. "2010-07-25"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "Local Hero"@en . . "2010"^^ . . . . . . "Local Hero is an episode of series 26 which first aired on sunday 25th july. The episode had 3.7 million viewers with a 14.5% share."@en . ""@en . . "1999-04-21"^^ . . . "\u200B Un pueblo peque\u00F1o y tranquilo de repente es bombardeado por una serie de extra\u00F1os incidentes. Un secreto terrible expone a las personas locales."@es . "A rather charming film directed by Bill Forsyth and starring Burt Lancaster, Peter Riegert, Denis Lawson, and Peter Capaldi. This thoughtful comedy follows an American oil company executive, \"Mac\" MacIntyre (Riegert), who is sent to negotiate with the local inhabitants of the Bonnie Scotland town of Ferness because their home lies on prime coastline for new petroleum and chemical processing facilities. \n* Abhorrent Admirer: At the C\u00E9ilidh Danny is pursued- rather aggressively- by a female punk. He finds her abhorrent mainly because she's not Marina. \n* A God Am I: Norman and his rambling about \"unfreezing the Arctic Circle\" and diverting the Gulf Stream. Not taken too seriously. \n* Airplane Arms: Danny at one point, combined with a truly Girly Run. \n* All Men Are Perverts: Danny is constantly thinking about sex. Either for himself, or wondering about the sex lives of other characters. \n* Bittersweet Ending: Everyone got what they wanted, except Mac, who deeply regrets having to leave the idyllic town of Ferness. \n* Bonnie Scotland \n* Bunny Ears Lawyer: Felix Happer. \n* Captain Obvious: \"You speak languages?\" \n* Conspicuous Trenchcoat: The trenchcoat itself, coupled with the fact that Danny has been sent to discreetly meet Mac at the airport and has the sign for Knox Industries half-hidden in the coat. He tries to unobtrusively shove the sign into everyone's faces as they disembark from the plane. He comes off looking like a really conspicuous, inept spy... or a flasher. \n* Cool Car: Mac carries a picture of his Porsche 930. \n* Critical Psychoanalysis Failure: The odd subplot and interplay between Happer and his psychologist Moritz, who veers into Stalker with a Crush territory. \n* Crowning Music of Awesome: Given that the (more well known) soundtrack was composed by Mark Knopfler, it should seem natural. Especially the hauntingly ambient parts of the soundtrack. \n* In-universe example: everyone is excited to listen to Victor sing \"Lonesome Cowboy\". \n* Cute Clumsy Girl: A rare male example in Danny. \n* Deconstruction: Of the typical \"big business vs. small town\" plot. \n* Eccentric Millionaire: Felix Happer again, CEO of Knox Industries. \n* Fauxreigner: Mac, unintentionally. He gets the assigment because the management think he's Scottish. Actually, his parents were Hungarian immigrants who took the name MacIntyre because they thought it sounded more American. \n* Foreign Queasine: It's an utterly usual dish, but not from Mac's perspective. \"You don't eat things with names!\" \n* Funny Background Event: The entire population of the town sneak out of the church behind Mac and Danny. Danny notices and does some hilarious double takes. \n* Gainax Ending: Marina may be a mermaid, Ben may be descended from the original owners of the oil company that wants to build over his beach, and the last shots of the film are a transition from the busy energy of Houston to a shot of the phone in the small town's only phone booth ringing forlornly. \n* Get Out!: Happer to Moritz. Constantly. \n* Girly Run: Danny. The scene where he and Mac skip stones on the beach reveals that he's just generally a complete spaz. \n* Hey, It's That Guy: \n* Lt. Mitch Kellaway is Mac. \n* Peter Capaldi as Danny. For those who recognize him as the man who plays Malcolm Tucker, it's quite a shock. \n* Gordon Urquhart is Wedge Antilles! \n* Hidden Depths: Everyone in town, even the most seemingly one-dimensional. The punk girl, for instance, admits she's chasing Danny even though he's obviously not right for her because he's someone different than the boys in Ferness. One of the townspeople begins to sob that despite being on the verge of being filthy rich, it hasn't made him feel any different. \n* Hot Scientist: Marina \n* Look Both Ways: A Running Gag. Every time he leaves a building, Mac is almost run down by a guy on a dirt bike. Keep in mind the town has maybe two streets. \n* Mac becomes aware of this and at one point holds Danny back a few seconds before the dirt bike rides past. \n* Meaningful Name: Marina and Stella. \n* Not So Different: Mac, a high-flying oil executive from Houston, and Gordon, a mayor/hotelier/cab driver from Ferness, Scotland. They're both businessmen and at the core want the same thing out of life, the main difference between the two being that Gordon has actually achieved it. \n* \n* Happer, multibillionaire Texas oil company owner and Ben Knox, beachcomber - they become best friends. \n* Omniglot: Danny, who professes a \"facility with languages\" and provides Mac with a long list, though G\u00E0idhlig isn't one of them. Mac thinks they're all gratuitous and cuts him short at one point when Danny starts to say \"no\" in every one that comes to mind. \n* Overt Operative: Danny and his Conspicuous Trenchcoat at the airport. \n* Pop Star Composer: Mark Knopfler \n* Real Estate Scam: Knox Industries and their plan to buy out the town. Subverted in that both Knox and the townspeople are more than happy to do the deal. As Victor states, \"You can't eat scenery.\" Most of the movie is Gordon and Mac haggling over just how much the townspeople are to be paid. \n* Shout-Out: Gets lots of them on MST3K, due to being one of Kevin Murphy's favorite films. \n* Dr Forrester once offered its viewing over the crap movie of the week as a reward if Joel and the Bots would win the invention exchange contest, using TV's Frank as an \"impartial\" judge. Naturally, the contest was rigged, and the SOL crew were forced to watch the truly abysmal (even by the show's standards) Monster a Go-Go!. \n* Tastes Like Friendship: Mac shares a chocolate bar with Danny when they're stranded in their car overnight. \n* Technology Marches On: Some of the fancy aspects of Happer's office almost reach Zeerust proportions. Then there's Mac's beeper and his insistence that he is \"more of a Telex man\". \n* Values Dissonance: Mac adopts a rabbit after Danny hits it with a car. He keeps it in his hotel room until the manager finds it and makes it into a delicious supper, leaving Mac aghast, in an in-universe invocation of this trope. \n* Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Gordon Urquhart serves Mac and Danny breakfast as their innkeeper, then a bit later they head across the street and find that Gordon is also the mayor. He's also a lawyer and handles much of the negotiations on the town's behalf. \n* Being a small, isolated town, all of the people at Ferness have multiple jobs. In fact, one of them is incredulous that Mac only has one job."@en . . . . . "Local Hero is the 22nd episode of Season 9 of FOX drama soap Beverly Hills, 90210."@en . "Although local heroes are produced to act in a local area, some gain fame throughout Japan by performing at other local heroes' shows or being featured in mainstream media. Ch\u014Djin Neiger (\u8D85\u795E\u30CD\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC Ch\u014Djin Neig\u0101?, translated as \"Super-God Neiger\" or \"Neiger The Hero\") from Nikaho, Akita Prefecture, has had two theme songs recorded by anison recording artist Ichirou Mizuki (the first of which was previously available on the Japanese iTunes Store) and a subsequent EP featuring Mitsuko Horie's vocals. Ryujin Mabuyer (\u7409\u795E\u30DE\u30D6\u30E4\u30FC Ry\u016Bjin Mabuy\u0101?) from Okinawa Prefecture and the Ryukyu Islands was featured in his own syndicated television series. Maburittokiba (\u30DE\u30D6\u30EA\u30C3\u30C8\u30AD\u30D0 Maburittokiba?) from T\u014Dno, Iwate Prefecture, was featured in an episode of the TBS program Kizuna Dining when they visited T\u014Dno and appea"@en . "102"^^ . . "Although local heroes are produced to act in a local area, some gain fame throughout Japan by performing at other local heroes' shows or being featured in mainstream media. Ch\u014Djin Neiger (\u8D85\u795E\u30CD\u30A4\u30AC\u30FC Ch\u014Djin Neig\u0101?, translated as \"Super-God Neiger\" or \"Neiger The Hero\") from Nikaho, Akita Prefecture, has had two theme songs recorded by anison recording artist Ichirou Mizuki (the first of which was previously available on the Japanese iTunes Store) and a subsequent EP featuring Mitsuko Horie's vocals. Ryujin Mabuyer (\u7409\u795E\u30DE\u30D6\u30E4\u30FC Ry\u016Bjin Mabuy\u0101?) from Okinawa Prefecture and the Ryukyu Islands was featured in his own syndicated television series. Maburittokiba (\u30DE\u30D6\u30EA\u30C3\u30C8\u30AD\u30D0 Maburittokiba?) from T\u014Dno, Iwate Prefecture, was featured in an episode of the TBS program Kizuna Dining when they visited T\u014Dno and appears at hero shows throughout Japan. The Marimokkori of Hokkaid\u014D has become a popular character throughout Japan, sold as mobile phone charms, claw machine prizes, among other merchandise. Independent film releases also use the \"local hero\" motif to present their characters. Crusher Kazuyoshi (\u30AF\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC\u30AB\u30BA\u30E8\u30B7 Kurassh\u0101 Kazuyoshi?) is portrayed as a local hero for Tokyo, and is portrayed by Kazuyoshi Sakai of Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger. Anison artist Takayuki Miyauchi performs the second film's theme song. Zan Saber (\u65AC\u30BB\u30A4\u30D0\u30FC Zan Seib\u0101?) is a series of DVDs that feature the heroes (Zan Saber, Zan Dagger, Zan Axe) as local heroes of Osaka, starring Ryunosuke Kawai of Tenimyu fame as the lead character. The anime Tentai Senshi Sunred is based on the local hero theme, featuring the title character as the protector of the city of Kawasaki in Kanagawa Prefecture. In 2008, Symantec created the character of Norton Fighter (\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30BF\u30FC N\u014Dton Fait\u0101?) for its Japanese advertising campaign alongside celebrity otaku Shoko Nakagawa for their new software, including several other characters to go with him. Hironobu Kageyama has recorded a song for Norton Fighter as well titled \"B\u014Dei Senshi! Norton Fighter\" (\u9632\u885B\u6226\u58EB\uFF01\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u30F3\u30FB\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30BF\u30FC B\u014Dei Senshi! N\u014Dton Fait\u0101?). As a local hero, Norton Fighter is based in the Akihabara region of Tokyo."@en . . . "9"^^ . . . . . "Local hero"@en . . . . . . . "22"^^ . . . . "Local Hero is the 22nd episode of Season 9 of FOX drama soap Beverly Hills, 90210."@en . . . "Save 1 survivor."@en . . "\u200B Un pueblo peque\u00F1o y tranquilo de repente es bombardeado por una serie de extra\u00F1os incidentes. Un secreto terrible expone a las personas locales."@es . . . . . . "Local Hero"@en . . . . "Local Hero is an episode of series 26 which first aired on sunday 25th july. The episode had 3.7 million viewers with a 14.5% share."@en . "A rather charming film directed by Bill Forsyth and starring Burt Lancaster, Peter Riegert, Denis Lawson, and Peter Capaldi. This thoughtful comedy follows an American oil company executive, \"Mac\" MacIntyre (Riegert), who is sent to negotiate with the local inhabitants of the Bonnie Scotland town of Ferness because their home lies on prime coastline for new petroleum and chemical processing facilities."@en . "Local Hero"@es . . . . . .