"Distraction Action!, also known as Decoy Trailer!, is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 given to protagonist Claude Speed by The Zaibatsu Corporation leader Red Valdez. The mission is the second job available from the red Zaibatsu phone in The Village of the Residential District."@en . "Distraction Action! .jpg"@pl . "Distraction Action! \u2013 jedna z siedmiu misji dla Zaibatsu w Residential w Grand Theft Auto 2."@pl . "respekt +5 dla gangu Zaibatsu"@pl . "$70 000"@pl . . . "Distraction Action!"@pl . . "Distraction Action!"@en . "Distraction Action!"@en . . . . "2"^^ . "70000.0"^^ . "odwracanie uwagi policji od dzia\u0142a\u0144 pracodawcy"@pl . "Distraction Action!, also known as Decoy Trailer!, is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 given to protagonist Claude Speed by The Zaibatsu Corporation leader Red Valdez. The mission is the second job available from the red Zaibatsu phone in The Village of the Residential District."@en . . "Distraction Action! \u2013 jedna z siedmiu misji dla Zaibatsu w Residential w Grand Theft Auto 2."@pl . . "Protagonista \u015Bci\u0105ga na siebie uwag\u0119 policji, odci\u0105gaj\u0105c ich od innych zada\u0144"@pl . "Zaibatsu Village in Residential District, Anywhere City"@en . "zniszczenie ci\u0119\u017Car\u00F3wki przed up\u0142ywem minuty\nodczepienie jej przed tym samym przeci\u0105giem czasu"@pl . "Zaibatsu"@pl . . "Decoy Trailer!"@pl . "czerwona budka w The Village,"@pl . "Cops"@en . . . .