u00E1s logra hacer una posesi\u00F3n de objetos."@es . . . . "Marek Racho\u0144"@en . . . "\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A"@pl . . "Mortimer \"Morty\""@pl . "Manta Oyamada"@en . "Manta hat es nicht leicht in seiner Klasse. Immer wieder wird er wegen seiner Gr\u00F6\u00DFe und weil er angeblich Geister sehen kann verspottet. Doch dann trifft Manta auf Yo. Von diesem Moment an weicht er nicht mehr von dessen Seite und die beiden werden schnell zu guten Freunden. Manta unterst\u00FCtzt Yo wo er nur kann und Yo lehrt ihm eine Menge \u00FCber die Schamanen. Sein Schutzgeist ist Mosuke. Schutzgeist: Mosuke wird in Mantas Laptop eingesperrt und so zu seinem Schutzgeist!"@de . "Inuko Inuyama \nOliver Wyman"@en . "160"^^ . "Manta Oyamada"@es . "Mansumi Oyamada"@en . "shamanking"@es . . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Oyamada Manta, Mortimer \"Morty\" w angielskim anime i angielskich grach) jedna z najwa\u017Cniejszych postaci w Shaman King. Najlepszy przyjaciel Yoh Asakury."@pl . "Ucze\u0144"@en . "#3366FF"@en . . "Manta Oyamada"@es . "Manta Oyamada"@pl . "Oyamada Manta"@pl . "Inuko Inuyama \nOliver Wyman"@pl . . . "Manta Oyamada (\u5C0F\u5C71\u7530\u307E\u3093\u592A, Oyamada Manta, Mortimer \"Morty\" w angielskim anime i angielskich grach) jedna z najwa\u017Cniejszych postaci w Shaman King. Najlepszy przyjaciel Yoh Asakury."@en . "Shaman King"@es . "Mortimer/Morty"@en . "Manta Oyamada"@en . "Manta hat es nicht leicht in seiner Klasse. Immer wieder wird er wegen seiner Gr\u00F6\u00DFe und weil er angeblich Geister sehen kann verspottet. Doch dann trifft Manta auf Yo. Von diesem Moment an weicht er nicht mehr von dessen Seite und die beiden werden schnell zu guten Freunden. Manta unterst\u00FCtzt Yo wo er nur kann und Yo lehrt ihm eine Menge \u00FCber die Schamanen. Sein Schutzgeist ist Mosuke. Schutzgeist: Mosuke wird in Mantas Laptop eingesperrt und so zu seinem Schutzgeist!"@de . . "Rozdzia\u0142 1 \nEpizod 1"@pl . "Manta has short sandy-brown hair and large eyes. Throughout the manga he is usually shown wearing his school uniform - green pants, running shoes, white dress shirt and tie. His casual outfit consists of white shorts, and a blue hoodie with white angel wings on the back and a halo on the hood. And he usually has his laptop with him. He is by far the shortest of the group, measuring in at 80 cm (2 feet, 7 inches). Because of his small stature, he is often mistaken for a Koropokkuru (known as \"Minutians\" in the English Anime)."@en . .