"thumb|Eine Siedlung auf Corvan II. Corvan II ist ein bewohnter Planet in der F\u00F6deration. 2256 rettet die USS Discovery unter dem Kommando von Captain Lorca Corvan II vor einem Angriff der Klingonen. Dies gelingt ihnen unter anderem durch Einsatz ihres neuen Sporenantriebs. (DSC: ) Die Regenw\u00E4lder des Planeten sind Verschmutzung durch die Industrie bedroht. Eine Tierart des Planeten, die Corvanischen Gilvos welche in diesen Regenw\u00E4ldern lebt, steht kurz vor dem Aussterben. Auf Corvan II leben nur noch 14 Exemplare. Zwei Exemplare werden mit der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) zum gesch\u00FCtzten Planeten Brentalia gebracht um sich dort zu vermehren. (TNG: ) Der Name dieses Planeten l\u00E4sst vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planeten\u00ADsystems mit der Bezeich\u00ADnung \u201E-System\u201C ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugeh\u00F6rigen Planeten\u00ADsystems l\u00E4sst sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigen\u00ADnamen nach dem dazu\u00ADgeh\u00F6rigen Zentral\u00ADgestirn zu benennen."@de . "Regenwouden op de planeet waren het thuis van de Corvan gilvos, die echter bedreigd werden door de industri\u00EBle vervuiling. (TNG: \"New Ground\")"@nl . . "During the mid-23rd century, Corvan II was the site of a mining colony that produced forty percent of the Federation's dilithium supply. This made it strategically vital in the Federation-Klingon War of 2256, as half the fleet would be grounded without it. Because of this, a Starfleet blockade protected the colony."@en . . . . . . "Corvan II fu il secondo pianeta, in ordine di distanza dal proprio sole del sistema Corvan. Il gilvos corvano viveva nelle foreste fluviali del pianeta che erano minacciate di distruzione a causa dell'inquinamento prodotto dalle industrie. (TNG: \"L'onda soliton\")"@it . . "Corvan II"@nl . "Corvan II"@es . "Corvan II"@de . . . . "Corvan II"@nl . "Corvan II"@it . . . "Planeta, hogar nativo de los Gilvos, especie en v\u00EDas de extinci\u00F3n hacia finales del Siglo 24 por la contaminaci\u00F3n de la jungla en la cual se desarrollaron."@es . . . . "During the mid-23rd century, Corvan II was the site of a mining colony that produced forty percent of the Federation's dilithium supply. This made it strategically vital in the Federation-Klingon War of 2256, as half the fleet would be grounded without it. Because of this, a Starfleet blockade protected the colony. Six months into the war, the Klingons ambushed the colony's blockade and destroyed its patrol ships. Several Klingon Birds-of-Prey bombarded the colony's magnetic shield, killing over two hundred colonists. By the time the colonists managed to send out a distress signal, the shield was projected to fail in six hours, while the closest Federation ship was eighty-four hours away. Just after the shield failed and the colony had received a few direct hits, the USS Discovery used its unique spore drive to jump above the colony. The Discovery then destroyed the Klingon ships, saving the remaining colonists. (DIS: \"The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry\")"@en . "Corvan II fu il secondo pianeta, in ordine di distanza dal proprio sole del sistema Corvan. Il gilvos corvano viveva nelle foreste fluviali del pianeta che erano minacciate di distruzione a causa dell'inquinamento prodotto dalle industrie. (TNG: \"L'onda soliton\")"@it . . . . . . "thumb|Eine Siedlung auf Corvan II. Corvan II ist ein bewohnter Planet in der F\u00F6deration. 2256 rettet die USS Discovery unter dem Kommando von Captain Lorca Corvan II vor einem Angriff der Klingonen. Dies gelingt ihnen unter anderem durch Einsatz ihres neuen Sporenantriebs. (DSC: )"@de . . . . . "Corvan II was a planet, the second in the Corvan star system, the homeworld to the Corvan civilization. This planet was the home to various other lifeforms, including the rare gilvo animal. (TNG episode: \"New Ground\")"@en . "Corvan II was a planet, the second in the Corvan star system, the homeworld to the Corvan civilization. This planet was the home to various other lifeforms, including the rare gilvo animal. (TNG episode: \"New Ground\")"@en . "Corvan II"@en . . . . "Regenwouden op de planeet waren het thuis van de Corvan gilvos, die echter bedreigd werden door de industri\u00EBle vervuiling. (TNG: \"New Ground\")"@nl . . . "Planeta, hogar nativo de los Gilvos, especie en v\u00EDas de extinci\u00F3n hacia finales del Siglo 24 por la contaminaci\u00F3n de la jungla en la cual se desarrollaron."@es . . .