""@en . . "www.PantheismCapitalisticParty.com"@en . ""@en . ""@en . "Anthony Burton was influenced by his famous father, Martin Burton, the founder of Pantheism. The ideas of the unity of all things, religions all holding the truth, and that one should help his fellow man all influenced Anthony. After Martin's death in 2430 Anthony took control of the growing Church of Pantheism. He often felt frustrated by the anti-religious veiws of the Communist government that limited his attempts to convert people and advertise his religion. His boiling point was when his close Friend, Eric Vanquish was arrested for preaching at a public park. In August 2445 the Pantheism Theocracy party was founded. The party also established the Religious Alliance, an organization to promote religious governments. Despite not having any seats it sent its \"Support of Religions Bill\" to the assembly. It was supported by the Nationalist Party, the Left Libertarian Party, and the Enblem Party. The Communist Party and the Replicant Liberal party opposed the bill. The Biological Reform party had vocal opposition to this bill but did not vote on the matter. After this bill the Pantheism Theocracy Party attempted to bass several bills expanding the National governments power while giiving more religious freedoms. In December 2447 the party 4.28% of the popular vote. Anthony Burton was disapointed over the results that he expected to be much higher. Many of his church members were unsure if he was following his father's creed correctly, and others thought he was watering down his teachings to get elected. The party responded with four bills that were voted upon from August 2448 to December 2449. These bills were ment to revitilize Aldegar's laggin economy. Not all of these bills passed, but surprisingly several of these bills recieved the support of the Communist party, despite the fact it moved the economy from being centrally planned to a mixed one. These bills ultimately failed to increase the parties popularity and it only recieved 5.21% of the popular vote in the October 3450 elections. It seemed that the Pantheism Party would be stuck in a supporting role to the Nationalist party. This election featured the emergence of the Royalist Watch, which advocated the return of a Monarchy to Aldegar. This party would soon lead Aldegar to the brink of Civil war. The Pantheism Theocracy Party pushed through several acts buffering the Aldegarian military and giving greater gun freedom to the citizens. The Pantheism Theocracy Party continued its support of the military and conservative values. In an event that sent the government rocking the Nationalist-Militarist Party ( the new name for the Nationalist Party) disbanded. The Nationalist-Militarist party had held the largest share of seats and the Presidency. The three right-wing parties, the Pantheism Theocracy Party, the Monarchist Watch, and the Social Republicans Conference, all gained many seats in the April 2454 elections. The Pantheism Theocracy Party captured the Presidency and over 11% of the popular vote. After the Elections the Royalist Watch party disbanded. However, the Libertarian party formed. The emergence of this Center-Right party would reshape the Aldegarian political scene for decades."@en . ""@en . ""@en . ""@en . . "Pantheism Capitalistic Party"@en . ""@en . . . ""@en . . "Anthony Burton was influenced by his famous father, Martin Burton, the founder of Pantheism. The ideas of the unity of all things, religions all holding the truth, and that one should help his fellow man all influenced Anthony. After Martin's death in 2430 Anthony took control of the growing Church of Pantheism. He often felt frustrated by the anti-religious veiws of the Communist government that limited his attempts to convert people and advertise his religion. His boiling point was when his close Friend, Eric Vanquish was arrested for preaching at a public park."@en . ""@en . ""@en . ""@en . ","@en .