. . . . "2009-07-27"^^ . . "Xanax"@en . . . . "The Xanax worm is quite odd, in that other than spreading, it seems to serve little purpose other than pushing the same-titled pharmaceutical drug.It is a mass mailer."@en . "3980806"^^ . . "Xanax is a trans-solar planet which has the mass of Mars, the atmospheric density of Titan, and the clean aquamarine flavor of Neptune. In some places it smells of chocolate and in other places it has a hint of orange zest. Often heard are the sounds of gongs and panflutes. It has a well-established tourist board -- the Xanax Combobulation of Tourism -- and this article will rely on the XCT's Guide to Beautiful Xanax for much of its information, as NASA has not seen fit to probe this very interesting planet."@en . . "The Xanax worm is quite odd, in that other than spreading, it seems to serve little purpose other than pushing the same-titled pharmaceutical drug.It is a mass mailer."@en . . "Xanax is a trans-solar planet which has the mass of Mars, the atmospheric density of Titan, and the clean aquamarine flavor of Neptune. In some places it smells of chocolate and in other places it has a hint of orange zest. Often heard are the sounds of gongs and panflutes. It has a well-established tourist board -- the Xanax Combobulation of Tourism -- and this article will rely on the XCT's Guide to Beautiful Xanax for much of its information, as NASA has not seen fit to probe this very interesting planet."@en .