. "The Mantis Warriors, originally known as the Mantis Legion, are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter believed to have been founded as part of the 8th Founding in 598.M35, created to help relieve the White Scars in monitoring and countering the many threats harboured by the Maelstrom Warp Storm in the Ultima Segmentum. They eventually were ordered by the High Lords of Terra to become part of an alliance of three Space Marine Chapters known as the Maelstrom Warders that also included the Astral Claws, the Charnel Guard and the Lamenters. The Mantis Warriors held guardianship over the stellar region of the Maelstrom Zone known as the Endymion Cluster that contained a large number of human-settled Feral and Feudal Worlds. When Chapter Master Lufgt Huron of the Astral Claws declared that the Badab Sector had seceded from the Imperium in response to demands by the High Lords of Terra that seemed to be unjust intrusions upon the traditional autonomy of the Adeptus Astartes, the Mantis Warriors joined with the Astral Claws and the other Maelstrom Warders Chapters to defend what they saw as their rightful prerogatives and their Emperor-given duty to protect the people of their Maelstrom Zone region as best they could. The Mantis Warriors, like the other Maelstrom Warders Chapters, did not know that Lufgt Huron, in his hubris, had fallen to the desires for power and the temptations of Chaos, and when the civil war known as the Badab War concluded, the Mantis Warriors sought and received the Emperor's forgiveness after the Inquisition determined that there was no Chaotic taint upon them. It was determined that the Mantis Warriors' actions had been driven by an honest mistake and the deceits of the man now known only as Huron Blackheart, Traitor to the Emperor and servant of the Ruinous Powers. The Chapter was stripped of its traditional guardianship of the Endymion Cluster, which was handed over to the Carcharodons Chapter, while the Mantis Warriors were charged with undertaking a Penitent Crusade for 100 standard years during which they could recruit no Neophytes to make up their losses. However, following the Chapter's participation in the defence of the strategically important world of Herodian IV from a Tyranid splinter Hive Fleet in the late 41st Millennium, the Inquisition ruled that the Chapter had paid its penance to the Emperor and could begin to recruit once more to replace its great losses."@en . "8"^^ . . . . "Mantis Warriors"@en . . . . . . "Green and Gold"@en . . "Mantis Warriors"@en . . "\"For the Emperor! For Redemption! For the Mantis Warriors!\""@en . . . . . "Marauders -"@en . "Various worlds in the Endymion Cluster; Tranquility III ; now Fleet Based Chapter"@en . "The Mantis Warriors, originally known as the Mantis Legion, are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter believed to have been founded as part of the 8th Founding in 598.M35, created to help relieve the White Scars in monitoring and countering the many threats harboured by the Maelstrom Warp Storm in the Ultima Segmentum. They eventually were ordered by the High Lords of Terra to become part of an alliance of three Space Marine Chapters known as the Maelstrom Warders that also included the Astral Claws, the Charnel Guard and the Lamenters. The Mantis Warriors held guardianship over the stellar region of the Maelstrom Zone known as the Endymion Cluster that contained a large number of human-settled Feral and Feudal Worlds. When Chapter Master Lufgt Huron of the Astral Claws declared that the Badab S"@en . "Approximately 100 Astartes remain"@en . . . . . "Khoisan Neotera"@en . . "A new Alliance to CN, founded by Me (Galafre) of New order of Rebels, and (Renegadefalls) of Mantis warriors merged to create the New Maintain Order Currently has 2 members"@en . . "A new Alliance to CN, founded by Me (Galafre) of New order of Rebels, and (Renegadefalls) of Mantis warriors merged to create the New Maintain Order Currently has 2 members"@en . "None"@en . . . . .