. "Run through the first door to your left and down the hallway with the blue areas. Continue down the hall and take a left at the intersection. Continue around the hall and keep heading forward as you ascend into the next intersection. Go right down this hall through the purple matter. Keep heading straight until the next intersection, and then continue forward. Walk through the purple matter through another door. You should now be in an area with fleshy material covering the walls. Head forward to the door to the right of the room in back. THere's a short hall here with two doors. Go through them and go around the exterior of the ship. Keep an eye on your oxygen and be sure to use the stations as the level progressse. Run all the way forward to the door on the other side. Run through it thr"@en . "Chapter 11: Acute Psycosis"@en . "Run through the first door to your left and down the hallway with the blue areas. Continue down the hall and take a left at the intersection. Continue around the hall and keep heading forward as you ascend into the next intersection. Go right down this hall through the purple matter. Keep heading straight until the next intersection, and then continue forward. Walk through the purple matter through another door. You should now be in an area with fleshy material covering the walls. Head forward to the door to the right of the room in back. THere's a short hall here with two doors. Go through them and go around the exterior of the ship. Keep an eye on your oxygen and be sure to use the stations as the level progressse. Run all the way forward to the door on the other side. Run through it through another door. Keep running forward through the intersection. Turn right at the end of the hall, and follow the path left. Take your first right and go through two doors. Suddenly you're in a desert-like area running toward a marker. It's a hallucination which will break as you keep walking forward. Go through the door. Keep running forward and across the exterior of the ship again. Hit the first console you come to and activate it. Aim upward ad the console on the roof to your side using zero-G jump and activate it, then look to your right. THere's another over there. Jump to it, and then jump to the next console going in a circle to the right. Head to the back of this area to activate another console, then jump back down to where you started to get some more air. Run all the way to the back of this area now and head through the door. Run through the airlock as well, then continue heading forward. Run to the back of this larger area and head through this door. There's a larger Necromorph here hungry for some Vandal, so take it out as quickly as possible. Loot the room as monsters descend on you, and be sure to take them all out. Run through the door at the back of the room once you've taken everything out -- except, you can't . Suddenly, everything goes dark again as you reappear in the barren area with a marker in the distance. Follow the blood trail and and walk toward the console. Activate it and you'll be back in business. Follow the long corridor back on the ship until you get to a glowing red area. Keep running forward, even though you have to keep dodging corpses. You'll come back to the blue lighting again. Keep running ahead .Eventually you'll come to another switch. Turn it on, and you're back in the strange hallucinatory area. You'll see yourself. Slash at your mirror image, and you'll be back where you began before the hallucinations. Run through the door at the back of the room, then down a few hallways and two doors. You're not back on the exterior of the ship. There are Necromorphs waiting outside this time. Kill them and advance through the door at the end of the area. Keep running down the hallway once more. As you near the end of the hallway, you end the chapter as well."@en . . . .