. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "varrelolot by user MisterApologist [1] John Nowacki is the go-between for most of the Justice Department and all 93 US Attorney's. He is the guy that gets letters, emails, phone calls, and other bits of information that he then passes up the chain of command. The documents contained below demonstrate his central role in important meetings, his role in gathering information on prospective US Attorney's, and organizing complaints of current US Attorney's. The final document (a portion of Nowacki's schedule) demonstrates that his informants ( Investigator Warren Hamilton) help to fulfill his obligation to the other members of the Justice Department by supplying information that fits with a specific agenda. It is extremely important that the House and Senate Judiciary Committee's interview Joh"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Document Dump- John Nowacki"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "varrelolot by user MisterApologist [1] John Nowacki is the go-between for most of the Justice Department and all 93 US Attorney's. He is the guy that gets letters, emails, phone calls, and other bits of information that he then passes up the chain of command. The documents contained below demonstrate his central role in important meetings, his role in gathering information on prospective US Attorney's, and organizing complaints of current US Attorney's. The final document (a portion of Nowacki's schedule) demonstrates that his informants ( Investigator Warren Hamilton) help to fulfill his obligation to the other members of the Justice Department by supplying information that fits with a specific agenda. It is extremely important that the House and Senate Judiciary Committee's interview John Nowacki in order to establish the links between the Justice Department officials, the US Attorney's in the field, and the political operatives who helped remove the targeted US Attorney's. The officials that have been called to be interviewed by the relevant committees are as follows (As you read the documents below notice the amount of conversations between these top officials and John Nowacki): Paul McNulty, William Moschella, Michael Elston, William Mercer, David Margolis, Monica Goodling (pleading the 5th...), Michael Battle (Resigned), and Kyle Sampson (Resigned). Document Dump- John Nowacki (From every Justice Department File Dump thus far.. 3/30/07... even the files where his name was changed to John Nowadd...(however that happened)) Nowacki Email: \"Paul Charlton has notified us that he will announce his resignation today, effective 31 January 2007.\" Sent to Goodling, and Elston, and then forwarded to Kyle Sampson who sent it back to Goodling, Mercer, Moschella, McNulty, and Michael Battle. Email from Nowacki to Elston, Goodling, and Battle: \"First we've seen from him [Kevin Ryan. Note the departure date of 4/27. Will check whether that accurately reflects the letter.\" Reponse from Elston to Sampson: \" What should I do?\" ****( No email follow up from Sampson in the Justice Dump)] Article on John McKay sent by Roehrkasse to Elston, Smith, Nowacki, Mcnulty and Scolinos: \"I happened to see this article when I was traveling last week in the Northwest. These comments are not exactly helpful. John, anything we can do?\" Continued article that was emailed.. Members of the House Judicairy Committee Hearing Prep: Moschella, Elston, Goodling, Hartling, Scott-Finam, Roehrkasse, Nowacki __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .