. . . "Description: The bonnet of the lady on the left is made of fancy rice-straw and blonde, trimmed on the right with small feathers, the inside ornamented with a ruche of blonde and small flowers; the dress is of taffetas, with from twenty to twenty-four flounces, all the same breadth, but gradually fuller; the body is very long-waisted, and fastened with a bow with long ends; the sleeves are pagodes, and trimmed with three or four rows of frills, the same as the dress; the chemisette and under-sleeves, of English point lace. The dress of the lady on the right is of plain tafetas d'Italie; the body is high, and trimmed with a revers, bordered with puffings of ribbon; the skirt has three flounces trimmed in the same manner; the Scarf Mantelet is the same as our pattern but with deep lace trimm"@en . . "Godey's Lady's Book: Scarf Mantelet, April 1855"@en . . "Description: The bonnet of the lady on the left is made of fancy rice-straw and blonde, trimmed on the right with small feathers, the inside ornamented with a ruche of blonde and small flowers; the dress is of taffetas, with from twenty to twenty-four flounces, all the same breadth, but gradually fuller; the body is very long-waisted, and fastened with a bow with long ends; the sleeves are pagodes, and trimmed with three or four rows of frills, the same as the dress; the chemisette and under-sleeves, of English point lace. The dress of the lady on the right is of plain tafetas d'Italie; the body is high, and trimmed with a revers, bordered with puffings of ribbon; the skirt has three flounces trimmed in the same manner; the Scarf Mantelet is the same as our pattern but with deep lace trimming. On the following page is given a proper working pattern of the newest Scarf Mantelet, the latest importation for the London Mantle and Shawl Company. It is very simple in making, and very elegant when made. We give the pattern of one-half, with the dimensions in inches for a person of average stature; of course, when the pattern is cut only to this measure, and fitted on, it may easily be made larger or smaller as necessary. The whole Mantelet is composed of five pieces, and may be made of any material, either muslin, satin or of the same material as the dress. The one from which the above engraving is taken was made of black moire antique, with ruches of black ribbon, and trimmed with deep black fringe. That given on the left hand figure of our Practical Dress Instructor is of the same shape, but trimmed with deep lace. The dotted line is to show where it is turned down. Image & Description courtesy of: Vintage Clothing Dreams"@en . . . . . . . .