. . "Formerly: Deck de Fusi\u00F3n"@en . "\uC5D1\uC2A4\uD2B8\uB77C \uB371 Ekseuteura Dek"@en . "Extra Deck"@en . . "Extra Deck \u00E8 un Deck facoltativo nel quale vengono messi i Mostri Fusione, Synchro e Xyz. L'Extra Deck non pu\u00F2 contenere pi\u00F9 di 15 carte totali. Il termine \"Extra Deck\" \u00E8 stato coniato nel 2008 con l'arrivo dei Mostri Synchro perch\u00E9 prima veniva chiamato Fusion Deck. Tutte le carte che fanno riferimento al Fusion Deck si riferiscono ora all'Extra Deck. L'Extra Deck va messo nella Zona dell'Extra Deck, posta sotto la Zona Carta Magia Terreno, in basso a sinistra. Se un Mostro Synchro, Fusione o Xyz viene scelto come bersaglio da carte che lo porterebbero in Mano o nel Main Deck viene invece rimandato nell'Extra Deck. Nell'Extra Deck sussiste la regola che possono essere messe solo 3 carte con il medesimo nome, inoltre il contenuto dell'Extra Deck non \u00E8 un informazione pubblica, pertanto il tuo avversario non \u00E8 tenuto a conoscerne il contenuto. Categoria:Termini del Gioco"@it . "\u7279\u5225\u724C\u7D44 T\u00E8bi\u00E9 P\u00E1iz\u01D4 / Dak6 bit6 Paai4 zou2"@en . "Ekusutora Dekki"@en . . . . "Deck Extra"@en . "Formerly: Fusionsdeck"@en . . . "Extradeck"@en . "Extra Deck"@en . "Formerly: \u3086\u3046\u3054\u3046\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . "\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . "Formerly: Deck de Fus\u00E3o"@en . "Formerly: Y\u016Bg\u014D Dekki"@en . "Extra Deck \u00E8 un Deck facoltativo nel quale vengono messi i Mostri Fusione, Synchro e Xyz. L'Extra Deck non pu\u00F2 contenere pi\u00F9 di 15 carte totali. Il termine \"Extra Deck\" \u00E8 stato coniato nel 2008 con l'arrivo dei Mostri Synchro perch\u00E9 prima veniva chiamato Fusion Deck. Tutte le carte che fanno riferimento al Fusion Deck si riferiscono ora all'Extra Deck. L'Extra Deck va messo nella Zona dell'Extra Deck, posta sotto la Zona Carta Magia Terreno, in basso a sinistra."@it . "Extra Deck"@en . "Formerly: Fusion Deck"@en . "The Extra Deck (Japanese: \u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD Ekusutora Dekki, abbreviated \uFF25\uFF38\uFF08\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\uFF09\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD in card text since Code of the Duelist), formerly known as the Fusion Deck (\u878D\uFF08\u3086\u3046\uFF09\u5408\uFF08\u3054\u3046\uFF09\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD Y\u016Bg\u014D Dekki), is a Deck where Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters (as well as Pendulum Monsters that would otherwise have been sent from the field to the Graveyard) are stored during a Duel. The Extra Deck is separate from the Main Deck and is placed face-down in the Extra Deck Zone. Like the Main Deck, the number of cards in the Extra Deck is public knowledge. Unlike the Main Deck, a player may look through their own Extra Deck at any time. The face-down contents of the Extra Deck are not public knowledge, so a player may not look through face-down cards in their opponent's Extra Deck; however, the face-up cards in the Extra Deck are public knowledge, so either player may look through them at any time. Per the \"Maximum of 3 Rule\", during Deck construction there can be at most 3 cards with the same name in a player's Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck (combined). During Deck construction, the Extra Deck has a maximum size of 15 cards (including all Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters combined). However, Pendulum Monsters placed face-up in the Extra Deck during a Duel can cause the total size of the Extra Deck to exceed the maximum size permitted during Deck construction. If a Fusion Monster, Synchro Monster, Xyz Monster, or Link Monster would be returned to the hand or Main Deck, it is instead returned to the Extra Deck (face-down), since Fusion Monsters, Synchro Monsters, Xyz Monsters, and Link Monsters cannot exist in the hand or the Main Deck. It is not necessary to shuffle the Extra Deck, even when a card specifies that the card would be shuffled into the Deck. Monsters that are Special Summoned from the Extra Deck must be Special Summoned to a Main Monster Zone pointed to by a Link Monster or an Extra Monster Zone. Prior to the introduction of the Extra Monster Zones, a monster could be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck to any Monster Zone."@en . "Deck Adicional"@en . "Formerly: Fusion Deck"@en . "Extra Deck"@it . . "\uFF25\uFF38\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . . "\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . "Formerly: \u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . "The Extra Deck (Japanese: \u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD Ekusutora Dekki, abbreviated \uFF25\uFF38\uFF08\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\uFF09\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD in card text since Code of the Duelist), formerly known as the Fusion Deck (\u878D\uFF08\u3086\u3046\uFF09\u5408\uFF08\u3054\u3046\uFF09\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD Y\u016Bg\u014D Dekki), is a Deck where Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters (as well as Pendulum Monsters that would otherwise have been sent from the field to the Graveyard) are stored during a Duel."@en . "Formerly: \u878D\u5408\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD"@en . "Formerly: \uC735\uD569 \uB371 Yunghap Dek"@en . . . . "Extra Deck"@fr . . "Formerly: Fusion Deck"@en . . "Formerly: \u878D\u5408\u724C\u7D44 R\u00F3ngh\u00E9 P\u00E1iz\u01D4 / Jung4 hap6 Paai4 zou2"@en . . "Extra Deck"@en . .