"Hand-to-Hand"@en . "ok. 2500"@pl . "One Inch Punch appears as a hand to hand Weapon Skill. When used, the ability will deal a single hitting attack that ignores the target\u2019s defense. The amount of defense ignored depends on the amount of TP the player currently has saved up when using the skill."@en . "Bezpo\u015Bredni"@pl . . . . "The one inch punch was created by Bruce Lee. The user takes their hand in a position similar to a handshake, then close their fist quickly to deliver a blow that can knock the target over. -- 21:58, 31 December 2008 (UTC)the victorious conqueror"@en . . . . "ok. 11918"@pl . . . . "One Inch Punch \u2013 dwudziesta pi\u0105ta Cudowna Bro\u0144 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na mapie Origins. Jest to bro\u0144 do walki wr\u0119cz stanowi\u0105ca pewne ulepszenie zwyk\u0142ego ataku no\u017Cem. Uderzenie t\u0105 broni\u0105 w zombie, powoduje odrzucenie go podobnie jak w przypadku odrzutu Thunderguna. Pozwala na zabicie nawet kilku zombie jednym uderzeniem do 19. rundy. Aby zdoby\u0107 t\u0119 bro\u0144, gracze musz\u0105 wype\u0142ni\u0107 4 skrzynki poprzez zabijanie zombie w ich pobli\u017Cu (oko\u0142o 30). Skrzynki te mo\u017Cemy znale\u017A\u0107: \n* w pobli\u017Cu Generatora 4, dok\u0142adnie za Juggernogiem; \n* w pobli\u017Cu MP40 przy wej\u015Bciu do Miejsca Wykopalisk; \n* w pobli\u017Cu Generatora 5, obok Stamin-Upa; \n* przed wej\u015Bciem do ko\u015Bcio\u0142a od strony Miejsca Wykopalisk; Warto te\u017C doda\u0107, \u017Ce ka\u017Cda z tych skrzy\u0144 znajduje si\u0119 w do\u0142ach, po kt\u00F3rych chodz\u0105 Roboty. Je\u017Celi jeden z nich ustanie w miejscu, gdzie znajduje si\u0119 niewype\u0142niona skrzynka, b\u0119dzie trzeba nape\u0142nia\u0107 j\u0105 od nowa. Gdy gracze wype\u0142ni\u0105 wszystkie skrzynie, b\u0119d\u0105 musieli odebra\u0107 One Inch Punch ze skrzyni Rytua\u0142\u00F3w Staro\u017Cytnych. Je\u017Celi gracz permamentnie zginie i odrodzi si\u0119 w nastepnej rundzie, niezale\u017Cnie czy posiada\u0142 run\u0119 nagrody One Inch Punch czy ju\u017C je otrzyma\u0142, straci je i nie b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci ich odzyskania Gracze mog\u0105 dodatkowo ulepszy\u0107 One Inch Punch. Aby tego dokona\u0107, podczas wykonywania Easter Egga Little Lost Girl nale\u017Cy przy pomocy atak\u00F3w wr\u0119cz uderzy\u0107 ok. 20 zombie, kt\u00F3rym \u015Bwiec\u0105 si\u0119 r\u0119ce. Zadanie to nale\u017Cy wykonywa\u0107 w pomieszczeniu z kosturami. Gdy zostanie ono uko\u0144czone pojawi si\u0119 ulepszenie One Inch Punch. Ulepszona wersja tej broni pozwala zabi\u0107 zombie jednym uderzeniem do 36. rundy i posiada efekt trzymanego w trakcie ulepszania kostura."@pl . . . "Shadow"@en . "VIT:100%"@en . . . "Atak wr\u0119cz"@pl . . . . . "true"@en . "Compression"@en . . . . . . "One Inch Punch"@pl . "Level: Underlord 9 Spell Resistance: No You are able to focus your strength into a single punch, stop within an inch of the enemy's face, and then release an entire overlord's might into them with the force of a Legendary demon martial artist. As a full attack action (That can be activated as a part of a charge), make a single attack against an enemy within reach. If this attack hits you deal normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Feats such as vital strike and feats that normally apply to critical hits can be applied to this attack roll. The enemy must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 19+ Constitution modifier or be knocked back a number of feet equal to the damage dealt. Falling damage is calculated normally and the enemy is knocked prone. Even if you make the saving throw you still take full damage."@en . . . . . . . "The one inch punch was created by Bruce Lee. The user takes their hand in a position similar to a handshake, then close their fist quickly to deliver a blow that can knock the target over. -- 21:58, 31 December 2008 (UTC)the victorious conqueror"@en . "None"@en . "One Inch Punch"@en . . . "Oryginalne postacie"@pl . "Level: Underlord 9 Spell Resistance: No You are able to focus your strength into a single punch, stop within an inch of the enemy's face, and then release an entire overlord's might into them with the force of a Legendary demon martial artist. As a full attack action (That can be activated as a part of a charge), make a single attack against an enemy within reach. If this attack hits you deal normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Feats such as vital strike and feats that normally apply to critical hits can be applied to this attack roll. The enemy must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 19+ Constitution modifier or be knocked back a number of feet equal to the damage dealt. Falling damage is calculated normally and the enemy is knocked prone. Even if you ma"@en . . "One inch punch"@en . . "One Inch Punch \u2013 dwudziesta pi\u0105ta Cudowna Bro\u0144 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na mapie Origins. Jest to bro\u0144 do walki wr\u0119cz stanowi\u0105ca pewne ulepszenie zwyk\u0142ego ataku no\u017Cem. Uderzenie t\u0105 broni\u0105 w zombie, powoduje odrzucenie go podobnie jak w przypadku odrzutu Thunderguna. Pozwala na zabicie nawet kilku zombie jednym uderzeniem do 19. rundy. Aby zdoby\u0107 t\u0119 bro\u0144, gracze musz\u0105 wype\u0142ni\u0107 4 skrzynki poprzez zabijanie zombie w ich pobli\u017Cu (oko\u0142o 30). Skrzynki te mo\u017Cemy znale\u017A\u0107:"@pl . "!BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"100\"|Job !BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"|Rating !BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"|Level |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Monk | align=\"center\" | A+ | align=\"center\" | 24 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Puppetmaster | align=\"center\" | A+ | align=\"center\" | 24 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Dancer | align=\"center\" | D | align=\"center\" | 28 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Warrior | align=\"center\" | D | align=\"center\" | 28 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Thief | align=\"center\" | E | align=\"center\" | 30 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Ninja | align=\"center\" | E | align=\"center\" | 30 |}"@en . "!BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"100\"|Job !BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"|Rating !BGCOLOR=\"#CCAAFF\" width=\"50\" align=\"center\"|Level |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Monk | align=\"center\" | A+ | align=\"center\" | 24 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Puppetmaster | align=\"center\" | A+ | align=\"center\" | 24 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Dancer | align=\"center\" | D | align=\"center\" | 28 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Warrior | align=\"center\" | D | align=\"center\" | 28 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Thief | align=\"center\" | E | align=\"center\" | 30 |- valign=\"top\" BGCOLOR=\"#EEEEFF\" | Ninja | align=\"center\" | E | align=\"center\" | 30 |}"@en . "Monks and Puppetmasters"@en . "1"^^ . "75"^^ . . . . . . . . "Delivers an attack that ignores target's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP."@en . "One Inch Punch appears as a hand to hand Weapon Skill. When used, the ability will deal a single hitting attack that ignores the target\u2019s defense. The amount of defense ignored depends on the amount of TP the player currently has saved up when using the skill."@en .