"Reverend Green"@en . . . . "Reverend Green lived from 1986-2056, and he gathered quite the following during his time. He was preceded by Drip Fed Fred. However loved by the public, Drip Fed Fred lost the elections due to a scandal involving him and actor Scarlett Johansson and thousands of tax payer's dollars. He later was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Strangely, he died 4 years later from falling out of his prison bed, but police reports recently showed that he had major heart issues and was hospitalized for a while. Some skeptics believed that during a frequently made visit to his cell, Reverend Green killed him to take his position. (Despite the fact that Drip Fed Fred was in prison, he was able to keep his position as leader of the Thieves Guild)."@en . . "Reverend Green lived from 1986-2056, and he gathered quite the following during his time. He was preceded by Drip Fed Fred. However loved by the public, Drip Fed Fred lost the elections due to a scandal involving him and actor Scarlett Johansson and thousands of tax payer's dollars. He later was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Strangely, he died 4 years later from falling out of his prison bed, but police reports recently showed that he had major heart issues and was hospitalized for a while. Some skeptics believed that during a frequently made visit to his cell, Reverend Green killed him to take his position. (Despite the fact that Drip Fed Fred was in prison, he was able to keep his position as leader of the Thieves Guild)."@en .