. "Caf\u00E9"@ia . . "*Humain\n*Sullust\u00E9en\n*Twi'lek\n*Umbaran"@fr . "Caf\u00E9 is a Bungie.net Private Chapter that was founded on 8.05.2011, and is designed for the discussion of anything that is appropriate. The group rules are based mostly off of the Public Forum Rules, and although they are a little more lenient towards spam, it is stricter in the sense of appropriateness and kind conduct. Although some of the population is not active, a chunk of it is. Many members of the group post in the forums regularly, and the overall behavior is rather admirable."@en . "Caf\u00E9 is a Bungie.net Private Chapter that was founded on 8.05.2011, and is designed for the discussion of anything that is appropriate. The group rules are based mostly off of the Public Forum Rules, and although they are a little more lenient towards spam, it is stricter in the sense of appropriateness and kind conduct. Although some of the population is not active, a chunk of it is. Many members of the group post in the forums regularly, and the overall behavior is rather admirable."@en . "O Caf\u00E9 \u00E9 um pr\u00E9dio marrom localizado no Centro. Desde o in\u00EDcio tem sof\u00E1s vermelhos e um balc\u00E3o. Tem tamb\u00E9m dois mini-jogos, chamados Empilha a Pilha e Esmaga Fruta. O Caf\u00E9 \u00E9 o um dos mais antigos lugares do Club Penguin desde Penguin Chat 3. As escadas levam \u00E0 Sala de Leitura, onde se pode jogar mancala"@pt . "South Square Coffee is a cafe built for Windenburg in the Town Square district."@en . . . . "75797"^^ . . . . . . . "[[Imagen:Coffee1.jpg|thumb|right|230px|Granos de caf\u00E9 en un cafeto]] thumb|right|230px|Granos de caf\u00E9 tostado (natural) thumb|Granos de caf\u00E9 torrefactos(tostados con az\u00FAcar) thumb|right|230px|Un caf\u00E9 expresso Con el nombre caf\u00E9 se denomina la bebida que se obtiene por infusi\u00F3n a partir de los frutos y semillas del cafeto (Coffea), que contiene una sustancia estimulante llamada cafe\u00EDna. El cultivo del caf\u00E9 est\u00E1 muy desarrollado en numerosos pa\u00EDses tropicales, en plantaciones cuyo destino es la exportaci\u00F3n. El caf\u00E9 es uno de los principales productos de origen agr\u00EDcola comercializados en los mercados internacionales, y a menudo supone una gran contribuci\u00F3n a las exportaciones de las regiones productoras. A partir de la semilla tostada y molida se elabora la infusi\u00F3n conocida por el mismo nombre. En Espa\u00F1a, Portugal y Costa Rica es frecuente el consumo de caf\u00E9 torrefacto (tostado en presencia de az\u00FAcar). Suele tomarse como desayuno o en la sobremesa despu\u00E9s de las comidas y es una de las bebidas sin alcohol m\u00E1s socializadoras en muchos pa\u00EDses. Existen casi tantas formas de preparar esta bebida como consumidores, pero la m\u00E1s popular, aparte de tomarlo solo, es la que lleva leche, aunque tambi\u00E9n se le suele a\u00F1adir nata, leche condensada, chocolate o alg\u00FAn licor. Se sirve habitualmente caliente pero tambi\u00E9n se puede tomar fr\u00EDo o con hielo. El caf\u00E9 es la segunda materia m\u00E1s comercializada en el mundo, s\u00F3lo detr\u00E1s del petr\u00F3leo. Se produjo un total de 6,7 millones de toneladas de caf\u00E9 anualmente entre los a\u00F1os 1998 y 2000, y se espera que se eleve la cifra a 7 millones de toneladas anualmente en 2010."@es . . . . . . . "South Square Coffee"@en . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "El caf\u00E9 era una bebida no alcoh\u00F3lica que a menudo se serv\u00EDa muy caliente y estaba hecha de un tipo espec\u00EDfico de grano. El caf\u00E9 se pod\u00EDa preparar y dispensar de una m\u00E1quina de caf\u00E9, y por lo general se serv\u00EDa en una taza. El Emperador Palpatine pose\u00EDa fincas en varios planetas que proporcionaban granos para producir caf\u00E9 de alta calidad y caf\u00E9 de vid, para el uso exclusivo de su corte."@es . . "El Caf\u00E9 o Marr\u00F3n es un Art\u00EDculo Disponible en el Cat\u00E1logo De Moda Ping\u00FCina por 20 Monedas."@es . . "Hare and Hedgehog"@en . . . . . . . . . "Grains de caf\u00E9 non torr\u00E9fi\u00E9s. Ces grains sont utilis\u00E9s pour produire du caf\u00E9, bu dans tout l'Ancien Monde, sauf en Angleterre."@fr . . . . . "[Source] Le caf\u00E9, aussi connu sous le nom de caf, est une boisson trouvable dans la galaxie, elle est infus\u00E9e et poss\u00E8de des propri\u00E9t\u00E9s stimulantes en raison de la caf\u00E9ine qu\u2019elle contenait. Kanan Jarrus et Hera Syndulla avait l'habitude de partager un caf\u00E9 Spiran ensemble. Le lieutenant Braylen Stramm de l'Alliance Rebelle en buvait \u00E9galement. Il \u00E9tait servit dans de nombreux \u00E9tablissements comme le Meteor Cafe."@fr . . . "Das Caf\u00E9 ist eines von drei Projekten zur Stadtentwicklung die Melinda an deinem 10. Arbeitstag bei ImmoNook zur Auswahl hat. Kategorie:Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Kategorie:Geb\u00E4ude"@de . . "Caf\u00E9ine"@fr . "Das Caf\u00E9 ist ein gem\u00FCtlicher Platz f\u00FCr Verabredungen. Hier k\u00F6nnen sich deine Miis vom harten Inselalltag erholen. Erforderlich: Ein Bewohner muss einem anderen Bewohner seine Liebe gestehen."@de . . "The Cafe is mostly used to meet other strangers around the world and gain new friends. While you cannot gain money from visiting random people like you can by visiting your own friends, you can earn Paw Points and leave notes at a person's home. This is a great way to meet with people and possibly add new friends by exchanging information. Unlike the other stores, this store has its own theme music. It also does not have holiday specials or TWS items."@en . "Caf\u00E9"@en . . "Le caf\u00E9 est apparent\u00E9 au groupe chimique des hallucinog\u00E8nes, bien qu'il ne se trouve pas dans la m\u00EAme colonne que ces derniers. Le caf\u00E9 est synth\u00E9tis\u00E9 par des arbustes de la famille des Rubiac\u00E9es, les caf\u00E9iers, par fusion nucl\u00E9aire \u00E0 partir de deux atomes d'Indium, de num\u00E9ro atomique 49. Cette synth\u00E8se a principalement lieu dans les r\u00E9gions tropicales, o\u00F9 le sol est le plus riche en Indium. Le caf\u00E9 est parfois utilis\u00E9 pour donner du go\u00FBt au sucre."@fr . . "Caf\u00E9 m. (plural Caf\u00E9s) 1. \n* coffee (drink, flavour) 2. \n* coffee colour 3. \n* public house 4. \n* caf\u00E9, coffee shop"@ia . "Caf\u00E9 m. (plural Caf\u00E9s) 1. \n* coffee (drink, flavour) 2. \n* coffee colour 3. \n* public house 4. \n* caf\u00E9, coffee shop"@ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fichier:Caf\u00E9.jpg Du soleil en tasse. Mana +10 Valeur en or: 20 Cat\u00E9gorie:L'inventaire Cat\u00E9gorie:Alchimie Cat\u00E9gorie:Sources de mana"@fr . "[Source] Le caf\u00E9, aussi connu sous le nom de caf, est une boisson trouvable dans la galaxie, elle est infus\u00E9e et poss\u00E8de des propri\u00E9t\u00E9s stimulantes en raison de la caf\u00E9ine qu\u2019elle contenait. Kanan Jarrus et Hera Syndulla avait l'habitude de partager un caf\u00E9 Spiran ensemble. Le lieutenant Braylen Stramm de l'Alliance Rebelle en buvait \u00E9galement. Il \u00E9tait servit dans de nombreux \u00E9tablissements comme le Meteor Cafe."@fr . "Although the origins of the caf\u00E9 are unclear, one persistent theory is that the French needed an arena in which to display their skills at consuming milky coffee, hideously shrunken biscuits (or biscotti) and various other baked things vaguely resembling food. Due to the flamboyant nature of the French, it was not long before they began waving their new found time-wasting pursuits at other countries, such as England and Italy. The English, being the gullible fools that they are, adopted the caf\u00E9 into their culture immediately. The Italians dealt with the caf\u00E9 phenomenon with a degree of shrewdness, making the Italian caf\u00E9 a work of art; eliminating pretentious pastries and focusing on making palpitation-inducingly strong espresso. Unfortunately, Italy (along with a few die-hard ethnic nati"@en . "O Caf\u00E9 \u00E9 um pr\u00E9dio marrom localizado no Centro. Desde o in\u00EDcio tem sof\u00E1s vermelhos e um balc\u00E3o. Tem tamb\u00E9m dois mini-jogos, chamados Empilha a Pilha e Esmaga Fruta. O Caf\u00E9 \u00E9 o um dos mais antigos lugares do Club Penguin desde Penguin Chat 3. As escadas levam \u00E0 Sala de Leitura, onde se pode jogar mancala"@pt . . "59867"^^ . "Caf\u00E9"@en . "Le caf\u00E9 est apparent\u00E9 au groupe chimique des hallucinog\u00E8nes, bien qu'il ne se trouve pas dans la m\u00EAme colonne que ces derniers. Le caf\u00E9 est synth\u00E9tis\u00E9 par des arbustes de la famille des Rubiac\u00E9es, les caf\u00E9iers, par fusion nucl\u00E9aire \u00E0 partir de deux atomes d'Indium, de num\u00E9ro atomique 49. Cette synth\u00E8se a principalement lieu dans les r\u00E9gions tropicales, o\u00F9 le sol est le plus riche en Indium. Le caf\u00E9 est parfois utilis\u00E9 pour donner du go\u00FBt au sucre."@fr . . . "9"^^ . . . . . . "Grains de caf\u00E9 non torr\u00E9fi\u00E9s. Ces grains sont utilis\u00E9s pour produire du caf\u00E9, bu dans tout l'Ancien Monde, sauf en Angleterre."@fr . "Caf\u00E9"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:EsbozosEl Caf\u00E9 es una bebida de Un Show M\u00E1s que la mayor\u00EDa del tiempo Mordecai y Rigby lo beben."@es . "Fichier:Caf\u00E9.jpg Du soleil en tasse. Mana +10 Valeur en or: 20 Cat\u00E9gorie:L'inventaire Cat\u00E9gorie:Alchimie Cat\u00E9gorie:Sources de mana"@fr . "[[Imagen:Coffee1.jpg|thumb|right|230px|Granos de caf\u00E9 en un cafeto]] thumb|right|230px|Granos de caf\u00E9 tostado (natural) thumb|Granos de caf\u00E9 torrefactos(tostados con az\u00FAcar) thumb|right|230px|Un caf\u00E9 expresso Con el nombre caf\u00E9 se denomina la bebida que se obtiene por infusi\u00F3n a partir de los frutos y semillas del cafeto (Coffea), que contiene una sustancia estimulante llamada cafe\u00EDna."@es . . . . "El Caf\u00E9 o Marr\u00F3n es un Art\u00EDculo Disponible en el Cat\u00E1logo De Moda Ping\u00FCina por 20 Monedas."@es . . . . . . . "Name: Caf\u00E9 Run Time: 3:19 Year: 1994"@en . . . "The Cafe is mostly used to meet other strangers around the world and gain new friends. While you cannot gain money from visiting random people like you can by visiting your own friends, you can earn Paw Points and leave notes at a person's home. This is a great way to meet with people and possibly add new friends by exchanging information. Unlike the other stores, this store has its own theme music. It also does not have holiday specials or TWS items."@en . . . . . . . "2"^^ . . "Caf\u00E9"@fr . "Caf\u00E9"@pt . . "Color"@es . . . . . . . "Das Caf\u00E9 ist eines von drei Projekten zur Stadtentwicklung die Melinda an deinem 10. Arbeitstag bei ImmoNook zur Auswahl hat. Kategorie:Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Kategorie:Geb\u00E4ude"@de . "N/A"@es . . "Windenburg"@en . . . . . "Boisson"@fr . "Caf\u00E9"@de . . "Caf\u00E9"@en . . . . . . . . "No"@es . "20"^^ . . "Categor\u00EDa:EsbozosEl Caf\u00E9 es una bebida de Un Show M\u00E1s que la mayor\u00EDa del tiempo Mordecai y Rigby lo beben."@es . . "Im Caf\u00E9 kann man manchmal die Caf\u00E9katze Precious treffen. Man kann dort Hundemaronentorten, Hundepudding oder Hunde-Erdbeertorte kaufen. es gibt verschiedene Kombinationen und Preise dort. Kategorie:Nintendogs+Cats Kategorie:Gassi"@de . . . . . "Name: Caf\u00E9 Run Time: 3:19 Year: 1994"@en . . . . "No"@es . . . "Das Caf\u00E9 ist ein gem\u00FCtlicher Platz f\u00FCr Verabredungen. Hier k\u00F6nnen sich deine Miis vom harten Inselalltag erholen. Erforderlich: Ein Bewohner muss einem anderen Bewohner seine Liebe gestehen."@de . "Cafe"@en . "Si"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Although the origins of the caf\u00E9 are unclear, one persistent theory is that the French needed an arena in which to display their skills at consuming milky coffee, hideously shrunken biscuits (or biscotti) and various other baked things vaguely resembling food. Due to the flamboyant nature of the French, it was not long before they began waving their new found time-wasting pursuits at other countries, such as England and Italy. The English, being the gullible fools that they are, adopted the caf\u00E9 into their culture immediately. The Italians dealt with the caf\u00E9 phenomenon with a degree of shrewdness, making the Italian caf\u00E9 a work of art; eliminating pretentious pastries and focusing on making palpitation-inducingly strong espresso. Unfortunately, Italy (along with a few die-hard ethnic nations such as Turkey) is one of the few places on Earth you will find caf\u00E9s that are not pointless endeavours in complicating the consumption of caffeine. After the British adoption of the caf\u00E9, the phenomenon spread through the rest of the civilized world, appearing wherever the middle class was prevalent."@en . . . . "South Square Coffee is a cafe built for Windenburg in the Town Square district."@en . . "2"^^ . . . "Caf\u00E9 is a French caf\u00E9 that Bart briefly passes whilst in France."@en . "30"^^ . . "Im Caf\u00E9 kann man manchmal die Caf\u00E9katze Precious treffen. Man kann dort Hundemaronentorten, Hundepudding oder Hunde-Erdbeertorte kaufen. es gibt verschiedene Kombinationen und Preise dort. Kategorie:Nintendogs+Cats Kategorie:Gassi"@de . . . . . "Caf\u00E9 is a French caf\u00E9 that Bart briefly passes whilst in France."@en . . "El caf\u00E9 era una bebida no alcoh\u00F3lica que a menudo se serv\u00EDa muy caliente y estaba hecha de un tipo espec\u00EDfico de grano. El caf\u00E9 se pod\u00EDa preparar y dispensar de una m\u00E1quina de caf\u00E9, y por lo general se serv\u00EDa en una taza. El Emperador Palpatine pose\u00EDa fincas en varios planetas que proporcionaban granos para producir caf\u00E9 de alta calidad y caf\u00E9 de vid, para el uso exclusivo de su corte."@es . . . . . . . . .