. . . . "Voormas, the Grand Harvester of Souls, is a corrupt Euthanatos mage who has fallen to Jhor. Most Euthanatoi consider him barabbi, although he technically has the opposite goal of most Nephandi: he desires to eliminate the concept of death, both his own personal death and the eventual Telos of the Tellurian. He ran (and still runs) the Consanguinity of Eternal Joy."@en . "Voormas"@en . "Voormas, the Grand Harvester of Souls, is a corrupt Euthanatos mage who has fallen to Jhor. Most Euthanatoi consider him barabbi, although he technically has the opposite goal of most Nephandi: he desires to eliminate the concept of death, both his own personal death and the eventual Telos of the Tellurian. He ran (and still runs) the Consanguinity of Eternal Joy."@en . .