. . "The Batista clan was created and named in the image of their founder Batista Kittu. Batista Kittu was a medical nin prodigy, who grew to infamy during the founding of Kohoha. He was the original Orochimaru of the 1st\u2019s generation, a specialist in fuuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu. During his rein as the most coveted medical nin of his time and perhaps all time, he became obsessed with discovering the true nature of the universe. He considered ninjutsu to be mankind\u2019s fundamental guide to achieving this goal. He developed ninjutsu theory to a fine degree. He was one of the first known S-class criminals due to his habit of experimenting on unfortunates, vagrants, and anyone who wouldn\u2019t be missed in the populace at large. As he passed his midlife he realized that he would not complete his goal in his allotted time. While he knew there were methods that could extend his life he knew they could not do so indefinitely. Even if he somehow became immortal, he could still be killed and so his accumulated knowledge would still pass from our world into the next. His solution was a unique one. Being a notorious womanizer, he\u2019d fathered many such children, 99 of them by some estimates. He decided that if he could store all information that he\u2019d ever learned and record everything he\u2019d bore witness to he could leave it to his children. Those children could pass on this knowledge. Every generation would retain a perfect copy of all knowledge of the previous generations. Eventually his descendants would know everything there was to know about the universe. He ruthlessly experimented on both himself and his children. He discovered a way to restructure the human eye. He was able to change to retina\u2019s composition to resemble the internal makeup of an frozen smoke. Using his own family kekkei genkai to generate \u5149\u9041, K\u014Dton chakra, he was able to combine the new structure of his eye and create a method of sealing unique only to himself. From his unique sealing abilities he developed a style of fighting similar to Ten Ten yet utilizing the incredible abilities of the senjingan coupled with various forms of ninjutsu. He also used his medical ninjutsu to develop a method of sealing the DNA molecule itself, allowing him to directly modify the genetic traits he passed to his children. The power of the senjingan became a bloodline that could be passed down through his children. Unfortunately for Batista, his cruelty did not engender good will amongst his children. After reaching adulthood, his eldest children gathered together and mutinied against their clan leader. Batista\u2019s fate is unknown to outsiders of the clan. Some say after he was killed his body was sealed inside the senjingan and still exists perfectly preserved somewhere in the clan today. Others say that instead of killing him his own children sealed him within an infinite and hellish genjutsu to torture him as they were cruelly used for all time."@en . . "The Batista clan was created and named in the image of their founder Batista Kittu. Batista Kittu was a medical nin prodigy, who grew to infamy during the founding of Kohoha. He was the original Orochimaru of the 1st\u2019s generation, a specialist in fuuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu. During his rein as the most coveted medical nin of his time and perhaps all time, he became obsessed with discovering the true nature of the universe. He considered ninjutsu to be mankind\u2019s fundamental guide to achieving this goal. He developed ninjutsu theory to a fine degree. He was one of the first known S-class criminals due to his habit of experimenting on unfortunates, vagrants, and anyone who wouldn\u2019t be missed in the populace at large. As he passed his midlife he realized that he would not complete his goal"@en . "Batista Clan"@en . "Light Release"@en . "Batista Clan"@en . . "Fan Fiction"@en . ""@en . "\u30D0\u30C1\u30B9\u30BF\u4E00\u65CF"@en . "No"@en . "Batista_Symbol.svg\u200E:200px"@en .