. "Synchronization referred to the Animus' visual representation and measurement of its user's adherence to the memories of their ancestor. Following genetic memories exactly as they had happened would result in full synchronization, and consequent access to certain repressed ones. Inversely, a loss of synchronization resulted in the instability of the memory, which would eventually culminate in expulsion from it entirely. If such a desynchronization occurred, the simulation would restart from an earlier point."@en . . . . "User can sync with people or objects to use their full power, merging their soul, mind or even world with someone or something elses if the user is powerful enough."@en . "User can sync with people or objects to use their full power, merging their soul, mind or even world with someone or something elses if the user is powerful enough."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Two people are linked together, or a person is linked to an object, such that whatever happens to one also happens to the other. Killing or harming one of them will lead to the death or equivalent harm of both. You wouldn't think this would be desirable, but it works the other way too; see Empathic Weapon. If enemies are linked together, and are therefore forced to protect or aid each other to ensure their own safety, this becomes a form of Chained Heat. Identical twins on TV often experience this, as with The Corsican Brothers of literature. It's also common with the Enemy Without."@en . "A mechanism for maintaining a consistent standard of time between devices which have their own clock sources, such as sequencers, drum machines, hard disk recording systems, and tape recording systems. Syncrhonization methods most commonly used in electronic music include DIN sync, MIDI clock, MIDI time code, and SMPTE; the last is most often used when the timing source is a tape playback."@en . "SynchroOE.png|Oishi and Kikumaru in Synchro. Golden pair 2.png|Kikumaru and Oishi while in Synchro Suzuki and Washio in Synchro.jpg|Suzuki and Washio in Synchro. This is a Doubles-Only technique in which both players become fully synchronized and move as if they were one; breathing as one and knowing exactly what their partner's next move would be. It is said that doubles players could not go to the top of the pros without 'Synchronization'. This Technique is not limited to two-players though as shown by Niou Masaharu when he used the technique to synchronize with The Mutsu Twins. This first time a player enters this state, similar to Muga No Kyouchi the players mind is completely blank and is playing unconscious unaware that they have actually activated Synchro. It should be noted however, that Niou Masaharu is able to effortlessly enter Synchro when playing Doubles with a player that has achieved the ability to access Synchro at will with their partner. This is because as long as Niou uses his Illusion to become a player that is part of a Synchro pair such as Kikumaru Eiji or Mutsu Yuuho, then Niou can Synchronize with them. For example, Mutsu Yuuho can use Synchro when paired with his twin Mutsu Yuuma, therefore if Niou uses his Illusion to become either Yuuma or Yuuho, Niou can enter the Synchro state with them."@en . . . . . . . . . "Two people are linked together, or a person is linked to an object, such that whatever happens to one also happens to the other. Killing or harming one of them will lead to the death or equivalent harm of both. You wouldn't think this would be desirable, but it works the other way too; see Empathic Weapon. If enemies are linked together, and are therefore forced to protect or aid each other to ensure their own safety, this becomes a form of Chained Heat. Identical twins on TV often experience this, as with The Corsican Brothers of literature. It's also common with the Enemy Without. Frequently goes hand-in-hand with a Psychic Link, because Your Mind Makes It Real. Compare My Significance Sense Is Tingling. Often exploited for very interesting effect. If the link can ensure the death of a participant but doesn't otherwise transmit pain or other feelings, then it isn't a Synchonization but a case of Can't Live Without You. Examples of Synchronization include:"@en . . "Synchronization"@en . . . . "This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you."@en . . . . "silver"@en . . . "Synchronization refers to"@en . . . . "SynchroOE.png|Oishi and Kikumaru in Synchro. Golden pair 2.png|Kikumaru and Oishi while in Synchro Suzuki and Washio in Synchro.jpg|Suzuki and Washio in Synchro. This is a Doubles-Only technique in which both players become fully synchronized and move as if they were one; breathing as one and knowing exactly what their partner's next move would be. It is said that doubles players could not go to the top of the pros without 'Synchronization'. This Technique is not limited to two-players though as shown by Niou Masaharu when he used the technique to synchronize with The Mutsu Twins."@en . . "Synchronization referred to the Animus' visual representation and measurement of its user's adherence to the memories of their ancestor. Following genetic memories exactly as they had happened would result in full synchronization, and consequent access to certain repressed ones. Inversely, a loss of synchronization resulted in the instability of the memory, which would eventually culminate in expulsion from it entirely. If such a desynchronization occurred, the simulation would restart from an earlier point."@en . . . . . . . . "Power/Ability to:"@en . "All players in the Reapers' Game are able to sync with their partner to use their full power and to unleash powerful attacks."@en . . . . . "A mechanism for maintaining a consistent standard of time between devices which have their own clock sources, such as sequencers, drum machines, hard disk recording systems, and tape recording systems. Syncrhonization methods most commonly used in electronic music include DIN sync, MIDI clock, MIDI time code, and SMPTE; the last is most often used when the timing source is a tape playback."@en . . . . . . "sync in order to gain new powers"@en . . . . . . . "Synchronization refers to"@en . . "300"^^ . "This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you."@en . "Synchronization"@en . .