"Tsuyoi Hy\u014D, Shi"@en . . "Short"@en . . "No"@en . . . "Sansouzou"@en . . . "Acid Creation"@en . . "Elena will be able to create any acid she thinks of. She will be able to turn any liquid into an acid, spray it from her hands, or make her blood or saliva acidic. She will also be able to let others spray acid or have acidic blood or saliva, but only for a short while."@en . "Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary"@en . "Anime, Manga, Fanon Canon"@en . "Ninjutsu,"@en . . "No"@en . "Elena Petrelli can give herself acidic blood"@en . . "\u9178\u5275\u9020"@en . "Acid Creation"@en . "B"@en . "create any acid"@en . "Acid Creation"@en . "Acid Creation"@en . "Elena will be able to create any acid she thinks of. She will be able to turn any liquid into an acid, spray it from her hands, or make her blood or saliva acidic. She will also be able to let others spray acid or have acidic blood or saliva, but only for a short while."@en .