. . "During the Badab War, the mysterious Chapter known as the Carcharodons arrived without warning in the Maelstrom Zone in 910.M41, unlooked for by either the Loyalists or Secessionist forces. The sudden appearance of their fleet on the edge of the Golgothan Wastes initially caused considerable alarm on both sides. Led by their baleful First Captain Tyberos, also known as \"The Red Wake\", the Carcharodons were the subject of considerable suspicion by the Loyalists upon their arrival. Surprisingly, their presumed commander Tyberos offered his cooperation with the Inquisitor Legate responsible for prosecuting the Badab War as well as Lord Commander Carab Culln of the Red Scorpions Chapter who served as the overall commander of the Loyalist Astartes forces. Tyberos presented them with the Notices"@en . . . . . "During the Badab War, the mysterious Chapter known as the Carcharodons arrived without warning in the Maelstrom Zone in 910.M41, unlooked for by either the Loyalists or Secessionist forces. The sudden appearance of their fleet on the edge of the Golgothan Wastes initially caused considerable alarm on both sides. Led by their baleful First Captain Tyberos, also known as \"The Red Wake\", the Carcharodons were the subject of considerable suspicion by the Loyalists upon their arrival. Surprisingly, their presumed commander Tyberos offered his cooperation with the Inquisitor Legate responsible for prosecuting the Badab War as well as Lord Commander Carab Culln of the Red Scorpions Chapter who served as the overall commander of the Loyalist Astartes forces. Tyberos presented them with the Notices Patent of his Chapter, affirming its rights and titles issued by several High Lords of Terra and Inquisitors long dead. To verify his identity, Tyberos even submitted personally to psychic probing and gene-sampling by the Inquisitor Legate's staff. Entering their final bitter stages of the campaign both the Inquisitor Legate and Lord Commander Culln knew that such a force would prove invaluable in pressing the attack and bringing the conflict to a swift and absolute conclusion. The Inquisitor Legate vouched for the Chapter and Lord Commander Culln accepted the Carcharodons into his line of battle, though he was still wary of their loyalties and deeply concerned that their long voyage into the darkness of the outer void had led them to significantly deviate from the Codex Astartes. Despite misgivings as to the Carcharodons' methods, Culln was unable to deny the Chapter's effectiveness. During this conflict, Tyberos gained a dark fame for his brutal combat prowess and the two ancient relic-gauntlets with which he carved a path of mangled and shredded corpses through the Secessionist forces. Tyberos led his elite Terminator Squad in bloody assault after bloody assault, their savagery unmatched throughout the Badab War. Those that witnessed the ferocity of the Carcharodons' commander tell of a blood-splattered killing machine that left a path of destruction and mangled bodies in his wake. Based upon the Battle Barge Nicor, Tyberos was often seen at the forefront of every assault leading the Chapter\u2019s Veterans of the elite 1st Company. This Assault Terminator Squad was equipped with Lightning Claws and led by their deadly commander in bloody assaults against all those who would defy the will of the Emperor."@en . . . . . "Tyberos"@en . . .