. . "Gemma \u00E9tait reine de Kovir, et l'\u00E9pouse de Gedovius. Elle \u00E9tait en tout probabilit\u00E9 la fille d'Aideen. Elle appelait le roi Benda de Kaedwen \u00AB grand-p\u00E8re \u00BB. Elle et Gedovius ont mis au monde deux enfants : un fils, Gerard et une fille, Alicja."@fr . "steel"@en . "Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!"@en . . . . . . . . "\"I think maybe he's hurting because he loves me and I don't love him, and this great lump used to come up into my throat and I'd hold him tight and try to squeeze him as tight as I could and try as hard as I could to fall in love with him the way he loved me.\" \"Tar's had so much grief in his life. I wanted to make the poor sod feel so good. And i wanted him to make me feel good too.\""@en . "4"^^ . . . . . "Gemma is a character in Miasmon. She aspires to be the greatest Miasmon trainer and serves as the player's rival throughout the game."@en . . . . "RPM"@en . . "Rebelde"@pt . . . . "Gemma"@en . . . . "Gemma"@pl . "Gemma is a resident of Garage Island, and a good friend to the Glory Family. He runs the small coffee business, Cafe Tsubomi."@en . "Kobieta"@pl . "4850307"^^ . . . . "Student"@en . "Miasmon Trainer"@en . . "Governing council"@en . "Gemma.jpg"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "Gemma was the name of Inana Skanda's grandmother. Gemma died when Skanda was a child, and she had found her collapsed in her kitchen of an apparent heart attack. Skanda repeatedly re-experienced this memory while under the influence of the Krialta on Icaria Prime. (CoE eBook: Remembrance of Things Past, Book I)"@en . . . . . . . . . . "*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n**Alliance Fleet"@en . "Female"@en . . . "Ziemia"@pl . "Gemma and Sisters"@en . "Lady Gemma of Crom was the wife of Fax, mother of Jaxom, among others, and 3rd cousin to Lord Holder Ashmichel, and therefore, 3rd cousin twice removed to Lessa. She was the daughter of the previous Lord Holder of Crom. Gemma was married to Fax around the 419th year of the Interval. She died in the 448th year of the Second Long Interval giving birth to Jaxom. Gemma was one of the few remaining believers in the necessity of the Dragonriders. Little else is known of her."@en . . . . "2015-05-16"^^ . "Princess Gemma of Syr"@en . "Member"@en . . . . . . . . "Gemma"@fr . . . . . "Srebrny"@pl . "psychic"@en . . "Gemma invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . "Lady Gemma of Crom was the wife of Fax, mother of Jaxom, among others, and 3rd cousin to Lord Holder Ashmichel, and therefore, 3rd cousin twice removed to Lessa. She was the daughter of the previous Lord Holder of Crom. Gemma was married to Fax around the 419th year of the Interval. She died in the 448th year of the Second Long Interval giving birth to Jaxom. Gemma was one of the few remaining believers in the necessity of the Dragonriders. Little else is known of her."@en . "Gemma is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond."@en . . . . "[Source] Gemma \u00E9tait un pilote de l'Alliance Rebelle qui participa \u00E0 la bataille d'Endor. Il fit partit des pertes de l'Alliance tout comme Reet et Snar."@fr . . "Gemma is Roxanne\u2019s beautiful, immature, and ditzy friend. She is in a relationship with Troy."@en . . . "Gemma to Ranger Operator Serii Srebrnej, albo inaczej nazywana Srebrn\u0105 Rangerk\u0105, nale\u017Cy do zespo\u0142u Rangers\u00F3w Operator\u00F3w."@pl . . . "Gemma was the name of Inana Skanda's grandmother. Gemma died when Skanda was a child, and she had found her collapsed in her kitchen of an apparent heart attack. Skanda repeatedly re-experienced this memory while under the influence of the Krialta on Icaria Prime. (CoE eBook: Remembrance of Things Past, Book I)"@en . "Pok\u00E9mon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond"@en . . . . . . "Gemma is a character in Miasmon. She aspires to be the greatest Miasmon trainer and serves as the player's rival throughout the game."@en . . . "2009"^^ . . . . "--"@en . "none"@en . . ""@en . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gemma]] gemma (\u201C\u2018bud on a plant\u2019\u201D)."@ia . "Gemma is Roxanne\u2019s beautiful, immature, and ditzy friend. She is in a relationship with Troy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "21"^^ . . . . . . . "and many minor holds"@en . . . "Autore: Gasparo Mola."@it . . . . "Li Ming Hu"@en . . "Gemma"@en . "21"^^ . "Gemma"@en . . . "Gemma"@de . "Trasversale"@it . "turquoise"@en . . "Gemma"@en . . . . "Esgo-silver.jpg"@en . . . . "Gemma was queen of Kovir, and the wife of Gedovius. She is likely the daughter of Aideen. She called king Benda of Kaedwen \"grandfather\". She and Gedovius has one son, Gerard."@en . "Ovoidale"@it . . "Connue pour ses vastes champs de formations rocheuses aussi \u00E9tranges que stup\u00E9fiantes, Jalan poss\u00E8de encore quelques-unes des plus anciennes structures Tevarin qui ont r\u00E9chapp\u00E9 aux deux guerres et \u00E0 la Purge. GEMMA Perch\u00E9e au sommet d\u2019une montagne majestueuse, la cit\u00E9 maintenant connue sous le nom de Gemma fut autrefois le site d\u2019une forteresse Tevarin. L\u2019analyse de manuscrits pr\u00E9serv\u00E9s laisserait entendre que l\u2019emplacement ne fut pas choisi pour la vue qu\u2019il offrait mais plut\u00F4t parce qu\u2019il \u00E9tait parfaitement con\u00E7u pour r\u00E9sister \u00E0 un si\u00E8ge et repousser des attaquants. Au fur et \u00E0 mesure que la civilisation Tevarin se d\u00E9veloppa, elle devint une repr\u00E9sentation parfaite de leur culture (beaut\u00E9, pr\u00E9cision et dangerosit\u00E9). Au fil des ann\u00E9es, l\u2019UEE a essay\u00E9 d\u2019entretenir l\u2019architecture Tevarin autant que possible, mais l\u2019accroissement toujours plus important du trafic a\u00E9rien a malheureusement accentu\u00E9 l\u2019\u00E9rosion des b\u00E2timents. Les structures qui n\u2019ont pas pu \u00EAtre sauv\u00E9es ont \u00E9t\u00E9 transform\u00E9es en une architecture r\u00E9solument plus humaine. Se poser \u00E0 Gemma vous paraitra diff\u00E9rent, \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 que les installations ont \u00E9t\u00E9 construites de fa\u00E7on \u00E0 imiter l\u2019architecture Tevarin, mais vous ne devriez pas \u00EAtre surpris par les op\u00E9rations logistiques. Platinum Bay a entretenu la zone d\u2019atterrissage durant de nombreuses ann\u00E9es et propose toujours les commodit\u00E9s auxquelles vous vous attendez, comme une pompe \u00E0 carburant et le bureau local du TDD. En allant en ville, vous passerez devant des magasins familiers, mais assurez-vous d\u2019aller au march\u00E9 Vadili, une galerie commerciale \u00E0 ciel ouvert en activit\u00E9 (sous une forme ou une autre) depuis plus d\u2019un mill\u00E9naire. La plupart des jours, vous pouvez trouver San Pisoq, un Tevarin et une figure locale du march\u00E9, qui sera plus qu\u2019heureux de vous raconter un peu l\u2019histoire des lieux. Bien s\u00FBr, vous pouvez trouver le Conseil du Gouverneur et un bureau local de l\u2019Advocacy si vous avez des affaires imp\u00E9riales \u00E0 r\u00E9gler, mais bon, oubliez tout ceci et dirigez-vous vers Cedar Board, un troquet ouvert depuis plus de 60 ans et appartenant \u00E0 la famille Roarke. Vous pouvez y retracer la longue et fascinante histoire militaire de la famille jusqu\u2019aux anciennes guerres sur la Terre, parmi les diverses images et les reliques fi\u00E8rement accroch\u00E9es sur les murs de ce bar tranquille. Le dernier arr\u00EAt de notre voyage (et probablement le plus important) n\u2019existerait s\u00FBrement plus si les Humains n\u2019avaient pas occup\u00E9 Gemma pendant la Purge. A cet endroit, vous trouverez l\u2019un des derniers temples connus du Rijora, et aucun de ceux qui tiennent encore debout n\u2019est aussi bien pr\u00E9serv\u00E9 que celui-ci. Son architecture est si \u00E9blouissante de par son \u00E9l\u00E9gance que m\u00EAme les Messer l\u2019ont \u00E9pargn\u00E9. Peut-\u00EAtre \u00E9taient-ils passionn\u00E9s d\u2019architecture ? Ou \u00E9tait-ce du respect envieux pour l\u2019ennemi qui contribua \u00E0 catapulter Ivar Messer au pouvoir ? Qui sait, mais il se pourrait bien que ce soit la seule bonne chose que cette maudite famille ait jamais faite. Beaucoup sont frapp\u00E9s par la simplicit\u00E9 des lieux lorsqu\u2019ils p\u00E9n\u00E8trent dans cette immense structure. La doctrine du Rijora privil\u00E9giait l\u2019accomplissement des actes \u00E0 l\u2019existence passive. Ainsi, vous ne trouverez aucune chaise ou banc, uniquement de vastes espaces ouverts autrefois utilis\u00E9s par les Tevarin afin de d\u00E9velopper leurs capacit\u00E9s mentales et physiques pour la guerre. Nous pourrions essayer de tout d\u00E9crire, mais le seul moyen de vraiment vivre cette exp\u00E9rience est d\u2019aller voir par vous-m\u00EAme."@fr . . . "Gemma served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a pilot in the Fleet during the Battle of Endor against the Galactic Empire. The pilot was killed during the battle and after the battle was won by the Alliance, Gemma was listed as a casualty alongside fellow pilots Snar, Reet and half of Yellow Squadron."@en . . . . "4"^^ . . . . . "\u30B8\u30A7\u30F3\u30DE"@en . . . "Gemma to Ranger Operator Serii Srebrnej, albo inaczej nazywana Srebrn\u0105 Rangerk\u0105, nale\u017Cy do zespo\u0142u Rangers\u00F3w Operator\u00F3w."@pl . "1"^^ . "\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043C\u043C\u0430"@en . . "human"@en . . . "Gemma, the Lady of Crom Hold, was the unfortunate wife of Fax. She died in childbirth in Ruatha Hold."@en . . . "*Alliance Rebelle\n**Flotte Rebelle"@fr . . . . "Pontenovu"@it . "Ladies' Watch auxiliary of Boston"@en . . . . . . "Ginger"@en . . . "Gemma"@it . . . . . . "Gemma fu regina di Kovir e moglie di Gedovius di Trojden. Fu probabilmente figlia di Aideen. Soleva chiamare il re Benda di Kaedwen, \"nonno\". Con il suo sposo Gedovius, ebbe due figli: un maschio, Gerard di Trojden e una femmina, Alicja."@it . . . . "157"^^ . "Gemma is Ranger Operator Series Silver, or simply Ranger Silver, of the Ranger Operators. Her operation number is eight. Retroactively, she is also referred to as the RPM Silver Ranger or Silver RPM Ranger, though these are in reference to the show, as opposed to proper labels."@en . . . "Gemma is a Rim city, east of Kothifir, and poorer."@en . "Unova"@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gemma]] gemma (\u201C\u2018bud on a plant\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . . . "Gemma served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a pilot in the Fleet during the Battle of Endor against the Galactic Empire. The pilot was killed during the battle and after the battle was won by the Alliance, Gemma was listed as a casualty alongside fellow pilots Snar, Reet and half of Yellow Squadron."@en . . . . . . . "Gemma is a minor character in the 2008 film Quantum of Solace. She is played by Lucrezia Lante della Rovere."@en . . "Gemma"@en . . . "Gemma war eine K\u00F6nigin von Kovir und die Ehefrau von Gedovius. Gemma ist ein Abk\u00F6mmling von Aideen. Sie nannte Benda von Kaedwen \"Gro\u00DFvater\". Gemma und Gedovius hatten einen Sohn Gerard und eine Tochter Alicja."@de . . . "38"^^ . . . "2016"^^ . . "Ranger Operator Series Silver"@en . . "Main"@en . . . "Gemma"@pt . . . "Silver"@en . "Gemma of Syr is a fictional character in Melanie Rawn's fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star Trilogies."@en . . . "Connue pour ses vastes champs de formations rocheuses aussi \u00E9tranges que stup\u00E9fiantes, Jalan poss\u00E8de encore quelques-unes des plus anciennes structures Tevarin qui ont r\u00E9chapp\u00E9 aux deux guerres et \u00E0 la Purge. GEMMA En allant en ville, vous passerez devant des magasins familiers, mais assurez-vous d\u2019aller au march\u00E9 Vadili, une galerie commerciale \u00E0 ciel ouvert en activit\u00E9 (sous une forme ou une autre) depuis plus d\u2019un mill\u00E9naire. La plupart des jours, vous pouvez trouver San Pisoq, un Tevarin et une figure locale du march\u00E9, qui sera plus qu\u2019heureux de vous raconter un peu l\u2019histoire des lieux."@fr . "female"@en . "Gemma was one of the captive phenoms in 'Alphabet Soup' along with her twin brother, Gem. Both speak in conjoined sentences with a high level of energy. They attempted to befriend the solitary Dr. K and even gave her a birthday present, even though they knew, she didn't like them. She and her brother were the original testers for the prototype ranger gear for Project Ranger. Later on, Dr. K discovered that they were being deceived into staying in the Alphabet Soup facility, and she had tried to get them out of the facility only to face dire consequences. When Venjix gets past Alphabet Soup and seeped into the world, she and her brother help Dr. K get out of the facility. She was last seen with her brother running off to collect the classified Gold and Silver series bio-suits before a secti"@en . "silver"@en . . "FO4"@en . . "Gemma"@fr . ""@en . "Gemma is a resident of Garage Island, and a good friend to the Glory Family. He runs the small coffee business, Cafe Tsubomi."@en . . "Alive"@en . . "Gemma"@en . . "Gemma of Syr is a fictional character in Melanie Rawn's fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star Trilogies."@en . . . "King Krothen"@en . . . . "Oui"@fr . . . "City-state"@en . . "left with Troy"@en . . "Lady Holder"@en . . "Gemma"@en . . . . . . . . . "BW100"@en . . "Gemma"@pt . "Singer"@en . . . "Corsica"@it . "Betty Maxey"@en . . . "Gemma invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . "Autore: Gasparo Mola."@it . "Gemma war eine K\u00F6nigin von Kovir und die Ehefrau von Gedovius. Gemma ist ein Abk\u00F6mmling von Aideen. Sie nannte Benda von Kaedwen \"Gro\u00DFvater\". Gemma und Gedovius hatten einen Sohn Gerard und eine Tochter Alicja."@de . . . "Gemma was a member of the Ladies' Watch auxiliary of Boston, and worked alongside Rebecca Linkowski. Her interest in the cause began to wane over time."@en . . "Gemma is a minor character in the 2008 film Quantum of Solace. She is played by Lucrezia Lante della Rovere."@en . . . . . . "alive"@en . . . "Gemma was queen of Kovir, and the wife of Gedovius. She is likely the daughter of Aideen. She called king Benda of Kaedwen \"grandfather\". She and Gedovius has one son, Gerard."@en . . . "2015-03-28"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Bronzo"@it . . . . "4"^^ . "Human"@en . . "Ossteia"@en . "Gemma is a Rim city, east of Kothifir, and poorer."@en . . . . . "Gemma was a member of the Ladies' Watch auxiliary of Boston, and worked alongside Rebecca Linkowski. Her interest in the cause began to wane over time."@en . . . . . . . . "\u30DB\u30EA\u30FC Horii"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Alian\u00E7a pela Restaura\u00E7\u00E3o da Rep\u00FAblica\n**Frota da Alian\u00E7a"@pt . . . . "694"^^ . . "Gemma is Ranger Operator Series Silver, or simply Ranger Silver, of the Ranger Operators. Her operation number is eight. Retroactively, she is also referred to as the RPM Silver Ranger or Silver RPM Ranger, though these are in reference to the show, as opposed to proper labels."@en . . . . . . "Gemma fu regina di Kovir e moglie di Gedovius di Trojden. Fu probabilmente figlia di Aideen. Soleva chiamare il re Benda di Kaedwen, \"nonno\". Con il suo sposo Gedovius, ebbe due figli: un maschio, Gerard di Trojden e una femmina, Alicja."@it . . . . . "United Kingdom"@en . . "white"@en . "Brown"@en . . . . "\"I think maybe he's hurting because he loves me and I don't love him, and this great lump used to come up into my throat and I'd hold him tight and try to squeeze him as tight as I could and try as hard as I could to fall in love with him the way he loved me.\" \"Tar's had so much grief in his life. I wanted to make the poor sod feel so good. And i wanted him to make me feel good too.\""@en . . . "Rebel"@en . "XVII secolo"@it . . "Ah, but Gemma has nothing that Kothifir wants."@en . . . . "Nel 2268, venne testata da una razza conosciuta col nome di Vian per sincerarsi che il suo popolo fosse degno di essere salvato da una supernova che ne stava minacciando il pianeta. I Vian avevano il potere di salvare una sola specie. Comunque, vinse le sue paure ed offr\u00EC la sua vita per salvare quella di McCoy. I Vian guarirono McCoy e, prendendo Gemma con loro, se ne andarono dal laboratorio. I Vian avevano deciso che la gente di Gemma era degna di venire salvata, ed il suo pianeta venne risparmiato dalla distruzione. (TOS: \"Il diritto di sopravvivere\")"@it . "Gemma was one of the captive phenoms in 'Alphabet Soup' along with her twin brother, Gem. Both speak in conjoined sentences with a high level of energy. They attempted to befriend the solitary Dr. K and even gave her a birthday present, even though they knew, she didn't like them. She and her brother were the original testers for the prototype ranger gear for Project Ranger. Later on, Dr. K discovered that they were being deceived into staying in the Alphabet Soup facility, and she had tried to get them out of the facility only to face dire consequences. When Venjix gets past Alphabet Soup and seeped into the world, she and her brother help Dr. K get out of the facility. She was last seen with her brother running off to collect the classified Gold and Silver series bio-suits before a section of Alphabet Soup collapsed behind them, but an explosion seemingly killed them in front of Dr.K."@en . "1968"^^ . . . "Gemma \u00E9tait reine de Kovir, et l'\u00E9pouse de Gedovius. Elle \u00E9tait en tout probabilit\u00E9 la fille d'Aideen. Elle appelait le roi Benda de Kaedwen \u00AB grand-p\u00E8re \u00BB. Elle et Gedovius ont mis au monde deux enfants : un fils, Gerard et une fille, Alicja."@fr . . . "Female"@en . "Gemma"@ia . . . . . . . . "--"@en . . . "Gemma, the Lady of Crom Hold, was the unfortunate wife of Fax. She died in childbirth in Ruatha Hold."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Gemman"@en . . "[Source] Gemma \u00E9tait un pilote de l'Alliance Rebelle qui participa \u00E0 la bataille d'Endor. Il fit partit des pertes de l'Alliance tout comme Reet et Snar."@fr . . . . "Princess of Ossetia"@en . "Nel 2268, venne testata da una razza conosciuta col nome di Vian per sincerarsi che il suo popolo fosse degno di essere salvato da una supernova che ne stava minacciando il pianeta. I Vian avevano il potere di salvare una sola specie. Spock, McCoy, e Kirk furono rapiti dai Vian ed obbligati a subire varie forme di tortura per mettere alla prova le reazioni di Gemma e per determinare se la sua specie potesse essere salvata. Volevano sapere se Gemma li avrebbe aiutati. Apparentemente, i Vian volevano essere sicuri che la ragazza e la sua gente avessero compreso i principi dell'auto-sacrificio, della compassione e dell'amore per la vita grazie al contatto con gli Umani. Queste qualit\u00E0 avrebbero reso tale civilt\u00E0 degna di sopravvivere. I Vian misero alla prova la capacit\u00E0 di Gemma di provare compassione e vedere cosa sarebbe stata disposta ad affrontare pur di salvare altri esseri. Dopo che Kirk venne torturato, Gemma san\u00F2 le sue ferite. Quando il dottor McCoy fu quasi torturato a morte, all'inizio Gemma ne fu talmente atterrita da non aiutarlo. Poi, Gemma si avvicin\u00F2 a McCoy e gli pass\u00F2 le mani sul viso, traslando le ferite dall'uomo a se stessa. Gemma svenne, piangendo, e poi indietreggi\u00F2 in preda alla paura perch\u00E9 sapeva che per guarirlo, lei sarebbe morta. Tent\u00F2 di aiutarlo maggiormente, ma se ne discost\u00F2 non terrore. Comunque, vinse le sue paure ed offr\u00EC la sua vita per salvare quella di McCoy. I Vian guarirono McCoy e, prendendo Gemma con loro, se ne andarono dal laboratorio. I Vian avevano deciso che la gente di Gemma era degna di venire salvata, ed il suo pianeta venne risparmiato dalla distruzione. (TOS: \"Il diritto di sopravvivere\") Gemma \u00E8 stata interpretata dall'attrice Kathryn Hays."@it . . . . . "Gemma is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond."@en .