. . . . . "The Price of Freedom"@en . . . . . . . . "-500"^^ . . "New Providence est une localit\u00E9 du serveur Aventure situ\u00E9e dans la r\u00E9gion Blanche."@fr . "-"@fr . "-"@fr . "New Providence was a colony located on the planet Jouret IV. The colony was composed of over 900 people. As of 2366, it was one of the United Federation of Planets's outermost colonies; the same year the Borg Collective destroyed the colony by scooping it off the planet."@en . "-"@fr . "New Providence"@en . . . . . . "\u00C0 pied ou en bateau"@fr . . . . . "The Legend of Jack Sparrow"@en . . "In 2366, all communications with the colony were lost and the USS Enterprise-D was sent to investigate. The Enterprise discovered that the colony and its inhabitants had been scooped off the planet by the Borg. (TNG: \"Best of Both Worlds, Part I\") The only known surviving inhabitant of the New Providence colony is James Dulmis. Dulmis left the colony less than six months before its destruction to enter Starfleet Academy and suffered survivors guilt for months after its destruction. (Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus: \"Trial By Fire\")"@en . "New Providence is a dominion established by the Floridian Empire on June 9, 2007. The nation became independent on June 29, 2007. Those from the nation are known as Caribbeans, due to the nation ruling most of the Caribbean islands."@en . . "During the Golden Age of Piracy, New Providence was the capital of the British Bahamas. Presence of army was always imminent, but local governors were accepting bribes not to prosecute pirates for their crimes. Even though the island was still officially under the control of Spain, the shallow inlets attracted many English and Dutch privateers looking to prey on Spanish Galleons during the 1680's (as the Bahamas were a major trade route for the Spanish)."@en . "New Providence is a dominion established by the Floridian Empire on June 9, 2007. The nation became independent on June 29, 2007. Those from the nation are known as Caribbeans, due to the nation ruling most of the Caribbean islands."@en . . . "-"@fr . "New Providence was a colony located on the planet Jouret IV. The colony was composed of over 900 people. As of 2366, it was one of the United Federation of Planets's outermost colonies; the same year the Borg Collective destroyed the colony by scooping it off the planet. Two away teams visited the colony site from the USS Enterprise. The first team consisted of William T. Riker, Data, Worf and Geordi La Forge. The team the next day consisted of Riker, La Forge, Data and Elizabeth Shelby. Shelby found a magnetic resonance trace that matched known Borg magnetic resonance traces, thus confirming a Borg presence in Federation space. (TNG episode: \"The Best of Both Worlds\")"@en . "New Providence"@en . . . "During the Golden Age of Piracy, New Providence was the capital of the British Bahamas. Presence of army was always imminent, but local governors were accepting bribes not to prosecute pirates for their crimes. Even though the island was still officially under the control of Spain, the shallow inlets attracted many English and Dutch privateers looking to prey on Spanish Galleons during the 1680's (as the Bahamas were a major trade route for the Spanish). During the long Anglo-Spanish wars, New Providence was attacked numerous times, and from 1703 to 1706, the island was untenable. However, the peace with Spanish, brought inhabitants and pirates back. By the year of 1716, in New Providence lived more than 500 pirates. It was at this point when the shanty town of Nassau, the island's capital, was established on the New Providence. The most famous pirates, who used New Providence as their base of operations, were Edward \"Blackbeard\" Teach, Henry Jennings, Charles Vane, Calico Jack Rackham and Benjamin Hornigold. The island eventually became the defacto capital of piracy in the Caribbean, however, so much pirate activity could not pass unnoticed. In July 1718, the newly appointed British governor of New Providence, Woodes Rogers, declared war on piracy. When Woodes Rogers arrived with the three warships and two sloops, a few pirates like Blackbeard fled, but most of them decided to gave up their pirate carriers and started to live honestly. In just a few days, island was entirely pledged from the pirates. From a pirates den, New Providence became the most important base for anti-piracy operations in the Caribbean. Woodes Rogers appointed many capable captains as privateers to hunt remaining pirates. Some of them, like Benjamin Hornigold, were pirates themselves, but they were forced to become the pirate hunters. As result of their actions, after just three months of active anti-piracy campaign, many pirates were hanged in December 1718. Most of the remaining pirates, left the waters of New Providence, and tried to find new hunting grounds for their pirate activities. In 1720, during the War of the Quadruple Alliance, the Spanish Royal Navy attempted to capture New Providence, but the attack was repelled by the local militia, composed mainly of former pirates. After the death of Woodes Roger, the British authority in New Providence detoriated. In the early 1730s, New Providence reclaimed it's popularity among the pirates, becoming a pirate nest once again. On her third voyage as an EITC merchant ship, the Wicked Wench sailed through the Bahamas, where Captain Jack Sparrow saw New Providence in the distance through his spyglass. One of Jack's many legends told of how he allegedly sacked the New Providence port of Nassau \"without firing even a single shot\"."@en . "In 2366, all communications with the colony were lost and the USS Enterprise-D was sent to investigate. The Enterprise discovered that the colony and its inhabitants had been scooped off the planet by the Borg. (TNG: \"Best of Both Worlds, Part I\") The only known surviving inhabitant of the New Providence colony is James Dulmis. Dulmis left the colony less than six months before its destruction to enter Starfleet Academy and suffered survivors guilt for months after its destruction. (Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus: \"Trial By Fire\")"@en . "-"@fr . . . "-"@fr . . . . . . "New Providence est une localit\u00E9 du serveur Aventure situ\u00E9e dans la r\u00E9gion Blanche."@fr . . . . . . "-"@fr . . . . . "-"@fr . . . "-"@fr . "-"@fr . . "New Providence"@fr . . . . "-"@fr . . "-"@fr .