. . "Ransu Smith is a guy frequently skipped school, so he traveled verses and trained to become stronger while having fun at the same time. Then he somehow traveled to this verse and won every battle tournament. Then he spent his life in university before saying that he was done. He picked up powers over the years (Even the ability to stop aging), and he became like the strongest and most skilled human ever known. Surprisingly, only one of this is true. After all of his adventures, he somehow forgot his name."@en . . . "Ransu Smith (Breadverse Unlimited)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ransu Smith is a guy frequently skipped school, so he traveled verses and trained to become stronger while having fun at the same time. Then he somehow traveled to this verse and won every battle tournament. Then he spent his life in university before saying that he was done. He picked up powers over the years (Even the ability to stop aging), and he became like the strongest and most skilled human ever known. Surprisingly, only one of this is true. After all of his adventures, he somehow forgot his name."@en . . . .