. "*Er teleportiert euch kostenlos in die N\u00E4he Jeuno. Das tats\u00E4chliche Ziel ist zuf\u00E4llig:\n** Ru'Lude-G\u00E4rten \n** Batallia-Tiefen \n** Rolanberry-Felder \n** Sauromugue-Ebene \n** Qufim-Insel \n\n*Wenn die Zauberfl\u00F6te gestohlen wurde, sind seine m\u00F6glichen Ziele anders:\n** Batallia-Tiefen \n** Rolanberry-Felder \n** Sauromugue-Ebene \n** Qufim-Insel"@de . . . . "Shihu-Danhu"@de . "Shihu-Danhu"@en . . "*Er kann w\u00E4hrend einer Belagerung gefangen genommen werden."@de . "Al Zahbi"@en . . "Tarutaru"@de . "Male"@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Al Zahbi"@de . . . "Tarutaru"@en . "thumb|Oops...\n*He will warp you for free to an area near Jeuno. The actual destination is random:\n** Ru'Lude Gardens \n** Batallia Downs \n** Rolanberry Fields \n** Sauromugue Champaign \n** Qufim Island \n*However, if the Astral Candescence is lost, his list expands to include the above and several, less desirable destinations:\n** Batallia Downs \n** Rolanberry Fields \n** Sauromugue Champaign \n** Qufim Island \n\n*This NPC, just like the other NPCs of Al Zahbi, can be taken prisoner after a Besieged event; he must then be rescued. This can be accomplished by going to the appropriate prison area of the beastmen who captured him, then unlocking him from his prison.\n*Shihu-Danhu's older brother is Kaduru-Haiduru and he will warp you to Ru'Lude Gardens or your home nation for an Imperial Silver Piece. He is never taken as a prisoner, since he is located in the Whitegate area. Using Shihu-Danhu will make you \"reek of amateur sorcery,\" preventing you from using his older brother's pay-based service for one game day."@en . "Shihu_Danhu.jpg"@de .