. . "Achieve eternal life."@en . . . . "Xande (\u30B6\u30F3\u30C7, Zande) is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy III. He is a powerful wizard and student of the Great Magus Noah. When his master gives him the gift of mortality, the thought of dying sends Xande over the edge. Before the DS remake, his name was originally fan translated as Zande. Although he is mentioned several times in the course of the game, he appears in person only once, when the Warriors of Light battle him."@en . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . "boss"@en . . . "\u30B6\u30F3\u30C7"@en . . . . "Xande"@de . "Master Xande"@en . . . "Xande"@en . . . "Xande has white hair and dark blue skin with bright yellow eyes. He appears with great muscle mass shown by his exposed upper body, he wears a white cape (blue in the NES version), orange pants, an orange and blue sash wrapped around his waist with what appears to be a cat-shaped buckle at the top-center of it, and brown boots."@en . . "Xande est l'antagoniste principal du jeu Final Fantasy III. Il est l'un des trois apprentis de Noah et h\u00E9rita de la mortalit\u00E9 \u00E0 la mort de ce dernier."@fr . . . . "Xande is the main villain of Final Fantasy III. He is a sorcerer who seeks eternal life."@en . "Sorcerer"@en . . "right|200px Xande ist ein Antagonist aus Final Fantasy III. Aus Furcht vor seinem Tod lie\u00DF er die Zeit gefrieren und verursachte ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit. Dieses ist ma\u00DFgeblich f\u00FCr die Geschehnisse w\u00E4hrend der Spielhandlung verantwortlich."@de . "Zande"@en . . . . . . . . . "Zande"@en . . "Xande"@it . "Living young and strong forever."@en . . . . . "Xande is the main villain of Final Fantasy III. He is a sorcerer who seeks eternal life."@en . "Xande (\u30B6\u30F3\u30C7, Zande) is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy III. He is a powerful wizard and student of the Great Magus Noah. When his master gives him the gift of mortality, the thought of dying sends Xande over the edge. Before the DS remake, his name was originally fan translated as Zande. Although he is mentioned several times in the course of the game, he appears in person only once, when the Warriors of Light battle him."@en . . . . . . . "Magic spells"@en . "Xande \u00E8 uno dei principali antagonisti del gioco Final Fantasy III. Prima del rifacimento del gioco per Nintendo DS, il suo nome \u00E8 stato tradotto dai traduttori amatoriali in Zande. Xande \u00E8 un potentissimo stregone, discepolo del grande Noah, che in tempi antichi maledisse il suo maestro quando questi gli fece il dono della mortalit\u00E0, rendendolo timoroso della morte. Durante la storia, il suo nome \u00E8 menzionato da numerosi malvagi minori, ma non compare di persona fino alle fasi finali del gioco."@it . . . . "Magician, Immortality Seeker, Anti Villain"@en . . . . . "Xande \u00E8 uno dei principali antagonisti del gioco Final Fantasy III. Prima del rifacimento del gioco per Nintendo DS, il suo nome \u00E8 stato tradotto dai traduttori amatoriali in Zande. Xande \u00E8 un potentissimo stregone, discepolo del grande Noah, che in tempi antichi maledisse il suo maestro quando questi gli fece il dono della mortalit\u00E0, rendendolo timoroso della morte. Durante la storia, il suo nome \u00E8 menzionato da numerosi malvagi minori, ma non compare di persona fino alle fasi finali del gioco."@it . . . "Resenting the thoughts of dying."@en . "true"@en . "300"^^ . . . "right|200px Xande ist ein Antagonist aus Final Fantasy III. Aus Furcht vor seinem Tod lie\u00DF er die Zeit gefrieren und verursachte ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit. Dieses ist ma\u00DFgeblich f\u00FCr die Geschehnisse w\u00E4hrend der Spielhandlung verantwortlich."@de . "Final Fantasy III"@en . . "Xande has white hair and dark blue skin with bright yellow eyes. He appears with great muscle mass shown by his exposed upper body, he wears a white cape (blue in the NES version), orange pants, an orange and blue sash wrapped around his waist with what appears to be a cat-shaped buckle at the top-center of it, and brown boots."@en . . "Xande"@en . . . "Xande"@en . . "Xande est l'antagoniste principal du jeu Final Fantasy III. Il est l'un des trois apprentis de Noah et h\u00E9rita de la mortalit\u00E9 \u00E0 la mort de ce dernier."@fr . . . . . . "Wizard"@en . . . . . "Xande"@en . . . . "FFIII"@en . . "Xande"@fr . .