. "In 2151, Enterprise NX-01 detected a J'ral class supernova remnant approximately three light years off their course. (ENT: \"Civilization\") Sub-Commander T'Pol reported the supernova, suggesting that \"J'ral class\" may be a Vulcan term. According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 45) and the Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), the supernova remnant was located in the Beta Quadrant."@en . "J'ral class"@en . . . "In 2151, Enterprise NX-01 detected a J'ral class supernova remnant approximately three light years off their course. (ENT: \"Civilization\") Sub-Commander T'Pol reported the supernova, suggesting that \"J'ral class\" may be a Vulcan term. According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 45) and the Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), the supernova remnant was located in the Beta Quadrant."@en . . .