. . "Master of Cheese"@el . "Elling Trias"@fr . "Humano\u00EFde"@fr . "Male"@el . . . "Giving the impression of being a mere cheese vendor, Elling Trias is a man with more to him than it appears at first glance. He has a wide net of contacts, stretching from SI:7 to agents as far off as Hearthglen. He may be related to David Trias of Deathknell who also happens to be a rogue trainer and Lucian Trias a Cheese vendor in Dalaran. According to the random fishing drop from the Dalaran fountain, : \"Being a rogue is hard work. Someday I hope to pursue my life's one true passion...\" See List of Stormwind NPCs."@en . "Elling Trias is the owner of the shop Trias Cheese which is located in the Trade District within Stormwind City. He runs his shop with Elaine and Ben Trias, presumably his wife and son. Giving the impression of being a mere cheese vendor, Elling Trias is a man with more to him than it appears at first glance. He has a wide net of contacts, stretching from SI:7 to agents as far off as Hearthglen. He may be related to David Trias of Deathknell who also happens to be a rogue trainer. See List of Stormwind NPCs."@el . . . . "Vendeur, membre du SI:7"@fr . "Giving the impression of being a mere cheese vendor, Elling Trias is a man with more to him than it appears at first glance. He has a wide net of contacts, stretching from SI:7 to agents as far off as Hearthglen. He may be related to David Trias of Deathknell who also happens to be a rogue trainer and Lucian Trias a Cheese vendor in Dalaran. According to the random fishing drop from the Dalaran fountain, : \"Being a rogue is hard work. Someday I hope to pursue my life's one true passion...\" See List of Stormwind NPCs."@en . "Elling Trias.jpg"@el . "Elaine Trias et Ben Trias"@fr . "Elling Trias"@el . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Human"@en . . . "Humanoid"@en . "Quartier commer\u00E7ant, Hurlevent"@fr . . . . . . "Elling Trias"@en . "30"^^ . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "Elling Trias"@el . "30"^^ . . "Volk Mensch Volk Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Allianz Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Sturmwind Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Elling Trias ist der K\u00E4semeister im Handelsdistrikt von Sturmwind. Er leitet seinem K\u00E4seladen, Trias' K\u00E4se, mit seiner Frau Elaine Trias und seinem Sohn Ben Trias. \n* Siehe auch Trias Familie"@de . "Master of Cheese"@en . . . . . . . . "2005"^^ . . . . "Alliance"@fr . . "Vivant"@fr . . . "Human"@el . . "Ma\u00EEtre du fromage"@fr . "Elling Trias"@en . . "Elling Trias is the owner of the shop Trias Cheese which is located in the Trade District within Stormwind City. He runs his shop with Elaine and Ben Trias, presumably his wife and son. Giving the impression of being a mere cheese vendor, Elling Trias is a man with more to him than it appears at first glance. He has a wide net of contacts, stretching from SI:7 to agents as far off as Hearthglen. He may be related to David Trias of Deathknell who also happens to be a rogue trainer. According to the random fishing drop from the Dalaran fountain, [Elling Trias' Copper Coin]: \"Being a rogue is hard work. Someday I hope to pursue my life's one true passion...\" See List of Stormwind NPCs."@el . "482"^^ . "Humanoid"@el . "Alliance"@el . "Elling Trias"@de . . . . . . . . "Volk Mensch Volk Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Allianz Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Sturmwind Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Elling Trias ist der K\u00E4semeister im Handelsdistrikt von Sturmwind. Er leitet seinem K\u00E4seladen, Trias' K\u00E4se, mit seiner Frau Elaine Trias und seinem Sohn Ben Trias. Man spekuliert, dass Elling wahrscheinlich noch ein energisches Mitglied des Geheimdienstes von Sturmwind und ein ehemaliger F\u00FChrer des SI:7 ist. Somit k\u00F6nnte er Mathias Shaws Vorgesetzter sein, auch wenn er nur noch Auftr\u00E4ge erteilt und niedere Mitglieder beaufsichtigt. Er k\u00FCmmerte sich in der Vergangenheit um die Ermittlung zum streng geheimen Fall des vermissten Diplomaten und um die Bedrohung durch Lescovar sowie um dessen Beteiligung an den Pl\u00E4nen gegen die Stadt. \n* Siehe auch Trias Familie"@de . "Stormwind"@el . . . . . "Trias' K\u00E4se"@de . . . . "Alliance"@en . . . "K\u00E4semeister"@de . "Elling Trias est un ma\u00EEtre fromager et le propri\u00E9taire du magasin \"Aux fromages de Trias\", qu'il tient avec Ben Trias et Elaine Trias, sans doute son fils et sa femme. M\u00EAme s'il donne l'impression d'\u00EAtre un honn\u00EAte vendeur de fromage, Elling Trias est en fait un membre important du SI:7. Elling est aussi pr\u00E9sent dans le quartier g\u00E9n\u00E9ral des sans-couronnes, dans les \u00E9gouts de Dalaran."@fr . "Stormwind City"@en . . "Stormwind, SI:7"@en . "Elling Trias est un ma\u00EEtre fromager et le propri\u00E9taire du magasin \"Aux fromages de Trias\", qu'il tient avec Ben Trias et Elaine Trias, sans doute son fils et sa femme. M\u00EAme s'il donne l'impression d'\u00EAtre un honn\u00EAte vendeur de fromage, Elling Trias est en fait un membre important du SI:7. Elling est aussi pr\u00E9sent dans le quartier g\u00E9n\u00E9ral des sans-couronnes, dans les \u00E9gouts de Dalaran. Il est peut-\u00EAtre de la m\u00EAme famille que le r\u00E9prouv\u00E9 David Trias, un ma\u00EEtre des voleurs et Lucian Trias un vendeur de fromage situ\u00E9 \u00E0 Dalaran. Cat\u00E9gorie:Humain Cat\u00E9gorie:Humano\u00EFde Cat\u00E9gorie:Hurlevent Cat\u00E9gorie:Alliance Cat\u00E9gorie:SI:7"@fr . . . "Elling Trias"@de . . . . . . "Elling Trias"@fr . . "M\u00E2le"@fr . .