. . . . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Armada de la Rep\u00FAblica"@es . "Alive"@en . . "\"Escape from Kadavo\" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide"@en . . "Coburn"@es . . "None"@en . . . . "Coburn was an admiral who served Plo Koon in the Star Wars series."@en . . "2374"^^ . . . . "Coburn"@nl . . . "Coburn was een Starfleet schout-bij-nacht tijdens de 2370s. In het begin van 2374 stelde kapitein Benjamin Sisko zijn plan om Deep Space 9 terug te veroveren voor aan Coburn en Admiral Sitak. Coburn was bezorgd dat de Dominion niet hard zou terugvechten, maar de kans greep om een aanval op de Aarde uit te voeren. Sisko kon hem ervan overtuigen dat de Dominion Aarde niet aan zou vallen, aangezien het Bajoran wormgat de sleutel was tot het Alfa kwadrant. (DS9: \"Favor the Bold\")"@nl . . "Black"@en . . . . "Coburn (\u30B3\u30D0\u30FC\u30F3, Kob\u0101n) is a sharksucker Chimera Ant working under the Ortho Siblings."@en . "Coburn (\u30B3\u30D0\u30FC\u30F3, Kob\u0101n) is a sharksucker Chimera Ant working under the Ortho Siblings."@en . . . . "Chimera Ant Queen"@en . . "*Galactic Republic\n**Republic military\n***Grand Army of the Republic\n****Republic Navy"@en . . . . . "Kob\u0101n"@en . "Read Admiral Coburn in 2374"@en . . . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep518/#!/about"@en . "El Almirante Coburn fue un oficial de la Armada de la Rep\u00FAblica que sirvi\u00F3 con el General Jedi Plo Koon durante las Guerras Clon. Trabaj\u00F3 estrechamente con Koon y el Comandante Clon Wolffe en algunas de las operaciones m\u00E1s peligrosas, contra la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Alrededor del segundo a\u00F1o de la guerra, Coburn lider\u00F3 una flota de cuatro cruceros en Lola Sayu para rescatar a un grupo de rehenes de la Rep\u00FAblica de una famosa prisi\u00F3n conocida como la Ciudadela. Mientras Coburn comandaba a la flota de la Rep\u00FAblica, los maestros Koon, Adi Gallia, Saesee Tiin y Kit Fisto rescataron a los supervivientes de la superficie. Coburn y su equipo fue capaz de huir con las m\u00EDnimas bajas. En Kadavo, Coburn particip\u00F3 en otra exitosa operaci\u00F3n, que fue clave en el rescate de varios Togruta que hab\u00EDan sido capturados y esclavizados por el Imperio esclavista Zygerriano respaldado por los separatistas."@es . . "Coburn"@es . . "Active"@en . . . . . . . "Coburn"@nl . "Coburn"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Coburn"@cs . . "181"^^ . . "Dr. Coburn is a character in the novel Final Destination: Dead Man's Hand. She is a doctor who works at Valley Hospital Medical Center. After Allie and the other Merlin's Tower survivors narrowly avoided death when the van they were riding in almost crashed into a tanker, Dr. Coburn cleaned them up and provided them with clothing before telling them that Tom and Shawna were doing fine and only had minor injuries. She also informed Detective Ackerman that his partner was in serious condition (the traffic light was inches away from severing her in half) and that the two officers escorting them were in critical condition, and might not make it. Before leaving Dr. Coburn handed Ackerman the phone number for Mrs. Barker, who was taking care of Shawna's cats."@en . . "Coburn"@es . "El Almirante Coburn fue un oficial de la Armada de la Rep\u00FAblica que sirvi\u00F3 con el General Jedi Plo Koon durante las Guerras Clon. Trabaj\u00F3 estrechamente con Koon y el Comandante Clon Wolffe en algunas de las operaciones m\u00E1s peligrosas, contra la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Alrededor del segundo a\u00F1o de la guerra, Coburn lider\u00F3 una flota de cuatro cruceros en Lola Sayu para rescatar a un grupo de rehenes de la Rep\u00FAblica de una famosa prisi\u00F3n conocida como la Ciudadela. Mientras Coburn comandaba a la flota de la Rep\u00FAblica, los maestros Koon, Adi Gallia, Saesee Tiin y Kit Fisto rescataron a los supervivientes de la superficie. Coburn y su equipo fue capaz de huir con las m\u00EDnimas bajas."@es . "Gris"@es . . . . . . . . . . "White"@en . "Fair"@en . . "\u30B3\u30D0\u30FC\u30F3"@en . . . . . . . "Rear Admiral Coburn was a male Starfleet flag officer in the 24th century. In early 2374, Captain Benjamin Sisko presented Coburn and Admiral Sitak with his plan to retake Deep Space 9. Coburn had concerns that the Dominion would not commit a large force to stop them, but instead would take the opportunity to launch an attack on Earth. Sisko convinced him that the Dominion would not attack Earth, as the Bajoran wormhole was the key to the Alpha Quadrant. (DS9: \"Favor the Bold\") Admiral Coburn was played by Bart McCarthy. In the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 149) , while the authors acknowledge the admiral's name was spelled \"Coburn\" in the script, the authors insisted on spelling his name as \"Cobum\"."@en . . "thumb|Coburn (2374) Rear Admiral Coburn ist ein Mitglied der Sternenflotte in den 2370ern. Im Jahr 2374 schl\u00E4gt Captain Sisko dem Sternenflottenkommando den Plan zur Zur\u00FCckeroberung von Deep Space Nine vor, bei dessen Pr\u00E4sentation auch Admiral Coburn und Admiral Sitak anwesend sind. Coburn meint jedoch, dass dies dem Dominion die Gelegenheit geben w\u00FCrde, einen verheerenden Schlag gegen die Erde zu f\u00FChren. Aber Sisko kann ihn und Sitak \u00FCberzeugen, den Angriff durchf\u00FChren zu lassen, da das Dominion die Erde nicht angreifen wird, da nicht die Erde, sondern das Wurmloch der Schl\u00FCssel zum Alpha-Quadranten ist. Und wer DS9 kontrolliert, kontrolliert das Wurmloch. (DS9: )"@de . . . . "Galactic Republic"@en . . "thumb|Coburn (2374) Rear Admiral Coburn ist ein Mitglied der Sternenflotte in den 2370ern. Im Jahr 2374 schl\u00E4gt Captain Sisko dem Sternenflottenkommando den Plan zur Zur\u00FCckeroberung von Deep Space Nine vor, bei dessen Pr\u00E4sentation auch Admiral Coburn und Admiral Sitak anwesend sind. Coburn meint jedoch, dass dies dem Dominion die Gelegenheit geben w\u00FCrde, einen verheerenden Schlag gegen die Erde zu f\u00FChren. Aber Sisko kann ihn und Sitak \u00FCberzeugen, den Angriff durchf\u00FChren zu lassen, da das Dominion die Erde nicht angreifen wird, da nicht die Erde, sondern das Wurmloch der Schl\u00FCssel zum Alpha-Quadranten ist. Und wer DS9 kontrolliert, kontrolliert das Wurmloch. (DS9: ) Admiral Coburn wurde von Bart McCarthy gespielt und von Gerd Holtenau synchronisiert. Der Admiral hei\u00DFt laut dem Drehbuch zur Episode Coburn. Im Abspann der Folge ist allerdings Cobum zu lesen."@de . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep320/#!/about"@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . "Rep"@es . . "Coburn"@de . . . . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep413/#!/about"@en . . . . "AdmiralCoburn.jpg"@nl . "Coburn"@es . "Coburn"@es . "Gray"@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Coburn was een Starfleet schout-bij-nacht tijdens de 2370s. In het begin van 2374 stelde kapitein Benjamin Sisko zijn plan om Deep Space 9 terug te veroveren voor aan Coburn en Admiral Sitak. Coburn was bezorgd dat de Dominion niet hard zou terugvechten, maar de kans greep om een aanval op de Aarde uit te voeren. Sisko kon hem ervan overtuigen dat de Dominion Aarde niet aan zou vallen, aangezien het Bajoran wormgat de sleutel was tot het Alfa kwadrant. (DS9: \"Favor the Bold\")"@nl . "V roce 2374 p\u0159edstavil kapit\u00E1n Benjamin Sisko admir\u00E1lu Coburnovi a admir\u00E1lu Sitak pl\u00E1n znovuz\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED stanice Deep Space 9. Admir\u00E1l Coburn m\u011Bl obavy, \u017Ee Dominion nepo\u0161le sv\u00E9 posily k obran\u011B Deep Space 9, ale za\u00FAto\u010D\u00ED na Zemi. Sisko ho p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Dil, \u017Ee br\u00E1nou do Alfa kvadrantu je bajoransk\u00E1 \u010Derv\u00ED d\u00EDra, ne Zem\u011B. (DS9: Favor the Bold) Coburna ztv\u00E1rnil Bart McCarthy."@cs . . . . . . "V roce 2374 p\u0159edstavil kapit\u00E1n Benjamin Sisko admir\u00E1lu Coburnovi a admir\u00E1lu Sitak pl\u00E1n znovuz\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED stanice Deep Space 9. Admir\u00E1l Coburn m\u011Bl obavy, \u017Ee Dominion nepo\u0161le sv\u00E9 posily k obran\u011B Deep Space 9, ale za\u00FAto\u010D\u00ED na Zemi. Sisko ho p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Dil, \u017Ee br\u00E1nou do Alfa kvadrantu je bajoransk\u00E1 \u010Derv\u00ED d\u00EDra, ne Zem\u011B. (DS9: Favor the Bold) Coburna ztv\u00E1rnil Bart McCarthy."@cs . . . "Coburn was an admiral who served Plo Koon in the Star Wars series."@en . . . . "Coburn"@en . . . . . . . . . "1.81"^^ . . . "Blue"@en . . . "theclonewars/guide/episode320.html"@en . "\"Citadel Rescue\" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide"@en . "Man"@nl . "Coburn"@es . . "Verde"@es . . . "Rear Admiral Coburn was a male Starfleet flag officer in the 24th century. In early 2374, Captain Benjamin Sisko presented Coburn and Admiral Sitak with his plan to retake Deep Space 9. Coburn had concerns that the Dominion would not commit a large force to stop them, but instead would take the opportunity to launch an attack on Earth. Sisko convinced him that the Dominion would not attack Earth, as the Bajoran wormhole was the key to the Alpha Quadrant. (DS9: \"Favor the Bold\")"@en . . . . . . . . "Masculino"@es . "Dr. Coburn is a character in the novel Final Destination: Dead Man's Hand. She is a doctor who works at Valley Hospital Medical Center. After Allie and the other Merlin's Tower survivors narrowly avoided death when the van they were riding in almost crashed into a tanker, Dr. Coburn cleaned them up and provided them with clothing before telling them that Tom and Shawna were doing fine and only had minor injuries. She also informed Detective Ackerman that his partner was in serious condition (the traffic light was inches away from severing her in half) and that the two officers escorting them were in critical condition, and might not make it. Before leaving Dr. Coburn handed Ackerman the phone number for Mrs. Barker, who was taking care of Shawna's cats. Later, after running an HIV test on all of the survivors, Dr. Coburn called Allie (who was the only survivor of the van incident left; the others died in haphazard accidents) to tell her that she was infected with a strong, possibly mortal case of HIV, after Officer Murphy's blood got into her system."@en . "\"The Jedi Who Knew Too Much\" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide"@en . . . . .