"Land is the fourth full-length album by the Faroese Viking / folk metal band T\u00FDr. It is a tri-lingual album with singing in Faeroese, English, and Sinklars V\u00EDsa in Danish. It was released on May 30, 2008 through Napalm Records. The album is based on Nordic folklore. The final track is a new version of the song \"Hail To The Hammer\" which originally appeared on a demo in 2000, and again on How Far to Asgaard in 2002."@en . . . "Landeles"@en . . "Et land er i World of Warcraft et areal med en bestemt baggund bag sig og et specielt udseende, der er mindre end et kontinent, men st\u00F8rre end et omr\u00E5de. Kategori:Lande"@da . "A land (or ethel) is a stretch of Earth, often with its own rike and folk. There are, and have been, many lands at sunderly times. Today, there are over 250 lands."@en . . "Big cat"@en . . "Land units are the bulk of almost every army. Your ACU, engineers, and primary units are land units. Land units have the lowest cost, and lowest build time compared to the other unit types. Ground units are used in probably 90% of the maps in Forged Alliance or the original Supreme Commander. They work well in numbers and can mount some serious firepower. They are also the only units that can be loaded in transports. Some units have abilities like hover, amphibious, radar, and engineering suite. For a complete list of land units, please see the ."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Planet of the Spiders"@en . . "n1"@ia . "yes"@en . "Land (Pl. L\u00E4nder, veraltet: Lande; total veraltet: lant) steht f\u00FCr: \n* alles, was auf der Erde kein Wasser ist, herauszufinden durch den Nasse-Socken-Test, siehe dazu: Erdboden. \n* ein larifari-wischiwaschi Begriff f\u00FCr einen Staat oder eine Nation. \n* eine von anderen Gebieten abzugrenzende Region, welche spezifische Merkmale zeigt, wie beispielsweise sehr bl\u00FChende Landschaften, siehe dazu: Landschaft. \n* ein zur Unterscheidung von urbanen Gebieten gepr\u00E4gter Begriff, siehe dazu: L\u00E4ndlicher Raum. \n* ein besonders im Osten vorkommender Raum, welcher sich besonders durch hohe Besiedlungsm\u00F6glichkeit von arischen Landwirten eignet, siehe dazu: Lebensraum. \n* in sehr spitzfindigen Staatsgebilden f\u00FCr einen Teilstaat, siehe dazu: Bundesland. \n* ein Gebiet, dass man schnell verlassen m\u00F6chte, siehe dazu: Landflucht. \n* teilweise historischer Begriff f\u00FCr ein in Besitz befindliches St\u00FCck Boden, siehe dazu: Grundbesitz. \n* eine Person, welche so wichtig (Theodor Mommsen) oder so reich (Bill Gates) wie ein Staat ist."@de . . . . . . "Land represents the size of your borders and affects your population density which in turn affects your citizen's population happiness and your environment."@en . . "Et land er i World of Warcraft et areal med en bestemt baggund bag sig og et specielt udseende, der er mindre end et kontinent, men st\u00F8rre end et omr\u00E5de. Kategori:Lande"@da . . "In production, man needs to combine other factors (capital and labor) with the nonhuman elements provided by nature, called land."@en . . . . "180"^^ . . . "sg"@ia . . . "\"Land\" is a song by Duran Duran, released on the album Big Thing by Capitol-EMI on 18 October 1988."@en . . . . . . . "Land in Second Life is much the same as it is in the real world, reaching to all ends of the world. Land is also sometimes called \"ground\" or \"terrain\". Land can be edited (or \"terraformed\") in many ways: flattened, smoothed, raised, roughened, etc. No place in SL can be without land (or water)--even estates must have land (although it can be lowered very deeply beneath the water). However, estate owners can modify their land using RAW height maps (or \"heightfields\")."@en . "Landeles was born very tall for the malnutrition he would have been subject to, and dwarfed nearly all the Rammaentholki in his hometown, and most of the Laandanisians too. He is 180 centimeters tall, sinewy, tightly muscled, and tan of skin. His hair is platinum blond, and his eyes are bright blue. He gained scars on his arm fightning a white tiger. He has regenerative abilities, but they come into play with major or minor injuries. Meaning something like a burn, a slash, or even a gunshot would only heal as a normal person's wound. This is somewhat different in his sagehood, where it is very difficult for him to sustain damage, so he heals instantly. He weighs about 85 kilograms."@en . . . . . . . . "Carl Forgione"@en . . . "Land is the fourth full-length album by the Faroese Viking / folk metal band T\u00FDr. It is a tri-lingual album with singing in Faeroese, English, and Sinklars V\u00EDsa in Danish. It was released on May 30, 2008 through Napalm Records. The album is based on Nordic folklore. The final track is a new version of the song \"Hail To The Hammer\" which originally appeared on a demo in 2000, and again on How Far to Asgaard in 2002."@en . "Land is defined as the parts of the America's Planet not covered by water - the Dirt and what not. God created the land on the second day, roughly 6,000 years ago. He showed a lot of foresight in so doing, as land became the place where Adam and Eve would take up residence. Mankind has been living on land ever since, except for a few freaks and \"explorers\" like Richard Branson. Without land, and the divine grace of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, there would be nothing between you and the fiery pits of Hell (which, as everyone knows, lie within the molten core of the Earth). So be thankful."@en . "[[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Land]] < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Land]] land, lond (\u201C\u2018ground, soil, defined piece of land, country\u2019\u201D) < Proto-Germanic *landan < Proto-Indo-European *lend\u02B0- (\u201C\u2018land, heath\u2019\u201D). Cognate with West Frisian l\u00E2n, Dutch land, and German Land."@ia . "Land is defined as the parts of the America's Planet not covered by water - the Dirt and what not. God created the land on the second day, roughly 6,000 years ago. He showed a lot of foresight in so doing, as land became the place where Adam and Eve would take up residence. Mankind has been living on land ever since, except for a few freaks and \"explorers\" like Richard Branson. Without land, and the divine grace of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, there would be nothing between you and the fiery pits of Hell (which, as everyone knows, lie within the molten core of the Earth). So be thankful."@en . "ignored"@en . "Sage"@en . . . . "maroon"@en . "Land in Second Life is much the same as it is in the real world, reaching to all ends of the world. Land is also sometimes called \"ground\" or \"terrain\". Land can be edited (or \"terraformed\") in many ways: flattened, smoothed, raised, roughened, etc. No place in SL can be without land (or water)--even estates must have land (although it can be lowered very deeply beneath the water). However, estate owners can modify their land using RAW height maps (or \"heightfields\"). Holes (through the terrain), caves, tunnels, etc can not be done with SL's current land. Land in SL is not all hosted on one server, rather, each server may host four or five individual sims. The world is split into a grid-like pattern, with each square of the grid representing a sim, and each sim hosts that square of land. If a sim crashes it will result in the land for that square being absent. Land can be broken up into parcels (or the less commonly used term plots or property), which can then be owned by multiple residents. Only one resident or group can own a parcel of land at a time. Parcels can also be sold by other residents, allowing for a large \"land market\" that has developed. Parcels can be shown (as red outlines) via View > Property Lines (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P)."@en . "yes"@en . . . . "\"Land\" is a song by Duran Duran, released on the album Big Thing by Capitol-EMI on 18 October 1988."@en . "tiger"@en . . . . . "- Laand\n\n- Laand of Eles\n\n- Laandetheles\n\n- Southern Sage\n\n- God-From-the-Lightning\n\n- Landever\n\n- The Everman\n\n- Tailor Xha\n\n- King of Murusai's Bay\n\n- King of Eles"@en . . "- Humankind\n\n- Gods of Destruction"@en . . . "You need to have sufficient land in order to build homes. The amount of available land can be researched in the welfare building or gained through the use of Trait points on the trait management screen in the Welfare section."@en . . . "no"@en . "The Land field was shown briefly in Duelist Kingdom, used by Mako Tsunami for his opponents, to give them the \"courtesy\" to Summon monsters. It did not appear to power up specific types of monsters. WATER monsters could not occupy it. In the manga, the one section of Land was replaced by a whole side of Wasteland."@en . "Land is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. He is currently senior officer and card sharp in the crew Crimson Assurance and lord of the flag Spontaneous Combustion."@en . . "Land, sometimes referred to as dry land, is the solid surface of the Earth that is not permanently covered by water. The vast majority of human activity occurs in land areas that support agriculture, habitat, and various natural resources. Some life forms (including terrestrial plants and terrestrial animals) have developed from predecessor species that lived in bodies of water."@en . . . . "Faithless"@en . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "A land (or ethel) is a stretch of Earth, often with its own rike and folk. There are, and have been, many lands at sunderly times. Today, there are over 250 lands."@en . . . . . "Land"@en . . . . . "Land is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. He is currently senior officer and card sharp in the crew Crimson Assurance and lord of the flag Spontaneous Combustion."@en . . . . "Land"@da . . . . . . . . "CC: 21/9/4,241\n\nLaandan, Kingdom of Laandan, Tonik Taiga, Western Parthalenn"@en . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . . "Land"@en . . . . "white"@en . . . "Land (Pl. L\u00E4nder, veraltet: Lande; total veraltet: lant) steht f\u00FCr: \n* alles, was auf der Erde kein Wasser ist, herauszufinden durch den Nasse-Socken-Test, siehe dazu: Erdboden. \n* ein larifari-wischiwaschi Begriff f\u00FCr einen Staat oder eine Nation. \n* eine von anderen Gebieten abzugrenzende Region, welche spezifische Merkmale zeigt, wie beispielsweise sehr bl\u00FChende Landschaften, siehe dazu: Landschaft. \n* ein zur Unterscheidung von urbanen Gebieten gepr\u00E4gter Begriff, siehe dazu: L\u00E4ndlicher Raum. \n* ein besonders im Osten vorkommender Raum, welcher sich besonders durch hohe Besiedlungsm\u00F6glichkeit von arischen Landwirten eignet, siehe dazu: Lebensraum. \n* in sehr spitzfindigen Staatsgebilden f\u00FCr einen Teilstaat, siehe dazu: Bundesland. \n* ein Gebiet, dass man schnell verla"@de . . "Chains of Fate"@en . "Male"@en . "The Land field was shown briefly in Duelist Kingdom, used by Mako Tsunami for his opponents, to give them the \"courtesy\" to Summon monsters. It did not appear to power up specific types of monsters. WATER monsters could not occupy it. In the manga, the one section of Land was replaced by a whole side of Wasteland."@en . "Platinum Blond"@en . . . "Land represents the size of your borders and affects your population density which in turn affects your citizen's population happiness and your environment."@en . "You need to have sufficient land in order to build homes. The amount of available land can be researched in the welfare building or gained through the use of Trait points on the trait management screen in the Welfare section."@en . "Land is the most important type of terrain in Rise of Nations. Firstly, because Cities, which are the backbone of a nation's production and economy, along with most buildings that come thereafter, require open, unobstructed land to be built upon. Secondly, because every other terrain feature (except for Water of course) where the vast majority of Basic Resources are gathered, such as Mountains or Forests, can only be found on land, as well as all but two Rare Resources."@en . "Cuando ella ten\u00EDa 5 a\u00F1os, la madre de Seo Hee se fue con uno de sus agentes y ella se qued\u00F3 con su padre, el cual nunca hab\u00EDa sido amable con ella. Pero incluso esta crisis no la prepar\u00F3 para las dificultades que iba a sufrir despu\u00E9s de la muerte de su padre, cuando su pariente, Cho Joon Goo, se aprovech\u00F3 de su corta edad y obtuvo la posesi\u00F3n de los documentos legales que la hab\u00EDa marcado como propietaria. A lo largo de estos miserables a\u00F1os, su humilde amiga Gil Sang se convirti\u00F3 en su \u00FAnica fuente de consuelo y apoyo. Con su ayuda, Seo Hee escapa de ser obligadas a casarse con Cho Byun Soo, un hombre discapacitado elegido por Joon Goo, y huye de su ciudad natal. Poco a poco construye su fortuna como una comerciante, conducida por el deseo de vengarse de Joon Goo y el \u00FAltimo objetivo de recuperar su tierra."@es . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Land units are the bulk of almost every army. Your ACU, engineers, and primary units are land units. Land units have the lowest cost, and lowest build time compared to the other unit types. Ground units are used in probably 90% of the maps in Forged Alliance or the original Supreme Commander. They work well in numbers and can mount some serious firepower. They are also the only units that can be loaded in transports. Some units have abilities like hover, amphibious, radar, and engineering suite. For a complete list of land units, please see the ."@en . "Land is the most important type of terrain in Rise of Nations. Firstly, because Cities, which are the backbone of a nation's production and economy, along with most buildings that come thereafter, require open, unobstructed land to be built upon. Secondly, because every other terrain feature (except for Water of course) where the vast majority of Basic Resources are gathered, such as Mountains or Forests, can only be found on land, as well as all but two Rare Resources. Land comes in all sorts of varieties, from tundra to desert, depending on the Terrain Set. This variation however is purely cosmetic by nature and makes no difference in resource yields or any gameplay factor. Open land may also present irregular height throughout. Land open but unleveled is not an obstacle for constructing buildings, not even if the slopes seem too extreme; a chosen building site with irregular height will automatically level the irregularities on the terrain, and even if the building is cancelled or destroyed, the change in the land level will be permanent."@en . "Land, sometimes referred to as dry land, is the solid surface of the Earth that is not permanently covered by water. The vast majority of human activity occurs in land areas that support agriculture, habitat, and various natural resources. Some life forms (including terrestrial plants and terrestrial animals) have developed from predecessor species that lived in bodies of water. Areas where land meets large bodies of water are called coastal zones. The division between land and water is a fundamental concept to humans. The demarcation between land and water can vary by local jurisdiction and other factors. A maritime boundary is one example of a political demarcation. A variety of natural boundaries exist to help clearly define where water meets land. Solid rock landforms are easier to demarcate than marshy or swampy boundaries, where there is no clear point at which the land ends and a body of water has begun. Demarcation can further vary due to tides and weather."@en . . "Land"@de . "85"^^ . . "Immortal"@en . . . "- Eiharish Rebels\n\n- Zahal Tailors' Guild"@en . . "[[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Land]] < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Land]] land, lond (\u201C\u2018ground, soil, defined piece of land, country\u2019\u201D) < Proto-Germanic *landan < Proto-Indo-European *lend\u02B0- (\u201C\u2018land, heath\u2019\u201D). Cognate with West Frisian l\u00E2n, Dutch land, and German Land."@ia . "ind"@ia . "- Sedejedes \n\n- Bestesava \n\n- Meremeres \n\n- Remsed \n\n- Kalthea \n\n- Sous \n\n- Mesmer"@en . . . . . "Land"@en . . . . "Cuddles"@en . . . "Starfish"@en . . . "Land"@es . . . "Cuando ella ten\u00EDa 5 a\u00F1os, la madre de Seo Hee se fue con uno de sus agentes y ella se qued\u00F3 con su padre, el cual nunca hab\u00EDa sido amable con ella. Pero incluso esta crisis no la prepar\u00F3 para las dificultades que iba a sufrir despu\u00E9s de la muerte de su padre, cuando su pariente, Cho Joon Goo, se aprovech\u00F3 de su corta edad y obtuvo la posesi\u00F3n de los documentos legales que la hab\u00EDa marcado como propietaria. A lo largo de estos miserables a\u00F1os, su humilde amiga Gil Sang se convirti\u00F3 en su \u00FAnica fuente de consuelo y apoyo. Con su ayuda, Seo Hee escapa de ser obligadas a casarse con Cho Byun Soo, un hombre discapacitado elegido por Joon Goo, y huye de su ciudad natal. Poco a poco construye su fortuna como una comerciante, conducida por el deseo de vengarse de Joon Goo y el \u00FAltimo objetivo de r"@es . . "Land.jpeg"@en . "- Widower to several wives\n\n- Calthoss Sayerburn"@en . "ignored"@en . . . . . "Landeles was born very tall for the malnutrition he would have been subject to, and dwarfed nearly all the Rammaentholki in his hometown, and most of the Laandanisians too. He is 180 centimeters tall, sinewy, tightly muscled, and tan of skin. His hair is platinum blond, and his eyes are bright blue. He gained scars on his arm fightning a white tiger. He has regenerative abilities, but they come into play with major or minor injuries. Meaning something like a burn, a slash, or even a gunshot would only heal as a normal person's wound. This is somewhat different in his sagehood, where it is very difficult for him to sustain damage, so he heals instantly. He weighs about 85 kilograms."@en . "Blue"@en . . "In production, man needs to combine other factors (capital and labor) with the nonhuman elements provided by nature, called land."@en . . . . "Human"@en . . "- King of Murusai's Bay\n\n- Tailor\n\n- King of Eles"@en . . . . "Land"@ia . . "n1"@ia . "pres"@ia .