. "Players Guide to Garou is the players' guide for WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition Image:Bullet-nip.png. This book features expanded character creation systems, guidelines for creating septs and caerns, and background mateial on the Garou themselves. The Players Guide to Garou adapts and expands on material from earlier editions of the Werewolf Players Guide and other sources. Material on the other fera that had appeared in earlier editions of the Players Guide was moved into its own dedicated book: the WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Image:Bullet-nip.png."@en . "Players Guide to Garou is the players' guide for WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition Image:Bullet-nip.png. This book features expanded character creation systems, guidelines for creating septs and caerns, and background mateial on the Garou themselves. The Players Guide to Garou adapts and expands on material from earlier editions of the Werewolf Players Guide and other sources. Material on the other fera that had appeared in earlier editions of the Players Guide was moved into its own dedicated book: the WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Image:Bullet-nip.png."@en . . . "Players Guide to Garou"@en .