. "Adrenaline Injection"@en . "Shu-Shu/Skills"@en . "Movement up"@en . "Attack up"@en . . "Shu-Shu Skill 2"@en . "Shu-Shu Skill 1"@en . . . "Shu-Shu Skill 3"@en . "Inflicts damage equal to of Attack, Can Target allies and heal them for the same amount."@en . "When , Shu-Shu's Attack increases by ."@en . "Defense up"@en . "heal_and_attack"@en . "Medical Basics"@en . "Total Genes required to max this skill's level is ."@en . "With adrenaline surges, inflicts damage equal to of Attack on enemies, and heals allies by . Additionally increases the allies' Movement by for 1 turn."@en . . "Operates heart-piercing surgery to inflict damage equal to of Attack on enemies and heals allies by . Additionally increases the allies' Defense by for 2 turn with a chance."@en . . "Active Skill 1"@en . "Heart Attack"@en . "Passive Skill"@en . "Active Skill 3"@en . "Active Skill 2"@en . "Shu-Shu Skill 4"@en . "Spirit Booster"@en .