"Have you ever wanted to go into space? Well it is possible with private space flight. Private space flight is when something such as a satellite or rocket is launched a minimum of 62.5 miles over the earth's altitude. It has to be funded by organizations other than the government. Virgin Galactic and Bigelow Aerospace are a few examples of the organizations. Virgin Galactic is owned by Richard Branson. There main goal is to make private space flight travel available to everyone. The main goal of Virgin Galactic is making the world's first commercial spaceline. They will own and opperate privately built spaceships based on SpaceShipOne. The spaceships will allow affordable space travel and give others the opportunity to be private astronauts. Before anyone can experience going into space there will be some preparation before hand. There will be some simulations so people know what to expect and don't freak out when it's time for the real thing. There will also be some medical checks. Most people will be able to go on the trip regardless of medical issues or fitness. There is no set date as to when this project will be completed. Virgin Galactic is in no rush. They just want to make sure everything is perfect. Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipOne was the rocket used in the first successful attempt at private spaceflight. Mike Melvill was the pilot who flew 62 miles and safely landed the rocket. He was gone for about an hour and a half. The main goal of was to win the Anasari X prize. In order to win a company other than the government has to fund a rocket being built. The rocket has to be capable of launching three people into space, returning them safely, then relaunching the same rocket within two weeks. The reward is $10 million and even though it seems like a lot, it dosent even cover half the costs it takes to develop the rocket. Although they didnt win they gave good effort. The prize was won on October 4, 2004, the 47th anniversary of the Sputnik 1 launch, by the Tier One project designed by Burt Rutan and financed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, using the experimental spaceplane SpaceShipOne. $10 million was awarded to the winner, but more than $100 million was invested in new technologies in pursuit of the prize. Bigelow Aerospace has one of the same goals. They also want to develop a commercial space habitat capable of supporting a human crew. As of May, they have made a $23 million deal with Aerojet. They will provide the system that will handle rendezvous and docking, as well as the end-of-life controlled deorbit of the module. Sundancer, one of the rockets currently being worked on, is set to launch early in the next decade. It will be the first module built by Bigelow Aerospace capable of manned operations. It will be the backbone for the commercial space station project. [edit] ResearchPrivate spaceflight is flight above 100km Earth altitude conducted by and paid for by an entity other than a government. In the early decades of the Space Age, the government space agencies of the Soviet Union and United States pioneered space technology in collaboration with affiliated design bureaus and private enterprises. Later on, large defense contractors began to develop and operate space launch systems, derived from government rockets, and commercial satellites. Private spaceflight in Earth orbit includes communications satellites, satellite television, satellite radio and orbital space tourism. Recently, entrepreneurs started designing and flying suborbital spaceplanes. Planned private spaceflights beyond Earth orbit include solar sailing prototypes, deep space burial and personal spaceflights around the Moon. A private orbital habitat prototype is already in Earth orbit, with larger versions to follow."@en . . . . . "The opposite of Fiction, Non-fiction is any media that can be classified as true or factual."@en . . . . . . "The opposite of Fiction, Non-fiction is any media that can be classified as true or factual."@en . . . "Have you ever wanted to go into space? Well it is possible with private space flight. Private space flight is when something such as a satellite or rocket is launched a minimum of 62.5 miles over the earth's altitude. It has to be funded by organizations other than the government. Virgin Galactic and Bigelow Aerospace are a few examples of the organizations."@en . "Nonfiction"@en . .