. . "Super Bomberman 2"@en . . "Futa"@en . "Enemy name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Elemental type Hit points Score Stage(s) Appearances Other Sprite Futa is an enemy from Super Bomberman 2. It appears in Stage 3. Futa moves slowly in a straight line until it collides with a Hard Block, bomb, or other enemy, at which point it pauses and then chooses a random direction and continues to move. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision. Futa is translucent, and is able to pass through Soft Blocks."@en . "Futa"@en . "\u30D5\u30FC\u30BF"@en . "200"^^ . "Enemy name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Elemental type Hit points Score Stage(s) Appearances Other Sprite Futa is an enemy from Super Bomberman 2. It appears in Stage 3. Futa moves slowly in a straight line until it collides with a Hard Block, bomb, or other enemy, at which point it pauses and then chooses a random direction and continues to move. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision. Futa is translucent, and is able to pass through Soft Blocks."@en . . "1"^^ . . "Whim"@en . .