. "Cyrus Redblock"@fr . "Cyrus Redblock"@en . . "Le Capitaine Jean-Luc Picard, dans le r\u00F4le de Dixon Hill, accompagn\u00E9 de Data et du Docteur Beverly Crusher, furent confront\u00E9s \u00E0 Redblock contre leur gr\u00E9, suite \u00E0 un dysfonctionnement du holodeck qui d\u00E9sactiva les protocoles de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 et les emp\u00EAcha de sortir. Redblock souhaitait qu'il lui soit rendu ce qui lui appartenait... Gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 Wesley Crusher et Geordi La Forge, la panne fut r\u00E9par\u00E9e \u00E0 temps et Redblock et son associ\u00E9 Felix Leech se d\u00E9mat\u00E9rialis\u00E8rent en tentant de quitter le holodeck. Avant de dispara\u00EEtre, Redblock crut qu'il \u00E9tait en passe de contr\u00F4ler de nouveaux mondes et de nouvelles civilisations. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\") Cyrus Redblock fut interpr\u00E9t\u00E9 par Lawrence Tierney."@fr . . "thumb|Cyrus Redblock Cyrus Redblock ist ein fiktionaler Charakter aus einem Dixon-Hill-Holoroman. Redblock ist ein gro\u00DFformatiger Gangsterboss der 1940er. Er legt viel oberfl\u00E4chlichen Wert auf Etikette, scheut aber keinesfalls vor Gewalt zur\u00FCck. (TNG: ) Cyrus Redblock wurde von Lawrence Tierney gespielt und von Gottfried Kramer (CIC-Version) sowie Alexander Herzog (TV-Version) synchronisiert."@de . . . "thumb|Cyrus Redblock Cyrus Redblock ist ein fiktionaler Charakter aus einem Dixon-Hill-Holoroman. Redblock ist ein gro\u00DFformatiger Gangsterboss der 1940er. Er legt viel oberfl\u00E4chlichen Wert auf Etikette, scheut aber keinesfalls vor Gewalt zur\u00FCck. (TNG: ) Cyrus Redblock wurde von Lawrence Tierney gespielt und von Gottfried Kramer (CIC-Version) sowie Alexander Herzog (TV-Version) synchronisiert."@de . . . . . . . "Cyrus Redblock"@de . "The Dixon Hill series"@en . . . . "Cyrus Redblock was a villain in the Dixon Hill holodeck program. In 2364, Jean-Luc Picard, Data and Beverly Crusher were threatened by Redblock and Felix Leech when they were trapped in the holodeck, but were able to convince Redblock and Leech to leave the holodeck. By doing so, Redblock and Leech disappeared. (TNG episode: \"The Big Goodbye\") When Jean-Luc Picard used the Dixon Hill holodeck chapter The Case of the Missing Heart in 2377, Redblock was abducted by persons unknown. (TNG novel: A Hard Rain)"@en . . . . "2364"^^ . "Human Male"@en . . . "Cyrus Redblock was a villain in the Dixon Hill holodeck program. In 2364, Jean-Luc Picard, Data and Beverly Crusher were threatened by Redblock and Felix Leech when they were trapped in the holodeck, but were able to convince Redblock and Leech to leave the holodeck. By doing so, Redblock and Leech disappeared. (TNG episode: \"The Big Goodbye\") When Jean-Luc Picard used the Dixon Hill holodeck chapter The Case of the Missing Heart in 2377, Redblock was abducted by persons unknown. (TNG novel: A Hard Rain)"@en . . . . . . . "Le Capitaine Jean-Luc Picard, dans le r\u00F4le de Dixon Hill, accompagn\u00E9 de Data et du Docteur Beverly Crusher, furent confront\u00E9s \u00E0 Redblock contre leur gr\u00E9, suite \u00E0 un dysfonctionnement du holodeck qui d\u00E9sactiva les protocoles de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 et les emp\u00EAcha de sortir. Redblock souhaitait qu'il lui soit rendu ce qui lui appartenait... Gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 Wesley Crusher et Geordi La Forge, la panne fut r\u00E9par\u00E9e \u00E0 temps et Redblock et son associ\u00E9 Felix Leech se d\u00E9mat\u00E9rialis\u00E8rent en tentant de quitter le holodeck. Avant de dispara\u00EEtre, Redblock crut qu'il \u00E9tait en passe de contr\u00F4ler de nouveaux mondes et de nouvelles civilisations. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\")"@fr . "Dematerialized"@en . . "Cyrus Redblock was a ruthless gangster from the Dixon Hill series, who nevertheless prided himself on his manners and vocabulary. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in the guise of Dixon Hill and along with Data and Doctor Beverly Crusher, was forced to confront Redblock when a malfunction on the holodeck prevented the group from leaving. Redblock threatened to kill them if he did not receive the \"item\" he hired Hill to retrieve. However, thanks to Wesley Crusher and Geordi La Forge, the malfunction was corrected in time, and both Redblock and his associate Felix Leech dematerialized when they tried to leave the holodeck. Before vanishing, Redblock believed he was on his way to take control of new worlds and civilizations. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" ) Cyrus Redblock was played by Lawrence Tierney. He was described in the script as \"a massive man-- imposing in his white Panama suit and straw hat.\" [1] Redblock's name was a play on Sydney Greenstreet's name; he played a similar role in an important film noir entitled The Maltese Falcon. (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 209)"@en . "Cyrus Redblock"@en . "Cyrus Redblock was a ruthless gangster from the Dixon Hill series, who nevertheless prided himself on his manners and vocabulary. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in the guise of Dixon Hill and along with Data and Doctor Beverly Crusher, was forced to confront Redblock when a malfunction on the holodeck prevented the group from leaving. Redblock threatened to kill them if he did not receive the \"item\" he hired Hill to retrieve. However, thanks to Wesley Crusher and Geordi La Forge, the malfunction was corrected in time, and both Redblock and his associate Felix Leech dematerialized when they tried to leave the holodeck. Before vanishing, Redblock believed he was on his way to take control of new worlds and civilizations. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" )"@en . . . . . .