. . . "Chronodia appears to be a monstrous woman with various appendages protecting a sphere, which is surrounded by the Four Fiends, which served as bosses earlier in the game. The weakest version (#196 in the bestiary) has no fiends \"attached\", while the strongest version (#203 in the bestiary) has all the fiends, and what looks like a head of Chaos coming out of Chronodia's hair, along with various extra weapons surrounding her. The more attachments, the stronger Chronodia becomes, as if she absorbs their energy. Every version of Chronodia has the following two abilities: And her skill cycle is:"@en . . . "Chronodia"@en . . . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30CE\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2"@en . "Blizzaga, Comet, Firaga, Flare, Haste, Ice Storm, Ink, Kill, Poison Gas, Seal, Slow, Thundaga, Thunderbolt, Warp, Stop"@en . "150"^^ . . "200"^^ . . . "200"^^ . "Misses"@en . "196"^^ . . . . "120"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . . "70"^^ . "Chronodia appears to be a monstrous woman with various appendages protecting a sphere, which is surrounded by the Four Fiends, which served as bosses earlier in the game. The weakest version (#196 in the bestiary) has no fiends \"attached\", while the strongest version (#203 in the bestiary) has all the fiends, and what looks like a head of Chaos coming out of Chronodia's hair, along with various extra weapons surrounding her. The more attachments, the stronger Chronodia becomes, as if she absorbs their energy. Chronodia gains more attachments the more Blue Seals the player has instead of Red Seals. Every version of Chronodia has the following two abilities: \n* Regular Attack \u2014 Powerful physical damage to one target. The party should apply several Invisira spells to avoid it (especially if Chronodia is under the effects of Haste), and possibly Protect/Protera as a backup. \n* Seal \u2014 Locks a command. Only one command can be locked at a time. Chronodia will always use this ability every fifth turn. Wears off in 4 turns. If \"Fight\" is disabled, the player should use spell casting items to continue to attack. If \"Item\" is disabled, the player should keep their White Magic user alive at all costs. For spells and enemy abilities, each version uses a different subset of the following attacks: \n* Slow \u2014 Casts Slow status on the party. \n* Stop \u2014 Casts Stop status on the party. \n* Ink \u2014 Casts Darkness on the party. \n* Kill \u2014 Casts Death on a single party member. Without resistance to Death, will kill anyone below 300HP. \n* Warp \u2014 Casts Death on the whole party. Time-elemental. \n* Haste \u2014 Increases Chronodia's number of attacks. Her physical attack will kill practically anyone even at full health. \n* Firaga \u2014 Fire damage to the party. \n* Thundaga \u2014 Lightning damage to the party. \n* Blizzaga \u2014 Ice damage to the party. \n* Thunderbolt \u2014 Lightning damage to the party. \n* Ice Storm \u2014 Ice damage to the party. \n* Poison Gas \u2014 Poison damage to the party. \n* Comet \u2014 Non-elemental damage to the party. \n* Flare \u2014 Non-elemental damage to the party. For #203, her spell cycle is as follows: \n* Blizzaga \u2192 Flare \u2192 Firaga \u2192 Thundaga \u2192 Stop \u2192 Haste \u2192 Warp \u2192 Slow And her skill cycle is: \n* Ink \u2192 Thunderbolt \u2192 Poison Gas \u2192 Icestorm As mentioned before, Chronodia always uses Seal every fifth turn. This action is independent of her ability cycles and does not advance her current placement in either the spell or skill list. As a result, she breaks the normal maximum of 4 entries in her skill list. When all commands are available to the player, the seal has worn off, which provides an indication that Chronodia will use Seal in the next turn. Since Seal does no damage, no healing spells are needed, meaning the player gets a \"free\" round for attacking with everyone."@en . "120"^^ . "Kuronodia"@en . . "Revenant"@en . "195"^^ . . . . . . "Chronodia"@en . "200"^^ . . . "30000"^^ . "Resist"@en . "100"^^ . "Resist"@en . . . "Superboss"@en . "Various"@en . "Resist"@en . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "Goblin"@en .