"Blacksmith, Fighter, Mercenary, Monk, Noble, Ocllo Cashual, Paladin, Pirate, Ranger, Ranger Guildmaster, Sailor, Warrior, Warrior Guildmaster, Weapons Trainer, Weaponsmith"@de . . . . "Some tactics are: 1.) If you lost or are not playing, remind someone about \"the game\". 2.) Try this. 3.) Leave a note saying \"The Game\". 4.) You lost! TROLLOL!"@en . "2008-02-21"^^ . . . . "Assuming a certain level of basic skill and familiarity with tactical shooters, these Tactics should help you and your fellow Survivors get through Left 4 Dead... alive! As a start, make sure you know all of the Controls. Note: These tactics are written specifically for the Survivor players, though an Infected player can read through and figure out counters to these tactics written below."@en . . . . . . . . . . "This is difficult. When the sun below the horizon, you want it behind the enemy, so you're in the dark and they're backlit by the glow. OTOH, if the sun is just barely above the horizon, you want it behind you so it shines right in the enemy's eyes. These are 180^ apart, so obviously you can't do both in the same battle unless it lasts all day or night. The thing to remember is that the advantage switches in a different order in the morning than in the evening, and that the glow lasts longer, so do what's best for you under the given tactical situation."@en . "Tactics are played into the battle zone during the logic definition step of the battle phase. Once there, they may have abilities that affect the outcome of the battle, most frequently abilities that trigger when the tactics is put into the battle zone. At the end of battle step, all of your tactics cards in the battle zone are sent to the drop zone. Other that the limit of your members, there is no restriction on the number of tactics that can be played in a turn, or in each battle."@en . . . . "Tactics are the system of technologys and methods used to assist in ensuring one's victory in battle."@en . "This is difficult. When the sun below the horizon, you want it behind the enemy, so you're in the dark and they're backlit by the glow. OTOH, if the sun is just barely above the horizon, you want it behind you so it shines right in the enemy's eyes. These are 180^ apart, so obviously you can't do both in the same battle unless it lasts all day or night. The thing to remember is that the advantage switches in a different order in the morning than in the evening, and that the glow lasts longer, so do what's best for you under the given tactical situation. Apart from obvious environmental factors like sun, blowing smoke, etc., it's often best to come onto the optimal course for engagement as early as possible and stay there as long as possible. Changing your own course and speed will screw you up, as will maneuvers by the enemy. Basically try to achieve fairly constant range and bearing rates. Of course, this makes it easier for the enemy, too, so it's a trade-off. And on any given day, you might shoot better or worse than is your usual wont, even under optimal conditions, which is mostly due to human factors and equipment breakdowns beyond your control. So at the bottom line, eventually you just have to arrange things as advantageously as possible and then have confidence in your judgment and your sailors. Sometimes one or the other lets you down, sometimes the opposite. Crossing the T is useful only up to a point, at least at long range. If more than 2 ships are firing on the same target at ranges were directors are significant, then all ships firing at that target suffer accuracy penalties from confusing each other's splashes. Thus, once you exceed a 2-1 numerical advantage in the firefight, crossing the T further ceases to add to your advantage. Your extra ships would to better conserving their ammo for the next act. If you commit DDs to a torp attack on a functional enemy line, you should expect fairly heavy losses. Thus, this is something you should mostly only do if you're in a bad way on the big ship side. At Jutland, flotillas attacking in such situations on average suffered 30-50% losses in effectives (not just sunk but shot up so badly as to be of no further use). That said, at WW1 daylight ranges, torp attacks do NOT happen quickly, so you have to have a good idea of how the big ship battle is trending and commit your DDs early if you think you're going to need them. DDs need to reach a position about 45^ off the bow and 6-8km away from the enemy in daylight for best results. At Jutland in the RTTS, 13DF went off to attack when about 4km ahead of Lion and the range to ISG was about 15km. To reach launch position, the DDs were limited to turning about 2 points toward the Germans and it took them about an hour to reach launch position. Of course, they had a scrap with German DDs coming the other way while en route, but this gives you an idea of the time involved for even fast DDs to gain the position necessary for an effective launch. En route to battles (or while just on sweeps), the purpose of DDs was to serve as \"human shields\" between the BBs subs on the beam, and as expendable path-clearers through mines. Thus, in cruising formation, they were about 1000m on either beam and in front of the BBs. Against subs the DDs were about where the sub needed to be to launch (WW1 sub torps had usually much shorter ranges than equivalent surface ship torps), so could ram or at least scare off the subs even if they lacked sonar and depth charges. That's \"screening\". Once battle was joined, however, DDs so positioned would be in the way of big ship gunnery and maneuver, so about 1/2 of them typically mustered several miles both ahead of and behind the big ship line. From these positions, those ahead were ideally placed to begin the long, slow process of attacking the enemy line or defending against enemy DDs, while those behind could do the same if the friendly line reversed course. With daylight torp ranges of 8-10km, it does well to have big ships engage beyond that. It also helps if you've got guns that shoot further, so you can stay out of the enemy's reach while still pounding him. Of course, this is facilitated by having a higher speed. Hit rates will be low, say 3-5% of shells fired, but significant damage can still be done. It just takes a while to add up. Newer German CLs have directors so can successfully engage out to their max range, although subject to the same low hit percentage as big ships at long range. ACs and CLs without directors (older Germans and almost all Brits) need to be rather closer, but within about 10km should be able to hit well enough to give the enemy pause. DDs lack real fire control equipment so it's pretty much a waste of ammo to have them fire beyond about 4-5km, and it's really best only to shoot within about 2km. WW1 is considerably more complex than the RJW. The fleets are VASTLY larger and can engage effectively over much longer ranges, although results will take 1/2 the day to become decisive in many cases. Even if you're a total dreadnought-era grog, a big fleet action will stretch you to the limit in single-player, even with the pause key . Now you know why every heavy ship division was led by an admiral. I really recommend doing big battles as team MP at least a few times to get the general idea. What makes you relatively easy to hit is having constant rates in range and bearing for a fairly long time, because that's what the fire control systems of the day worked best with. Provided, of course, that neither rate was too high. Thus, the effects of speed are much less noticeable at longer ranges, or if your course is roughly parallel to the enemy's. OTOH, you won't be able to hit yourself if you're maneuvering a lot, so it's a trade-off. You have to see how things are going and if you're getting the short end of the stick, you should change something and hope for better luck once things settle into the new configuration. Yes, if it needed the support of slower ships. For instance, about 1/2 the German dreads can easily exceed the standard 21 knots of Brit dreads, but only at the cost of leaving the other 1/2, which is hard-pressed to make 20 knots, behind. In the RTTN, Scheer let each of his BB divisions go at their best speed to try to kill 5BS, with the result that the HSF was way straggled out when it met the GF, so the fastest BBs got hammered in isolation. Yes, although I don't thing it's very frequent. There's some fire control calculations involved, especially at the longer daylight ranges. You can't increase the ROF because that's a function of how much of a pain it was to reload. And note that very few DDs in Jutland carry reloads anyway. Torps will fire when they have a good solution. Torp solutions are easier to achieve than gun solutions because the calculations are all similar triangles where angles are the important thing. You really don't need to know the range anywhere near as accurately as with guns, just enough to decide which speed/range setting to use. Tube ROF really depends on if the tube has reloads. The few external tubes with reloads (some CLs and the older DDs) have reload times of about 20 minutes. Submerged tubes, OTOH, have reload times of about 5 minutes, due to having overhead hoists or other aids, and not having to manhandle 1-ton objects while being knocked about by North Sea swells. The best way to launch torps is from a crossing course from well off the target's bow, or on a reciprocal course beside. Coming in from astern on roughly the same course is problematic. What the torps are aimed at is the predicted impact point, which is obviously ahead of the target. Thus, the impact point has to be within the tube's arc and the torp's range. If you're far from the target and ahead, turn your ships so the tube arc is well ahead of the target. At the long-range/slow-speed setting commonly used in daylight actions, torps don't go that much faster than most of their targets, which is why 45^ off the bow usually works OK. But you have to have your ship oriented so that the impact point is within the arc of fire. IOW, don't put the target in the center of your arc, but turn so that the the right angle of the 45/45/90 triangle is about centered in your arc."@en . . . . . "Tactics are the system of technologys and methods used to assist in ensuring one's victory in battle."@en . . . . . . "2008-11-25"^^ . "Tactics is a technology in some Civilization games but a promotion in Civilization IV."@en . . . . . . . . . . "2009-04-25"^^ . . "2009-03-31"^^ . "Fire on my Mark"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tactics (\u99C6\u5F15, Kakehiki) is the fifth episode of the Death Note anime series."@en . . . . . "The basic rule for good play in Axis & Allies is Don't fight a battle you're not going to win. If your foe is stronger, retreat. Don't attack if you are going to destroyed with a counterattack. Spoiling Attacks can be an important tactic. Attack and then withdraw before destroying the opposing force, which could leave you vulnerable to an enemy counterattack. It can be worthwhile to risk a counterattack if you are taking an enemy factory, and is usually worthwhile to take an enemy capital. Don't neglect a front entirely. Even 1 infantry per turn can prevent your foes from consolidating control."@en . . . "Warrior"@de . . "A good tactic is shooting at people. Use the terrain to your advantage. Usually tactics depend on the army that is using them. For instance an army based on tanks and other vehicles will prefer to charge the enemy in the open. Whereas an army with lots of less powerful units will want to stay back and barrage the enemy with projectiles. \n* use real life tactics like cover and the way they patrol. \n* look at some of the Completed Matches for ideas, for example see how they win (or lose). \n* use cover, remember most of the time a pistol can't fire through a brick wall (like i said most of the time). Building a base can add some good defense for your army, and maybe help you live longer. but it can get rid of mobility or the element of surprise. not building a base could mean you can't build any more units or collect resources."@en . . . "To adjust your tactics, go to Team -> Tactics"@en . . "Tactics"@en . "Time Taken: One round to several minutes. Specializations: Type of military unit - squads, fleets, capital ships, ground assault. Tactics represents a character's skill in deploying military forces and maneuvering them to his best advantage. It may be rolled to gain general knowledge of how to best stage certain military operations: blockading a planet with a fleet, invading an enemy installation, assaulting a fixed turbolaser battery."@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Kampf"@de . . . . . "Throughout the history of people resisting power, various tactics have emerged and re-emerged based on their efficacy and the ability of groups to carry them out. Any future activism can only be strengthened by a comprehensive understanding of previous tactics."@en . . . "The Tactics or Tips at gaming on Warrock. get tips from experts"@en . "\"Tactics\" (\u30BF\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30AF\u30B9, Takutikusu) is an instrumental musical composition from the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. It is 1:31 long and has been released on Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Sound Duel 1."@en . . . . "no"@en . "Smoke Grenade"@en . . . "Tactics increases the overall damage dealt with melee weapons, unarmed combat, and thrown weapons. At skill 16, when you level up you will gain the Swarm special action, which attempts to do a normal attack to every enemy in melee range at the cost of 5 stamina. Combined with a stamina-draining weapon, this ability can be performed almost infinitely. (In Elona+ mod, the level to gain Swarm is changed to 30) \n* +0.1 damage multiplier per 1.5 levels"@en . . . "This skill improves ground tactics abilities."@en . . "Tactics"@de . . "Geschick"@de . "The Tactics attribute enhances a Warrior by increasing defense and aiding party members. This is a secondary attribute and may be used by secondary warriors."@en . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . . "To adjust your tactics, go to Team -> Tactics"@en . . . . . . "Tactics\u3068\u306F\u6240\u8B02\u30D1\u30C3\u30B7\u30D6\u30B9\u30AD\u30EB\u306B\u76F8\u5F53\u3002 CareerTactics\u306FRank11\u3088\u308A\u53D6\u5F97\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002 \u30B9\u30ED\u30C3\u30C8\u306FRank20 30 40\u306E\u969B\u306B\u4E00\u3064\u305A\u3064\u5897\u3048\u3066\u3001\u6700\u59274\u3064\u307E\u3067\u88C5\u5099\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u308B\u3002 RvRTactics\u306FRvR\u306B\u65BC\u3051\u308B\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u3092\u3001TomeTactics\u306FPvE\u306B\u65BC\u3051\u308B\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u3092\u5F97\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u3001\u3053\u306E\u4E8C\u3064\u306F1\u3064\u3060\u3051\u88C5\u5099\u53EF\u80FD\u3002"@ja . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tactics skill."@en . "2007-11-18"^^ . . . . . "\"Tactics\" (\u30BF\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30AF\u30B9, Takutikusu) is an instrumental musical composition from the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. It is 1:31 long and has been released on Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Sound Duel 1."@en . . "Tactics"@de . . "Tactics (\u99C6\u5F15, Kakehiki) is the fifth episode of the Death Note anime series."@en . . . "Tactics\u3068\u306F\u6240\u8B02\u30D1\u30C3\u30B7\u30D6\u30B9\u30AD\u30EB\u306B\u76F8\u5F53\u3002 CareerTactics\u306FRank11\u3088\u308A\u53D6\u5F97\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002 \u30B9\u30ED\u30C3\u30C8\u306FRank20 30 40\u306E\u969B\u306B\u4E00\u3064\u305A\u3064\u5897\u3048\u3066\u3001\u6700\u59274\u3064\u307E\u3067\u88C5\u5099\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u308B\u3002 RvRTactics\u306FRvR\u306B\u65BC\u3051\u308B\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u3092\u3001TomeTactics\u306FPvE\u306B\u65BC\u3051\u308B\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u3092\u5F97\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u3001\u3053\u306E\u4E8C\u3064\u306F1\u3064\u3060\u3051\u88C5\u5099\u53EF\u80FD\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Assuming a certain level of basic skill and familiarity with tactical shooters, these Tactics should help you and your fellow Survivors get through Left 4 Dead... alive! As a start, make sure you know all of the Controls. Above all else, no matter which team you are on, the Survivors or the Infected, in the end you will be depending on the people around you to survive, as well as to have an overall good experience. This game requires cooperation on all sides, so be kind, treat others nicely, don't go overboard with the trash talk, do not belittle your teammates and be patient with the less experienced players. With luck, they will return the favor. Note: These tactics are written specifically for the Survivor players, though an Infected player can read through and figure out counters to these tactics written below."@en . . . . "Throughout the history of people resisting power, various tactics have emerged and re-emerged based on their efficacy and the ability of groups to carry them out. Any future activism can only be strengthened by a comprehensive understanding of previous tactics."@en . . "Tactics increases the overall damage dealt with melee weapons, unarmed combat, and thrown weapons. At skill 16, when you level up you will gain the Swarm special action, which attempts to do a normal attack to every enemy in melee range at the cost of 5 stamina. Combined with a stamina-draining weapon, this ability can be performed almost infinitely. (In Elona+ mod, the level to gain Swarm is changed to 30) \n* +0.1 damage multiplier per 1.5 levels"@en . . "The below categories contains various generic tactics that can be employed against a variety of folks throughout the game. The list is divided into a section for Ellen, and one for Keats, as the tactics they use are often quite different."@en . . "Time Taken: One round to several minutes. Specializations: Type of military unit - squads, fleets, capital ships, ground assault. Tactics represents a character's skill in deploying military forces and maneuvering them to his best advantage. It may be rolled to gain general knowledge of how to best stage certain military operations: blockading a planet with a fleet, invading an enemy installation, assaulting a fixed turbolaser battery. This skill may also be used to determine the best response to an opponent's move in battle: what to do if the enemy entraps your ships in a pincer movement, how to proceed in the assault should reinforcements arrive, what to do if a unit becomes trapped behind enemy lines. Although tactics rolls might reveal how to best handle military situations, the final outcome of a battle hinges on other skill rolls - command for the leader, and the combat rolls of both forces. Tactics difficulties should be based on various factors in a battle: how many units are involved, the setting, and the difference in training and equipment between units. When rolling this skill, characters are often seeking ways to deal with military situations. The better the result, the more hints a gamemaster should give to help the character win the battle. Hints can take the form of reminders about different moves the enemy can make, suggestions on how to maneuver the character's forces, or (for especially good rolls) risky and unanticipated moves which could throw the enemy off guard."@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Tactics are battle-commands used in the Persona series, starting with Persona 3. Tactics are used by the player to issue indirect commands to A.I.-controlled party members. Most of the tactics are guidelines for how the player wants the AI to fight, such as to conserve SP or fight with no regard to skill cost or remaining SP, however there are several that are direct commands or are unique to specific characters, such as the \"Orgia Mode\" tactic for Aigis and Metis in Persona 3. The Tactics command is at the core of combat in Persona 3, as the player can not directly control party members in battles. Its importance is drastically reduced from Persona 4 onward (including Persona 3 Portable) with the addition of the the \"Direct Command\" tactic, allowing players to issue specific commands to each party member every turn if they so choose."@en . . . "There's no success in heading into a raid instance or a raid encounter without reading up on the tactics beforehand. As it's everyone's own responsability to know the tactics for the fights before they start, it'll be expected from people attending (and even signing up for) raids to know what they'll face. This is basicly to lower times in between tries and fights, but also out of general courtesy as everyone else will be doing it, and no-one would want to wait for just a selected few to not know the fight, forcing a recap just taking time. For a line-up of the tactics we use, see the ."@en . . . . . "Runescar is the god of Tactics"@en . "Some tactics are: 1.) If you lost or are not playing, remind someone about \"the game\". 2.) Try this. 3.) Leave a note saying \"The Game\". 4.) You lost! TROLLOL!"@en . . . . "In Crossfire, there are some tactics that could be useful."@en . . . "Tactics are battle-commands used in the Persona series, starting with Persona 3. Tactics are used by the player to issue indirect commands to A.I.-controlled party members. Most of the tactics are guidelines for how the player wants the AI to fight, such as to conserve SP or fight with no regard to skill cost or remaining SP, however there are several that are direct commands or are unique to specific characters, such as the \"Orgia Mode\" tactic for Aigis and Metis in Persona 3."@en . . . . . . "Cap"@en . "St\u00E4rke"@de . . . . "The basic rule for good play in Axis & Allies is Don't fight a battle you're not going to win. If your foe is stronger, retreat. Don't attack if you are going to destroyed with a counterattack. Spoiling Attacks can be an important tactic. Attack and then withdraw before destroying the opposing force, which could leave you vulnerable to an enemy counterattack. It can be worthwhile to risk a counterattack if you are taking an enemy factory, and is usually worthwhile to take an enemy capital. On the defense, focus on building a strong force to defend your capital. Launch attacks to clear the adjacent areas, but minimize exposure to counterattacks. Aircraft can be useful for this, so don't forget to remove your AA Guns from those areas. Don't neglect a front entirely. Even 1 infantry per turn can prevent your foes from consolidating control. Don't build a factory where it can't be defended. In A&A, the number of units is more important than its strength. You should be building at least half your units as infantry each turn, even on the attack (unless your foe is already weak). However, an all infantry force is a poor attacker, so try to build a little armor or artillery, even on defense. When fighting along a front, keep your forces concentrated. If your foe is splits his force, attack the split force. Don't let your foes take areas for nothing. 1 infantry unit prevents a blitz and will divert a number of opposing units. As you want to keep forces concentrated, but not leave areas defenseless, your typical position on a contested front will be a large force, with small forces adjacent. Keep track of your opponents' threats, and try to create multiple threats of your own."@en . . "The below categories contains various generic tactics that can be employed against a variety of folks throughout the game. The list is divided into a section for Ellen, and one for Keats, as the tactics they use are often quite different."@en . . . . "The Tactics or Tips at gaming on Warrock. get tips from experts"@en . . . . . . "In Crossfire, there are some tactics that could be useful."@en . . . "The Tactics attribute enhances a Warrior by increasing defense and aiding party members. This is a secondary attribute and may be used by secondary warriors."@en . . "There's no success in heading into a raid instance or a raid encounter without reading up on the tactics beforehand. As it's everyone's own responsability to know the tactics for the fights before they start, it'll be expected from people attending (and even signing up for) raids to know what they'll face. This is basicly to lower times in between tries and fights, but also out of general courtesy as everyone else will be doing it, and no-one would want to wait for just a selected few to not know the fight, forcing a recap just taking time. For a line-up of the tactics we use, see the ."@en . "Tactics are played into the battle zone during the logic definition step of the battle phase. Once there, they may have abilities that affect the outcome of the battle, most frequently abilities that trigger when the tactics is put into the battle zone. At the end of battle step, all of your tactics cards in the battle zone are sent to the drop zone. Other that the limit of your members, there is no restriction on the number of tactics that can be played in a turn, or in each battle."@en . . . . . . . . "Tactics.gif"@de . . . . . "Tactics are pre-arranged and rehearsed strategies or methods of play."@en . . . . . . "Runescar is the god of Tactics"@en . . . "no"@en . . . "Tactics"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . "A good tactic is shooting at people. Use the terrain to your advantage. Usually tactics depend on the army that is using them. For instance an army based on tanks and other vehicles will prefer to charge the enemy in the open. Whereas an army with lots of less powerful units will want to stay back and barrage the enemy with projectiles. Building a base can add some good defense for your army, and maybe help you live longer. but it can get rid of mobility or the element of surprise. not building a base could mean you can't build any more units or collect resources."@en . . "Tactics is a technology in some Civilization games but a promotion in Civilization IV."@en . . . . "Tactics are pre-arranged and rehearsed strategies or methods of play."@en . . . "2006-10-31"^^ . .