. "Allerian.jpg"@pl . "Allerian Stronghold is an Alliance town in Terokkar Forest. Its name is in honor of Alleria Windrunner, although she does not currently reside here. The place is full of high elves and features some of the only high elf buildings in-game. During the Alliance's expedition into Draenor, Danath headed the company that hunted Ner'zhul. In Terokkar Forest, they were eventually exhausted and tired by the constant travel, and camp was set up for a night of rest. Thalressar and Herrick both agreed to honour the sacrifices of the Wildhammer clan and designate the location of what would one day become Allerian Stronghold, becoming its founders by doing so. Thalressar said that it would stand as a symbol of the alliance between elves, men and dwarves."@en . . . "Alliance"@en . "Active"@pl . . . "Yes"@pl . . . "Allerian Stronghold"@en . . . . . "Forteca Alleria\u0144ska to miasteczko Przymierza w Lesie Terokkar. Nazwano je na cze\u015B\u0107 Allerii Windrunner, kt\u00F3ra jednak tu nie mieszka. W mie\u015Bcie mieszka du\u017Ca populacja wysokich elf\u00F3w i mo\u017Cna tu zobaczy\u0107 jedne z nielicznych przyk\u0142ad\u00F3w architektury wysokich elf\u00F3w wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w grze."@pl . . . "Yes"@pl . . "Yes"@pl . . . . . "Allerian Stronghold"@es . "Allerian Stronghold is an Alliance town in Terokkar Forest. Its name is in honor of Alleria Windrunner, although she does not currently reside here. The place is full of high elves and features some of the only high elf buildings in-game."@en . . . "Yes"@pl . . . . . . "Forteca Alleria\u0144ska to miasteczko Przymierza w Lesie Terokkar. Nazwano je na cze\u015B\u0107 Allerii Windrunner, kt\u00F3ra jednak tu nie mieszka. W mie\u015Bcie mieszka du\u017Ca populacja wysokich elf\u00F3w i mo\u017Cna tu zobaczy\u0107 jedne z nielicznych przyk\u0142ad\u00F3w architektury wysokich elf\u00F3w wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w grze. Podczas ekspedycji Sojuszu do Draenoru, Danath poprowadzi\u0142 oddzia\u0142 na polowanie na Ner'zhula. W Lesie Terokkar opadli jednak z si\u0142 i za\u0142o\u017Cyli ob\u00F3z, by przeczeka\u0107 noc. Talthressar i Herrick zgodzili si\u0119, \u017Ce nale\u017Cy uczci\u0107 po\u015Bwi\u0119cenie Wildhammer\u00F3w, wyznaczaj\u0105c miejsce, gdzie obecnie stoi Forteca. Talthressar powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce jest ona symbolem przymierza pomi\u0119dzy elfami, lud\u017Ami i krasnoludami."@pl . "Alliance"@pl . . "Yes"@pl . . . "Forteca Alleria\u0144ska"@pl . "Miasteczko"@pl . . . . . "Burning Crusade"@en . . . . . "Wschodni Las Terokkar"@pl . . "Allerian Stronghold"@en . "Eastern Terokkar Forest"@en . . . . "Yes"@pl . "Allerian Stronghold"@pl . . "Yes"@pl . . . "Allerian.jpg"@en . . . "World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade"@pl .