. "Xenu (died April 11, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . "La storia di Xenu \u00E8 tramandata da generazione in generazione fin dal 1986, anno in cui mor\u00EC l'Uomo Bicentenario. Pare che fosse nato ai confini dell'Universo, in una clinica di serie C alle porte di Busto Arsizio per mano del famoso Dr. Green, divenuto famoso poi nella sua serie personale E.R.. Cresciuto nella scuola dei Salesiani ha intrapreso subito la carriera politica, prima come militante nei Giovani di Forza Italia e poi, staccatosi per divergenze ideologiche, ha intrapreso la Carriera Politica in Lega Nord, riuscendo a diventare Governatore della Galassia. Per ottenere ancora pi\u00F9 potere, dopo aver sabotato tutti i Mc Drive dell'Universo, decise di rapire diverse popolazioni aliene dai loro pianeti d'origine e portarli sulla terra a bordo della Papamobile, per legarli poi nei pressi dei vulcani pi\u00F9 attivi e bombardarli con ordigni nucleari all'idrogeno, ottenuti mediante fusione a freddo delle scorreggie di Giuliano Ferrara dopo una cena al Messicano. Scoppi\u00F2 tuttavia la rivoluzione e Xenu venne preso e incarcerato, dove sta tutt'ora, nel carcere di massima sicurezza di Badu 'e Carros, tenuto all'interno di esso da una cupola magnetica generata da una batteria eterna, le Energizer. Da dietro le sbarre tuttavia continua imperterrito il suo lavoro da tiranno mandando pizzini sotto forma di ideologie maldestre, come il maldestrismo appunto..."@it . . "Xenu is the $cientologist version of Satan. Only instead of living at the center of the Earth, Xenu lives somewhere in outer space, where he works part time as a Ming the Merciless impersonator. Recently, Xenu is fighting against Colbert over the naming of the NASA new space module. To that end, Xenu has sent his messenger Pedobear to rally Anonymous to vote \"Xenu\" on NASA's tube. Got beat like a red headed step child"@en . . . . . "Alien overlord"@en . "In Scientology Grand Imperial Warlord Xenu or Xemu was the 'evil' ruler of this part of the galaxy 75 million years ago. To cure overpopulation he drugged and paralyzed billions of people after first summoning them for tax inspections, and froze them in ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Then he flew the paralysed people to the planet \"Teegeeack\" which was then the name for Earth in interstellar rocket planes, which looked like DC8s. He stacked them round volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs lowered into the volcanoes. In Scientology, people have souls called thetans, and Xenu didn\u2019t want the thetans to reincarnate, so he forced them to watch confusing films with horrible lies. The poor thetans were told they were God, the Devil and Christ. They were all these things together. And they were confused so they believed it. Then the souls left the cinema and started clumping together. And today these souls are clumped round you and me and everyone else. And we can\u2019t get rid of them unless we pay the Scientologists thousands and thousands of pounds, dollars, or euros. The Free Zone gives a way out of the expense but freezine \"Therapy\" is similar to Scientology practise. Unfortunately for the 'Evil' Lord Xenu, Ron Hubbard made a wonderful discovery: once you have signed over your life savings to the Church of Scientology and gone through thousands of hours of \" auditing\" sessions with an E-Meter, you can be \"clear\" of all the \"engrams\" affecting your subconscious (reactive mind). There are many of these \"engrams\" stored in each person's brain and auditing just keeps on uncovering more of them going all the way back through all your past lives to the time of the 'Evil' Lord Xenu. This is just the first step. Having been freed from the reactive mind, the \"clear\" can then go on to become an Operating Thetan, with immense powers to control space, matter, and time. To become an Operating Thetan, of course, means giving more money to the Church of Scientology and going through several more levels of training. Only during the OTIII (Operating Thetan III) training is a person deemed fit to be told of the above story about Xenu, ethylene glycol, and the volcanoes. OTIII is a very dangerous process and the information revealed in it is deadly to somebody not prepared to handle it. Anyone who has read the above without first going through all the levels is at grave risk of death or pneumonia. Oops, you already read it, didn't you? If you believe all that, Scientology has a \"bridge\" to sell you, and it ain't cheap. If Scientology weren\u2019t causing so much harm that would be funny."@en . "\"Trapped in the Closet\""@en . . . . . . "In Scientology Grand Imperial Warlord Xenu or Xemu was the 'evil' ruler of this part of the galaxy 75 million years ago. To cure overpopulation he drugged and paralyzed billions of people after first summoning them for tax inspections, and froze them in ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Then he flew the paralysed people to the planet \"Teegeeack\" which was then the name for Earth in interstellar rocket planes, which looked like DC8s. He stacked them round volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs lowered into the volcanoes. If Scientology weren\u2019t causing so much harm that would be funny."@en . . . "1"^^ . . "Xenu (or Xemu as hand-written in a Class VIII issue) is the chief character in an LRH story line, who, just under 75 million years ago, solved overpopulation via various methods (perhaps genocidal). It is easy enough to find the details online. This is part of the theory of OT III. It is not being given in detail here because many Scientologists believe LRH's statement that it is dangerous to reveal the details to those whose cases are not set up for it, and although others do not believe this, there is no need to get into a fight over it."@en . . . . "La storia di Xenu \u00E8 tramandata da generazione in generazione fin dal 1986, anno in cui mor\u00EC l'Uomo Bicentenario. Pare che fosse nato ai confini dell'Universo, in una clinica di serie C alle porte di Busto Arsizio per mano del famoso Dr. Green, divenuto famoso poi nella sua serie personale E.R.. Cresciuto nella scuola dei Salesiani ha intrapreso subito la carriera politica, prima come militante nei Giovani di Forza Italia e poi, staccatosi per divergenze ideologiche, ha intrapreso la Carriera Politica in Lega Nord, riuscendo a diventare Governatore della Galassia. Per ottenere ancora pi\u00F9 potere, dopo aver sabotato tutti i Mc Drive dell'Universo, decise di rapire diverse popolazioni aliene dai loro pianeti d'origine e portarli sulla terra a bordo della Papamobile, per legarli poi nei pressi "@it . "Scientology"@en . . "Xenu"@en . . . . . "Mientras gobernaba, Xenu tuvo un problema. Todos los 76 planetas que \u00E9l controlaba estaban sobrepoblados. Cada planeta tenia un promedio de 178 billones de habitantes. Queriendo resolver el problema de la superpoblaci\u00F3n y se le ocurri\u00F3 un ingenioso plan. Xenu asumi\u00F3 la direcci\u00F3n y el control completo con la ayuda de traidores para derrotar a la gente buena y a los Funcionarios Leales. Entonces con la ayuda de psiquiatras \u00E9l llam\u00F3 a los billones de personas para inspecciones de ingresos e impuestos pero en lugar de eso recibieron inyecciones de alcohol y de glicol mezclados para paralizarlos. Entonces los pusieron en aviones espaciales que eran exactamente como los DC8s (excepto que estos tenian motores Jet en vez de h\u00E9lices). Trajo a miles de millones de su gente a la Tierra (llamada Teegeeack), los desembarc\u00F3 alrededor de volcanes y los aniquil\u00F3 con bombas de hidr\u00F3geno detonadas al mismo tiempo. Sus almas se juntaron en grupos (racimos o clusters) y se pegaron a los cuerpos de los vivos, y a\u00FAn siguen creando caos y estragos. Categor\u00EDa: Seres inventados Todos tenian un alma (llamada \"thetan\" en esta historia) y entonces Xenu tuvo la tarea de burlar a las almas para que no volvieran nuevamente. Entonces mientras los centenares de billones de almas estaban siendo sopladas alrededor por los vientos nucleares \u00E9l coloco trampas electr\u00F3nicas especiales que atraparon todas las almas en rayos electr\u00F3nicos (Estos rayos electr\u00F3nicos eran viscosos como el papel matamoscas). Despu\u00E9s que captur\u00F3 todas estas almas, las empaqueto en cajas y las llevo a unos cines enormes. All\u00ED todos los almas estuvieron d\u00EDas y d\u00EDas viendo pel\u00EDculas especiales en 3D que les contaban como deber\u00EDa ser la vida y muchas cosas confusas. En esta pel\u00EDcula se les mostraron historias falsas que les dec\u00EDan que ellos eran Dios, el Diablo y Cristo. En la historia este proceso se llama \"implante\". Cuando las pel\u00EDculas terminaron y los almas dejaron el cine estas almas comenzaron a juntarse porque todos ellos hab\u00EDan visto la misma pel\u00EDcula y ellos pensaron que eran la misma persona. Ellos se juntaron en grupos de unos mil. Ahora debido a que hab\u00EDa unos pocos cuerpos vivos ellos permanecieron como racimos y habitaron estos cuerpos. En lo que concierne a Xenu, los funcionarios leales finalmente lo derrocaron y lo encerraron lejos, en una monta\u00F1a, sobre uno de los planetas. Essta guardado por un campo de fuerza - el campo esta energizado por una pila eterna y Xenu esta todav\u00EDa vivo hoy en d\u00EDa Los cienci\u00F3logos lo conocen como \"El Incidente II\", y las memorias traum\u00E1ticas se asocian a \u00E9stos como la \"Pared de Fuego\" o \"La implantaci\u00F3n de R6\". La historia de Xenu es una peque\u00F1a parte de la gran gama de creencias de la Cienciolog\u00EDa sobre civilizaciones extraterrestres y sus intervenciones en acontecimientos terrenales, en conjunto descritos como una obra de ciencia ficci\u00F3n sobre los viajes en el espacio por L. Ron Hubbard, escritor de ciencia ficci\u00F3n y fundador de la Cienciolog\u00EDa. Hubbard revel\u00F3 detalladamente esta historia a los integrantes del nivel \"OT III\" en 1967. En la historia de Xenu se dio la introducci\u00F3n del empleo del volc\u00E1n como un s\u00EDmbolo com\u00FAn de la Cienciolog\u00EDa y Dianetica, que persiste hasta nuestros d\u00EDas."@es . . "Xenu is a supposed extra-terrestrial supervillain and evil genius who is highly associated with the Scientology movement (although some followers deny his existence or try to alter the original story - claiming it's misrepresented). Although it could be argued that Xenu is a Satan substitute this is not entirely true as Scientology does not believe in Heaven or Hell, however in most tellings of the tale, Xenu is depicted as a being of near two-dimensional wickedness (in other words evil personified). Due to the fantastical nature of the stories surrounding Xenu, he is also a favored villain for those who wish to parody the Scientology movement, perhaps the most famous example of this was when Xenu appeared in South Park - though this is far from the only time Xenu has been depicted in fiction. According to the original story, Xenu was a ruthless tyrant who 75 million years ago gathered billions of his own people aboard a space-craft and sent them to Earth, stacking them around volcanoes before destroying them all with hydrogen bombs - according to some the tormented spirits of these long dead beings are the reason humanity experiences its many woes and by default made Xenu responsible for much of what was wrong with the world. This creation story is not universally accepted amongst Scientologists and many in the movement go to great lengths to try and suppress information about Xenu and the supposed events - however despite this it was perhaps inevitable that due to internet, copies of Hubbard's notes and court records that much of the Xenu story has managed to be leaked to the public."@en . "Mientras gobernaba, Xenu tuvo un problema. Todos los 76 planetas que \u00E9l controlaba estaban sobrepoblados. Cada planeta tenia un promedio de 178 billones de habitantes. Queriendo resolver el problema de la superpoblaci\u00F3n y se le ocurri\u00F3 un ingenioso plan. Cuando las pel\u00EDculas terminaron y los almas dejaron el cine estas almas comenzaron a juntarse porque todos ellos hab\u00EDan visto la misma pel\u00EDcula y ellos pensaron que eran la misma persona. Ellos se juntaron en grupos de unos mil. Ahora debido a que hab\u00EDa unos pocos cuerpos vivos ellos permanecieron como racimos y habitaron estos cuerpos."@es . . . . . "Grand Imperial Warlord Xenu or Xemu was the 'evil' ruler of this part of the galaxy 75 million years ago. To cure overpopulation he drugged and paralyzed billions of people after first summoning them for tax inspections, and froze them in ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Then he flew the paralysed people to the planet \"Teegeeack\" which was then the name for Earth in interstellar rocket planes, which looked like DC8s. He stacked them round volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs lowered into the volcanoes."@en . "Xenu"@it . "\"Master Chief vs Scientology\""@en . . . "Talkany Martian"@en . . "Xenu is the $cientologist version of Satan. Only instead of living at the center of the Earth, Xenu lives somewhere in outer space, where he works part time as a Ming the Merciless impersonator. Recently, Xenu is fighting against Colbert over the naming of the NASA new space module. To that end, Xenu has sent his messenger Pedobear to rally Anonymous to vote \"Xenu\" on NASA's tube. Got beat like a red headed step child"@en . . . . "Stabbed by L. Ron Hubbard"@en . . "Xenu (died April 11, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . . . . "Xenu"@es . . . . "Xenu"@en . "Xenu (or Xemu as hand-written in a Class VIII issue) is the chief character in an LRH story line, who, just under 75 million years ago, solved overpopulation via various methods (perhaps genocidal). It is easy enough to find the details online. This is part of the theory of OT III. It is not being given in detail here because many Scientologists believe LRH's statement that it is dangerous to reveal the details to those whose cases are not set up for it, and although others do not believe this, there is no need to get into a fight over it. A CofS staff member who has not reached the level of OT III is unlikely to have heard the name. One who has reached that level will have difficulty in talking about it because he has signed a piece of paper saying he will pay a large sum of money if he discloses the contents of this level to anyone not authorized, and the fact that the information is easily available on the Internet does not negate his \"agreement\". A churchie would likely feel similarly constrained. It is just not done in the church to talk about Xenu or any details of the OT levels in general conversation. Some Scientologist may flinch at the inclusion of this word in Scienowiki. Well, it is part of the subject, and is not exactly secret any more. Even if one believes every word Hubbard wrote about OT III, the name itself does not have any inherent power of making anyone ill."@en . "\"Master Chief vs Scientology\""@en . . "Hace 75 millones de a\u00F1os"@es . . "Xenu"@es . "\"Master Chief vs Scientology\""@en . "Xenu is a supposed extra-terrestrial supervillain and evil genius who is highly associated with the Scientology movement (although some followers deny his existence or try to alter the original story - claiming it's misrepresented). Although it could be argued that Xenu is a Satan substitute this is not entirely true as Scientology does not believe in Heaven or Hell, however in most tellings of the tale, Xenu is depicted as a being of near two-dimensional wickedness (in other words evil personified)."@en . . . "Personaje de ficci\u00F3n"@es . "Male"@en . "Xenu is the alien character of Scientology. He is featured in the Season Nine episode, \"Trapped in the Closet\"."@en . "Xenu is the alien character of Scientology. He is featured in the Season Nine episode, \"Trapped in the Closet\"."@en . . . . . "Xenu"@en . . "Dictador intergal\u00E1ctico"@es . . . "Grand Imperial Warlord Xenu or Xemu was the 'evil' ruler of this part of the galaxy 75 million years ago. To cure overpopulation he drugged and paralyzed billions of people after first summoning them for tax inspections, and froze them in ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Then he flew the paralysed people to the planet \"Teegeeack\" which was then the name for Earth in interstellar rocket planes, which looked like DC8s. He stacked them round volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs lowered into the volcanoes. In Scientology, people have souls called thetans, and Xenu didn\u2019t want the thetans to reincarnate, so he forced them to watch confusing films with horrible lies. The poor thetans were told they were God, the Devil and Jesus Christ. They were all these things together. And they were confused so they believed it. Then the souls left the cinema and started clumping together. And today these souls are clumped round you and me and everyone else. And we can\u2019t get rid of them unless we pay the Scientologists thousands and thousands of pounds, dollars, or euros. The Free Zone (Scientology)|Free Zone gives a way out of the expense but freezine \"Therapy\" is similar to Scientology practise. Unfortunately for the 'Evil' Lord Xenu, Ron Hubbard made a wonderful discovery: once you have signed over your life savings to the Church of Scientology and gone through thousands of hours of \"auditing\" sessions with an E-Meter, you can be \"clear\" of all the \"engrams\" affecting your subconscious (reactive mind). There are many of these \"engrams\" stored in each person's brain and auditing just keeps on uncovering more of them going all the way back through all your past lives to the time of the 'Evil' Lord Xenu. This is just the first step. Having been freed from the reactive mind, the \"clear\" can then go on to become an Operating Thetan, with immense powers to control space, matter, and time. To become an Operating Thetan, of course, means giving more money to the Church of Scientology and going through several more levels of training. Only during the OTIII (Operating Thetan III) training is a person deemed fit to be told of the above story about Xenu, ethylene glycol, and the volcanoes. OTIII is a very dangerous process and the information revealed in it is deadly to somebody not prepared to handle it. Anyone who has read the above without first going through all the levels is at grave risk of death or pneumonia. Oops, you already read it, didn't you? If you believe all that, Scientology has a \"bridge\" to sell you, and it ain't cheap."@en . . .